Application of Shy Kiss [Accepted]

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Shy Kiss
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Application of Shy Kiss [Accepted]

Post by Shy Kiss »

Greetings Roses,

First I will tell you guys a little about my Real Life, and then about my Tibian history.

My name is Oscar, I live in the Netherlands and I am a half-breed Polish man. I'm 18 years old and I'm still in High School, in my final exam year. I'm good friends with Smashing Pumpkin in real life too, we both grew up on Tibia. If you would like to know more about my real life, you can always contact me ingame.

About my Tibian history, I started playing Tibia around 2006 together with a friend on the server Kyra. I played it for around 2 days back then, and hunted a lot of furry rabbits. But, I didn't gain any experience so I rage-quited. A week later I started all over again because my friend told me I was playing it all wrong and I needed to kill other creatures, so I was in the Rookgaard for at least a week to gain level 8. After I gained that achievement, I went to the Oracle and chose my Vocation and City. I chose a Druid as Vocation and as my home city Venore. I was quite startled, because I didn't know where I was and what I had to do so I just hunted swamp Trolls with a sword.... And ofcourse, after every level I gained I was killed by random players. So a pretty normal begininning of Tibia :)
But after all these hardships, I contacted my friend again and he guided me towards Carlin. The first thing I did there was slaying other people. After all that mayhem I got shown a GREAT hunting spot, the amazing Amazon Camp north of Carlin. I spent many hours there. After a while, I got randomly kicked out of the game, getting a warning that I violated the Tibian rules, it seemed I had a offencive name "Silver Rings". It was connected to a clit-piercing. Wich ofcourse, at my age, I didn't even know of. So I changed my name to Coronel Druid, a character that still exsists today!

But enough about my first babysteps in Tibia. In my time in Tibia I PK'd a lot, tried to rob people and I was an outlaw. In time I was a hunted by every player on Kyra. So I just camped the depot, and I traded a lot wich got me pretty rich. I had around 100K of items. Wich was quite a lot for us at the time. Though now, I want to walk a diffrent path. After seeing my good friend Smashing Pumpkin around you guys for a long time, and still playing Tibia and sticking around and telling me a lot of amazing stories about the Guild, it... Touched me. Even though in the past time I haven't been playing Tibia much, since the only I really know is Smashing Pumpkin and a few others.

If you look at my character information you might notice a few kills and deaths by PVP, I want to leave this behind though. Like I said above, I want to walk a different path. I'm quite motivated to join the Red Rose, to meet new and nice people and explore the "roleplaying" Smashing Pumpkin always tells me about instead of only engaging myself in PVP. I also talked to a few people from the Red Rose a few times trough Teamspeak and Skype when I was at Smashing Pumpkins home, such as Mardin, Sir Mats, Cinny and Elvie. I wonder if they remember me... It would be a huge honour to be able to join the Red Rose family. As I see my real life friend have a wonderful time with you guys, and still playing this game because of you.

I'm not really creative with any RPG stories and such, so I haven't wrote one. I hope you enjoyed reading about my baby steps in Tibia though. I hope to talk to you guys on Tibia soon, feel free to message me at anytime and I will do the same.

Kind Regards,

Shy Kiss :*
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Re: Application of Shy Kiss

Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

Good luck my friend. 8-)

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Re: Application of Shy Kiss

Post by Darkness power »

Good luck with your application!
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Re: Application of Shy Kiss

Post by Mardin »

Good Luck!


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Re: Application of Shy Kiss

Post by Gryphis »

Greetings, Shy Kiss!

Your application is looking good and I really enjoyed reading about your babysteps. Let's have a chat somewhere in Thais - how about my place? I live by the Swamp Lane, Alai Flats 14.
Feel free to come over or whisper to me and we'll fix a drink to talk a little!

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Re: Application of Shy Kiss

Post by Miujau »

hehe you seams like a great guy. Made me laugh alot already :) "no exp-gain, rage-quit" and the namelock. Thank you and I wish you the very best.
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Re: Application of Shy Kiss

Post by Sir Mats »

Thank you for posting your application.

I do remember you and I hope we get the chans to speak again -soon!

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Re: Application of Shy Kiss

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

Thanks for your application!

Hope to catch you in-game sometime again.

Best regards,
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    Re: Application of Shy Kiss

    Post by Spear Bear »

    Good luck Shy :) Catch me ingame for a chat!
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    Re: Application of Shy Kiss

    Post by Avora Skyfallen »

    Good luck with your application!
    Yours sincerely,

    Marcus Skyfallen.
