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Nirdors Application. [Accepted]

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:49 pm
by Nirdor
Yo Ho Ho Folkens.


My name is Nirdor, I guess I'm a freelancer, hehe. I weight little bit more then the average man, same as a horse I think? And I need to bow everytime I go in and out from normal pubs, Blood and Ash.

I wanted to join the Red Rose because you are older then me and I'm sure you got your basement full of good stuff, meat and beer... and meat and beer and.. and.. beer..
And you got a football team, I love football, really funny, just I'm sometimes to drunk to play, dosn't happends so many times, I promise.

Ehm... well where shall I begin, I can't tell you all I know, because I don't know myself, been in too many fights with Ogres and Trolls. I Just can't fully remember what happend for some years back. Well well... I'll try..

I think I came from a hidden village, deep inside Hrodmirs big mountains. Hrodmir is huge, and there are many valleys and plains still not explored yet. I lived in the north-vest in a little town there. I can tell you more about that later.

<drinks from his mead-horn>

Aaah.. Damned, you have to taste this some time.
Ok, yeah, after leaving my hometown in Hrodmir, me and others went over to Svargrond for more safer places to live, but I found much trouble there and needed to flee to Carlin, because of a big fight in a tavern.
Oh.. one more...

<fills the horn with mead again, and drinks>

Good, good... Yeah, and in Carlin, does damned female herdsmans, I just wanted to say simple "Hello mistress", but had to run. Hm.. Those carlin inhabitants, specially the females.. Blood and Ash. They went all crazy... <hicks>
So I had to run again, damn women.. I'll never understand them.

<drinks again>

And so, I decided to pay Thais a visit, I had heard from many people in Svargrond and Carlin, that Thais was much better and bigger. I found out I liked this big city very well, and decided to stay. And I found it Frodo's Tavern, and many other good places, wealth and friendship, beer and womens. <grins>
Still don't understand them today..

I travelled sometimes to Kazardoon, because rumours said that they got the best beer in the world. But I settled down just outside Thais. Got some new big friends, the cyclops. Hm.. What's their name again... Urg, Ush, Erk, nevermind.

More mead..
<throws the horn away>
This takes to long time, hmpf..
<take's the mug and drinks it all>
Aaah <hicks> Good Strong mead. Homemade, the thaians don't know how to make real mead, idiots.. <hicks>

Aye, know I remember what happends in the past.
Before I tell you, do you want some mead, I got my house full, hehe...
No? Okey, do as you wish... <mumbles> ..teetotaller..
Hokei, let's start before I'm to drunk.
Ops.. Sorry..

Three years ago, far to the north.. I tell you the
Saga about Jotunhimnar.

The big Jotunhimnar. The place where warriors and ogres gathered to fight endless battles to death, in intoxication of steel and blood. While the war and death-gods are standing on both sides, lives in the atmosphere, waiting.
On crushed fields of ashes, Nirdor watched the ranks of giants, both men and ogres, marching hard, over dead corpses and lakes filled with blood, across the plains of Jotunhimnar. While he stood there, he went through a short ritual. Prayed to his gods, whispered old words. Closed his eyes and drank from a headskull of the enemy. Warm bloody mead, it felt good. Death. He looked up, and growled.
Every warrior shouted to the sky and started to run fast. With good armory and weapons, they were ready to meet their destiny. Into the battlefield they yelled and laughed as wild ones. Screaming “Asgarond” the world, and “Himladdriss”, the city of gold. Where their gods lived and protected.
The ogres of hundreds of strange figures, rushed against them like noisy rocks from a cliff falling. There were all kinds of ogres. Trolls, bigger than most houses. Raggy and filthy. With bones and clubs. Tusses, faster than the fastest gnome, and smaller then a man. With crazy faces and scythes. But the worst ones, always the strongest and most feared. Like a hairy devil with horns. But no demon. Jotuns. All of them running from the other side of the field. Closer and closer, they were coming.
Nirdor saw a huge troll that came, right towards him, with some strange bones, as his weapon, attacking. Nirdor saw eyes with depts. But also joy in the trolls eyes. He kissed the axes, Funding and Undring, they called them. And stood ready in the “To Axes” stance. An easy way, to dodge and kill fast. In seconds the creature lost his right arm, and then after the left arm. It stood like a statue, still shouting trollish words. Nirdor chopped the head of, the brown ogre blood, danced in the air, while he jumped over the corpse. Then out of nowhere, a hideous tussie, crawled and kicked in the air, like it was trying to fly. Nirdor walked into a new stance, but the ogre minion was too fast and cut his left cheek, with his scythe. It smiled wickedly when it saw the blood floated over Nirdors face. Nirdor hated those creatures. He could not see it. It was too fast for his eyes to catch. The ugly tuss charged him again. The rusty scythe waved in the air with a tremendous speed. Nirdor pulled his one arm back, and throw the axe right through the thing. With a heavy throw, the little tusse got sliced in two, and the axe touched the ground. In a hurry, he took the axe in the hand, and looked around. He saw men and ogres fought in a blood path of mayhem. Growling and crying. Things was flying, dead bodies fold on the hard red grass. Everyone was crouching in a big fight. Damned those ogres, they never stopped coming.
“Curse you all, ugly creatures” he shouted “Victory to us and Throrfurdin” Nirdor shouted again. “Come on strong and brave men from the north, Charge”. He swung his axes and, gathered some warriors, barbarians, and wilders of men nearest him and made a way into the bloody mess. They crashed in a wall of ogres. Trolls and Tusses, cryed and touched the ground. More and more they razed the field free from rubbish of the ogres. More and more, and then, there was none left. But the sky turned grey, and lightning’s and thunder came. The storm wasn’t over yet.
The earth started to shake, the rocks rolled. And the air pulsated, like it was burning. And then, over the hill to the vest there came a massive colossus of a thing, a beast. No ogre, this time but a jotun. The biggest he had seen in his twenty four years. With horns of a demon, eyes like a man’s shield, the mouth was like a cave. Beard almost everywhere. The rest of the body was covered in dark-brown, stinky cloths, on the creatures back there were small trees and bushes, and in the hands it held a strange formed club, longer then Nirdor was. It walked slowly over the hill and made a hideous sound. Was it singing? The jotun, casted a shadow over the warriors by just standing over them. A tranquility of uproar howled the place. And the beast spoke.
“Let the carnage begin and the agony sing” he said with a wicked deep sound. The sky turned totally black and it started to rain heavily.
Nirdor lifted the axes up against the gargantuan ogre and yelled. “We are hugians, tribes of hundreds, warriors of ten thousand’s”. Nirdor paused.”For our lands, Faradheim and Norhirdir, to Throrfurdin, Hildadriss and Asgarond. No pain, no sorrow”.
The enormous ogre, the jotun, came down the hill, howling and growling. And by him there followed a mess of smaller and bigger tusses and trolls. Like a wall of ugly sh*t, laughing and crying. The wall of chaos came closer. But the men stood still, praying to their war god Throrfurdin, they whispered, all. The wall of ogres moved towards them, with the massive colossus jotun in front, like their head chef. Everyone of the human-men, warriors, barbarians and wilders shouted the same words. The sky thundered, sparks moved in the atmosphere with the voice of the rain.
Nirdor swung both axes with all of his power. Blood, rushed through his veins, forced it all with his mind, from the body, to his holy axes, Funding and Undring. He yelled, it burned, the axes whispered. A mighty light exploded. The ogre creatures wondered, Nirdor screamed, a big bang, hot, everything faded. Gone.

Nirdor had fallen asleep on the floor...

OoC: Greetings from Norway.
I really hope to join you Red Roses, I'm not the type of a power gamer. Started to be a more and more typical role player. I always try the diplomacy first, but if a friend shouts for help, I'm there to support no matter what.

Yes, I was hoping to join your, guild because I have heard what kind of guild you actually are, and you have been roaming theese lands for some time too.

Greetings to Baldorill, the ice elf.

PS: Balder is Baldy, muhahaha..

So long.

EDITED: Forgot to tell you guys, my grammar isn't good. Still working on it, Sorry :s

Re: Nirdors Application.

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 6:20 pm
by Rob'Doomsday
Hello Nirdor, nice to see you again.
I loved your application- Hope to talk to you soon!

See you,

Re: Nirdors Application.

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:25 pm
by Sir Balder
Nirdor wrote:PS: Balder is Baldy, muhahaha..
Application denied :p

Nah, just kidding. Thanks for your nice application, I'm happy to see you've finally taken this step. Please contact other members of the guild as we consider your application.

All the best to you, brother!


EDIT: Your story is great, I really enjoyed it. I hope to read more of these in the future, or maybe have them told by a campfire some day.

Re: Nirdors Application.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:19 pm
by Sir Balder
Welcome! :)