Kun Aguerus' application [Accepted]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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Kun Aguerus
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Kun Aguerus' application [Accepted]

Post by Kun Aguerus »

Hi to all in the Red Rose guild. I have read the readings, pondered what there is to be pondered and now for your perusal come the writing of my application.

1) Character information

The character Kun Aguerus is new to Tibia, I have returned after a long (VERY long!) break due to some RL friends returning to the game. I was formerly a resident of several servers but have more friends in Antica already than I have anywhere else.

Friends (RL) include Falcon Sorcerer, Deaths Vengeance and Sadien. I have also spoken to Miujai and Gryphis prior to writing this application.

I reside in Edron primarily - it allows me to trade on the auction house for cash, hunt at Wyverns and Cyclopolis and I will hopefully soon be able to sell my house in Carlin to move there. I also like to hunt in Yalahar and occasionally Venore.

You may have seen me at Thais a lot lately - I am obsessed with catching a wild horse but it has so far evaded me!

In the past I have had a love/hate relationship with Tibia like most do, I would play until it bored me and then quit. This time I have found more pleasure in levelling more slowly and hope to do every single quest in the game. I think this different way of playing will keep me hooked.

2) Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us

Even in real life I aim high and always have a goal. It naturally means I have started a character on Antica and have therefore decided to aim to join one of the oldest and well known Guilds in the whole of Tibia. I know the success rate of joining is low and I won't try to be something i'm not to get in, but I hope getting to know enough of you means you will see I am a good person, a mediocre Tibia player and a vaulable addition to your guild.

3) Story

There was once a young ambitious man who aimed to be richest peasant in the land. He wasn't highborn, inherited nothing from anyone else and knew he would need to work hard to achieve his goal. He started by getting a feel for his surroundings, discovering what he take for free and sell to others.

His first few coins came from catching and selling fish to the other peasants. After 1 hour he had earned an incredible 40 gold coins. Even more incredible when he considered the fish had cost him nothing! Total profit! Slightly less incredible once he realised the other peasants could afford his fish because they spent THEIR hour killing rats and averaging 300 gold per hour.

"Fine" thought the peasant, "Their must be a better way to make more money than them!".
So the peasant started to search the cave floors for profitable items. He found two worthless but pretty looking gift boxes that gave him a cunning idea.

With some artistic decoration, the peasant managed to sell worthless torches and clubs for up to 15 gold each, just because they were wrapped in an aesthetically pleasing box!

When it later turned out that the other peasants were buying the gift boxes because they knew they were worth 22 gold each, the peasant resigned himself to the fact that he was a noob.

He got older, explored new lands and had adventures and experiences with other noobs, but he remained and would always remain - a Noob. The Noob.

How do I know this? Because I am that Noob. I am The Noob.

4) Anything else you want to say

This is the awkward section like being in an interview when they ask if you have any questions and you have to ask something or you won't get the job. All I wan't to say is I want to have at least a brief opportunity to join your ranks, mix with the Family and let you judge me on my contribution and attitude. I think I would be a good fit but it's now up to you guys to decide.

Thanks for your consideration,


Last edited by Avenlia Silvershade on Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: He got accepted.


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Re: Kun Aguerus' application

Post by Gryphis »

Greetings Kun,

I was waiting for your application - glad to see it arrive. I am really looking forward to having that party at Frodo's tonight. Maybe later I can take you for a little tour of Fibula and a storytelling session!

Catch as many Roses for a chat as you can - that is the best thing as of now <winks>

I wish you luck with your application!

Darkness power
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Re: Kun Aguerus' application

Post by Darkness power »

Nice app!

Good luck
Hail the Red Rose!
Sir Mats
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Re: Kun Aguerus' application

Post by Sir Mats »

Hello there,

Nice reading Kun.
I enjoyed your application.
Don't be shy - try to contact more members of the Red Rose.
We'd like to get to know you better!

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Kun Aguerus
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Re: Kun Aguerus' application

Post by Kun Aguerus »

Thanks for reading folks.

@Sir mats: I have had good chats with more Roses including (but not limited to) Elvie, Cinny, Absolut Willeen, Jacques Arrivieri and Mardin. We had a fun get together at Fibula yesterday, shame you couldn't come.

You should log on more Sir! ;o)



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Re: Kun Aguerus' application

Post by Cinny »

good luck to you Kun! We'll have to chat more soon :)

I apologize for not responding earlier, I needed to logoff urgently
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Spear Bear
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Re: Kun Aguerus' application

Post by Spear Bear »

Nice application, Kun! <smiles>

Please, make sure to catch me ingame for a chat whenever :D
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Kun Aguerus' application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

A great application, I wish you great luck with it!
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

Sir Mats
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Re: Kun Aguerus' application

Post by Sir Mats »

Kun Aguerus,

You shall prepare for a cross fire.
An invitation to the Red Rose guildhall will arrive shortly.
Time and date included.

Make sure you've got your head in the game.

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Even in love, sadness is a part of my core
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Kun Aguerus
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Re: Kun Aguerus' application

Post by Kun Aguerus »

Very exciting, i'm honoured to even make it to this stage.




Speaker of words and thrower of spears.