A Pirate's Death to Me (Pirate Event)

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Quel Marth
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A Pirate's Death to Me (Pirate Event)

Post by Quel Marth »

Hello guys!

Following the example I found on this thread on the Official Tibia Forums I decided to create this topic to be updated and followed everytime the event comes up again.
I really want the "Scourge of Death" achievement but to get it I need to do the activity 50 times!

for the ones that never heard of this event before, please read this article.

Anyway, the ones willing to do it and that want teams to do it please comment here and I'll update my post.

And of course, I posted on this public general thread so applicants and friends may join us! ;)

Avenlia Silvershade (if she's not mistaken) :P

Quel Marth
Fergon Ganakin

Sir Mats

Kun Aguerus

Cinny (maybe)
Meriado (maybe)

Come and play! :mrgreen:
Last edited by Quel Marth on Wed May 28, 2014 8:56 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: A Pirate's Death to Me (Pirate Event)

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »

I am an arrow, if I am not mistaken.

Best regards,
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    Kun Aguerus
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    Re: A Pirate's Death to Me (Pirate Event)

    Post by Kun Aguerus »

    I am a Rock




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    Re: A Pirate's Death to Me (Pirate Event)

    Post by Cinny »

    pretty sure i am a rope.. i will check later and fix this if i am wrong
    Fergon Ganakin
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    Re: A Pirate's Death to Me (Pirate Event)

    Post by Fergon Ganakin »

    Cinny you are rope.
    I am torch.
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    Re: A Pirate's Death to Me (Pirate Event)

    Post by Meriado »

    If Cinny is a rope, then I'm also a rope. I know this because we first met
    during this event a few years back. After a few runs they ditched me for
    a higher leveled person because he/she was faster. Even though I did a
    great job smashing rats! Bastards! I didn't know of this until later when
    I joined the guild and she confessed. :evil:

    I also remember some random dude approaching me and saying "hi" several
    times and then was like - "eh, are you not an npc?" - "you really looked like
    an npc with that outfit!". Haha... I guess he had never seen a roleplayer before.

    Haha! Good times! Maybe I'll log on and do a few runs sometime. Would be
    quite fun! :mrgreen:
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    Re: A Pirate's Death to Me (Pirate Event)

    Post by Cinny »

    oh nooo Meriado i ditched you?! I don't remember this but thats terribly rude and i'm so sorry :oops:

    would be so great if you come join... i've got some achievements pending for this event and i can't find ANYONE to do it with!

    edit: Also, Fergon... how do you know what i am? :P
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    Re: A Pirate's Death to Me (Pirate Event)

    Post by Sir Mats »

    I'm Rune.
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    Re: A Pirate's Death to Me (Pirate Event)

    Post by Meriado »

    Cinny wrote:oh nooo Meriado i ditched you?! I don't remember this but thats terribly rude and i'm so sorry :oops:

    would be so great if you come join... i've got some achievements pending for this event and i can't find ANYONE to do it with!

    edit: Also, Fergon... how do you know what i am? :P
    Hahaha! You don't remember? Oh my... maybe I made this up in my mind. But, I have a memory of you telling me this in
    guild-chat and we all laughed about it? It was like 1-2 years ago or something.

    It's not very rude to do that to a random person. I just think it's hillarious and I probably wouldn't have minded back
    then either. :mrgreen:
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    Re: A Pirate's Death to Me (Pirate Event)

    Post by Cinny »

    hahah well glad theres no hard feelings ;)
    but nope I don't remember any details... I DO remember meeting you through the quest though!

    So Fergon confirmed that we are Ropes... anyone else?!
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