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Bon's request to join Red Rose [Accepted]

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:58 am
by Bon
My name is Bon and I am an Elite Knight. I live in the city of Svargrond where I own a small 2 room condo. I was created in the year 2002. This is my first character. I also have a druid that is level 24 but I have not played on her serious for several years. I did attempt to hunt on her a month ago and I was pked by a higher level and realized my time on tibia is best spent on Bon. I also have a pally that is level 66 and do not play on her to often, mostly when I get bored will I get on her then. I may someday make her stronger because a pally is a good vocation to play but in the end Bon is my favorite character. When I was level one rook I had a neighbor that helped me sometimes, but he was not on very often. I spent a month getting to main land. When I did get there (finally) I lived in Carlin. I was pked over and over and over. I did not realize Carlin was such a wild town at the time. I learned of hunting rots and Kaz and spent some months there. Of course I died several times, had many long walks from the mines to Kaz depot, but I kept on. I remember buying my first Fire Sword for 10k. I couldn't believe I had been able to save that much money. One day in the mines I found a dead body of someone named Jiten, I messaged him and brought him his loot to thais. I also gave him my spare spike sword. Since then he has become a good offline friend through msn and his nik name to me is spikey. At about level 20 I bought my first premmy account and moved to darashia. The rots were plentyfull in that town and I bought a house with 2 beds for 40k. During this time I met a character named Lonewolf. He was the leader of Guardian Nomads. He asked me to join his guild, I was level 29 then. I joined and this is where I met my best tibia friends in tibia, many of them are still playing to this day. I was in this guild during the LAH war and people in the war were going after guilds. I would get messages saying leave your guild or die. I died several times during this war but did not leave the guild. I was 3rd in command in Guardian Nomads, and 2nd during the war because Lonewolf left the guild to fight in the war. We were a bunch of inexperienced players and we did group hunts together and quests. We depended on each other and we always helped each other out. After a while there was some fights going on in Guardian Nomads between Lonewolf and Yevocnitsuj, the 2nd in command. Eventually the guild broke up. Most of the players went to Nightmare Knights. All of the Nomads were invited by Karr at this time. I joined also but my time in this guild was short. The reason I left Nightmare Knights is because there was alot of drama within the guild and on their forum boards and I was used to peacefull playing and did not want to waste my time on foolish things. The last guild I was in is Recluse and it was formed by the 2nd character of Sir Slaughter, who is one of my best tibia friends. He wanted this guild so he could buy the guild hall Crystal Glance in Svargrond with his real life family and needed my premmy account to buy it. He has 2 brothers and a father that plays tibia and they are all very close friends of mine. They have their main characters in Nightmare Knights. I have left Recluse because I am no longer needed to keep the hall and it is not a active guild.
I am asking to join Red Rose for a couple of different reasons. Of course I have always had a great respect for this guild. I can not think of one bad thing I have ever heard of about Red Rose over the years. I met Rob'Doomsday some time ago and we became friends. We have talked on tibia and have gotten to know each other somewhat and he spoke highly of Red Rose and I deceided it would be time to join a active guild that I can become part of. I enjoy group hunts and getting to know people. I hope you consider me for you guild. If you have any questions or comments you can message me ingame or on the board here. Thank you for you time.


Re: Bon's request to join Red Rose

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:42 am
by Sir Balder
Greetings Bon,

Thanks for your interest in the Red Rose. I wish you had read the application instructions before posting, but nevertheless I like your tale of your Tibian career. Let's talk more in-game.


Re: Bon's request to join Red Rose

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:07 pm
by Rob'Doomsday
Hello Bon, Im glad that you applied to our guild!

Talk to you soon,

Re: Bon's request to join Red Rose

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:28 pm
by Sir Balder
Hello again, Bon.

Please try to contact members of our guild online, so that we may get to know each other better.


Re: Bon's request to join Red Rose

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:32 pm
by Sir Balder
Warmly welcome to our family, Bon!
