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Application of Lady Novella [Accepted]

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:32 pm
by Lady Novella
1) Character information
For the moment I am a royal paladin with level 155. My tibia character is very smart, but hard as well. She don’t like Power Abusers or Player Killers, also I don’t like problems with them. She loves to help, collect items or just have a cup of tea with some cookies or a picnic in the guildhall or any other place.
Lady Novella (former name “Vika”) always tries to be friendly and fair to all Players. So she also wants to be in future aswell. Lady Novella was created in Jan 2007 and made a break from 2009 to 2011 and from Feb 2013 to Dec 2014, but now she is back.
In the past I started to play Tibia on Azura and achieved a level around 70. I left Azura, because I followed a friend. For sure I was in a guild before, but I left because of stopping with Tibia for a long while. Another reason was the war in the past. Don’t remember the names, maybe Rexis? In that time I quitted. Too much PA and PK. Also I was finishing my A-level and didn’t want to play so and I lived my life.
From 2011 I played for a long while on Askara (now merged to Yanara) and was in the guild Ancient Alliance (shortage in the further text as “AA”). There I had a lot of fun with the members and found great friends. It was one of the best times I had in tibia.
But again I stopped to play Tibia because of time issues. I studied as Bachelor in that time and didn’t have the power to play next to.

Next to the roleplaying my passion in Tibia are to level, collect and have very much fun with friends. The one and only reason I came back is the - coming back - activity of Avora Skyfallen. Also Lady Silverheart gave me a last kick to transfer my char from Askara (now Yanara) to Antica.
My favorite hunting places are forbidden lands (Hydras). I do like to hunt very calm and chill and I get absolutely stressed if it comes to too much haste or damage. This is why I am not very good in PVP :p. I am appreciating hunting in teams also, which gives me a bit of safety in more hard hunting spots. This fact shall not exclude any harder hunting times now and then.

2) Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us
I read and sign the guild codex.
Mainly: Avora Skyfallen was the guy, who drew my attention to Red Rose.
Reason, why I would like to join Red Rose are:
the historical guild (oldest guild in tibia),
the roleplay (I have an absolute roleplay heart),
the friendly members,
the good image of the guild (also over other worlds)
and the great activity of the guild.
Red Rose as a strong team gives the imagination of a huge family, which I would appreciate to be part of.
Also I got known, that the girls rate of the guild may be wished to get risen ;)

3) Story
Organizing a quest for my lower experienced guild members is one of the favorite tasks I do – to give a helping hand. This time it was a quest with the reward of a strong and shimmery bright sword. About five members joined and brought some friends with.

To taking care of not losing anybody on the way through the forest of trees and bushes, where wild warriors can jump out easily, I am always walking in the very back while another guild member steers the front.
After collecting all of the three keys hidden in the different places, we finally got to the ruines, where strong Minotaur’s are blocking the entrance. After defending the team to go on with the adventure, I am making sure everybody was healthy and counted them trough.
The last person seemed to do the same. I didn’t know him and ask him to hurry up, to not lose the connection to the team. He was very good looking and his hair fell very charming into his face.

He didn’t follow my words and replied with the very easy words, which made me start to fascinate him: “Ladies first”.
Blushing I climbed down the rope. Nobody talked like this to me.
I am the helping hand and have the responsibility of the group – I heard my mind talking – and was waiting down till he, as a last group member, climbed down the ruines.
Carefully I started to ask my guild members, who he is and who he came with. Does he maybe want to lure any monsters on the group? Does he want to thief or even threat us?

Luckily I heard a member talking to know him and explained that he joined us to give a helping hand. I was very relieved and felt much safer with the fact of having a person around with the same values in case of helping. He stood behind me, making sure that I didn’t get lost, while I looked out for the others.

After arriving at the tricky point, I didn’t fully remember the next steps of the quest anymore and started to get a bit of panic. – How unprepared of me to being sure to remember all steps to go to get to the treasure chest. I should have made some notes at home. – But after some seconds of standing around and not knowing what to do, he seemed to recognize the uncertainty of me and helped out immediately by bringing up a power ring and using the lever. He reacted very calm and nobody else noticed that it was me, who had a blackout.

Here he took over the lead of the quest but still got always an eye of not losing anybody in the back... Very confused I just followed in the back to keep the group together and trusted him in his leading experience. – What a man…– I felt, that he kept us safe while killing the Orcs in the tunnels, backing up the group, giving clear and strict tasks the members shall do but still keep in a very friendly and charming way. We harmonized without talking much, he complemented me as I complemented him… – Does he see it the same way?

After everybody had their reward for the efforts of the quest, we walked all together back to Venore, where all spread out to go for their lifes and ways. I thanked him very much and asked him for his address, to maybe keep in contact. (Asked, if I can add him to my VIP). He agreed to keep in contact but held it just friendly and neutral… – too neutral in my opinion –.

I didn’t write him any letters, after recognizing, that the interest of him was not very big in me.
A great guy who just passed my road – my mind explained me.

I went my way, had heights and lows. And again on a very low day, because a dragon lord passed my way and the Temple had to revive me, I met him again… in Darashia… – would he remember me, if I just say “Hi”? Are the passed months without contact a too long time to have a chat again? – But then he just said “Hi there.” and I checked out the area, if he really meant me, after reacting with a short “Hi”. He started a chat with me and I was happy, that he didn’t forget me…

After some hour of talking with him – because I just couldn’t get enough of the way he talks, the way he pronounces and the words he is choosing to get every sentence on the correct point – A woman passed by and gave him a kiss. After he introduced her kindly to me as her future wife, I felt ashamed about the thoughts I have of him and had a short chat with her. She was very gorgeous and fit perfectly to him. Suddenly I had the feeling to be wrong on this place… I excused myself and explained, that a friend needed some help with baking some cookies and disappeared.

To have a nice ending:
He needed me passing his way three times ;) .

4) Anything else you want to say
To the person behind the screen:
:) My real name is Vika :P It’s the short form of Viktoria, so just call me Vika, please. I began play tibia in 2003/2004.

Re: Application of Lady Novella

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:47 pm
by Gryphis
Greetings Vika,

We were waiting for your application. When you see me online, catch me for a chat - I'd like to get to know you better.

Meanwhile, speak to as many members as you can, but I'm sure Avora told you that much already <winks>

See you soon!

Hand of Magister

Re: Application of Lady Novella

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:36 pm
by Lady Silverheart
Hello wohoo :D

I absolutely like what I see, this is just thrilling :) "Oh my BANOR, BANOR... what a great day. A female application makes me sing and dance, even the dusty old Thaian cloths go for this day- I am smiling in shiny polished armor "


And that, my dear, is rare. ~giggles and winks~

I cannot wait to speak more to you, sweetheart - I already have and enjoyed every moment very much!!

I sincerely hope for many more to come and am absolutely in a great and happy mood just for this <3

Feel hugged and warmly awaited! :)

Yours LS

Re: Application of Lady Novella

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:55 pm
by Smashing Pumpkin
Really nice application, looking forward to see you some more ingame without intense kicks. :lol:

Re: Application of Lady Novella

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:37 pm
by Sir Mats
Thanks for posting your application.
I look forward having a few words online.
Try to contact as many of our members as possible, I'm sure we all would like to get to know you a bit better.

Take care!

Re: Application of Lady Novella

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:55 am
by Kun Aguerus
Enjoyable read and it was nice meeting you in-game and on Skype.

Re: Application of Lady Novella

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:37 pm
by Sir Mats
Greetings again Lady Novella.

You are here by invited to a crossfire at the Red Rose guild hall.
Time: 18.00 CET
Date: Sunday 18th.

Be sure to come prepared.
