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Gris Lenji application [Denied]

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 4:52 am
by Gris Lenji
Hello Mighty Red Roses, I humbly come to you seeking for Mentors, companions of Adventure, friends and a strong dog protecting guild.

I landed in Antica the 9th january of this holy year 2015 which makes me a young character, but during another past life I used to be a Sorcerer in Nova, I played with my best friends from school, as Pars Pleurer, Phanaikeluth, Zako le Fou.
I still got some memories of those dark times. I remember I loved hunting in the wilderness with my friends, more for fun than for danger, more with a friendly behavior with others than the will of fighting people.

My experience of Tibia is then a mix of old Tibia (version 7 and 8) and what I discover those days. I am no kind of a nostalgic boy and what I see now in Antica is like poetry for mine eyes. I am a newcomer in this world and you might want me to be more used to it to be worth being one of yours, I have no glory tales to tell yet, but as Corneille wrote in Le Cid : « Aux âmes bien nées, la valeur n'attend point le nombre des années » (In Souls nobly born, valour does not depend upon age).

Oh... Wait.. Forgive my rudeness I have not yet properly introduced myself to you, too excited I was to speak in front of you all..
My name is Gris Lenji, I come from that far far away land called France, I left it disgusted by those strange peoples that call themselves French.
Did you know that they eat frogs and rotten milk they call “fromage” ? Before leaving for Antica, I was a history student in Paris, also working as a barman. But now it's all over, I am now a trying to become a bowmaster.

I came in Antica to find more intelligent, a bit less pretentious people than the one I left. I was kind of lost around Thais, looking for a postoffice to send my poor lootbag (poems, flowers, letters from former lovers) to a safer place than the country. I found a tunnel with a sign in front of it on which you could read “Fibula”. I walked under the sea for the first time of my life, and landed in this charming little town called Fibula. A bit lost, I was not able to find any post office to buy a parcel and then I met a mighty Druid with a great beard. He helped me, told me not to be afraid, and from words to words, we finally came talking of guilds (I was looking for an attractive one), and that's how I discover he was a member of the Red Roses.
After the end of our chatting, he told me to try to join the Red Roses if I wanted to and to come here to speak in front of you all.

I was at that time a really weak archer, but that great magician helped me hunting evil monsters none people of my rank could even approach alone. Those moments were exquisite, a really strong warrior taking something that could look like a farmer or even less (myself yes..) under his wing just to make me discover the world. What I mostly knew about the Red Roses at that time was just one member, but that one member, if the whole guild is like him really gave me to be a part of it.

Then I ran to the nearest library and read everything I could find about the Red Roses.
The organisation of the guild, the way decisions are taken, in an assembly reminded me of the good old timey of 1789. I was delighted to learn that such people still exist nowadays !
If by chance, you do accept to take me in as a Novice, I want to show you my sincere engagement in Guild's life. I do not know much of Tibia's mechanics of today, but I am eager of knowledge and I learn fast. I am just willing to be part of a nice community and be, time after time, proof after proof a real part of it.

I have spoken too much about myself for now. Let me tell you an extract of a story that we tell to kids in France, but that still has a strong meaning for grown ups like us. You might already know it, it's Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It's about a Rose, and what makes her unique.


The Litlle Prince is a small boy fallen from the stars in the middle of the Sahara desert. We know his story thanks to Saint-Exupéry who, by chance crashed its plane in the dunes of Africa. He met the blond little boy there in full middle of the sand. That boy comes from an Asteroid, (asteroid B612). That's a very little piece of rock floating in Space, very far from Earth. That's so small that you can walk around it in one or two minutes maybe. There is not much to do on that sterile rock..
You have to clean your volcanoes like chimneys to prevent lava eruption and you must be very careful to clean Baobab germs before they grow. If you don t a single Baobab will destroy the asteroid with its roots. So not much to do unless watching sunsets...
But one day as The Prince on the little asteroid woke up, he found a flower on its planet ! That flower is no normal flower, she is beautiful, she is a bit difficult to approach, she has red shiny hair and spines. Yes you got it, its a rose. Knowing each other, and having no one else to discuss with, the Prince finally falls in love with the Rose. He does not know any other rose and thinks that the rose is unique. One day, willing to discover the universe, our hero catches a fly of goose and leaves the asteroid B612. After a series of different planets (I skip some details now, you can ask me later if you want to know) he finally arrives on Earth. He is seeking for humans, because he heard of humans and he is a curious little boy. But walking in the landscape, one day he met a full yard of red roses. I don't think I have to explain how much he is sad, his unique flower is now just like tons and tons of other roses ! He is sad and is thinking that a rose is just a rose..
Here comes my favorite character of the story the Fox ! (Once again there is so much to say about the Fox, but it's another story) and they learn to know eachother, in a word : friends. They are now friends. After a series of discussion, that I can't exactly remember, the Prince is going to leave the Fox to find humans. He is sad, his friend is living (anyone would be), but before he leaves, the Fox must reveal him its best secret he never told him before : “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye. The time you lost for your rose makes your rose so special.”


For sure that story is not from me, but I am just a tale singer. Hope you enjoyed it.
It actually is one of my favorite books I read. I am really fond of poetry, and if anyone of you wishes to exchange on poetry in different languages, I'd be really pleased to do so.

I find it difficult to express clearly just writing on myself like this, hope you managed to read it to the end and it was not to confused.

Wether I hear about you or not, I wish you a great time to you all in your lives and playing Tibia, and we will sure meet in Antica in a way or another.

Totally yours, Gris Lenji.

Post Scriptum :

I read carefully your rules and the way you recruit Novice and there is a point that frightens me :
« Forced Intelligence
We have to get to know you then.
First we talk internally about you. If nothing speaks against you, we are talking to some friends and people that know you. If this second check is positive too, we decide about a pre-interview. » As I am a real newcomer in Antica, I do not know anyone that you can talk to about me. Just that only person of the Guild I talked to in Fibula. I did not mention his name and I won't in this post. First because I do not know your internal traditions for recruitment and secondly, because if some other people would like to join The Red Roses, they might think that talking with him could help, and I don't want him to be harassed.

Re: Gris Lenji application

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:50 am
by Kun Aguerus
Application noted Gris Lenji.

Please message me in-game and we can have a chat.

Re: Gris Lenji application

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:01 am
by Avora Skyfallen
Hello there Gris lenji,

I wish you good luck with your application, don't be afraid to hit me up ingame for a conversation!

Re: Gris Lenji application

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 1:48 pm
by Gryphis
Bonjour, Monsieur Gris.

When you are around Thais or Fibula, feel free to speak with me.

Kind regards,
Hand of Magister

Re: Gris Lenji application

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:36 pm
by Sir Mats
Thank you for your application.
Try to find and talk to as many roses as possible.

See you in-game!

Re: Gris Lenji application

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:40 pm
by Smashing Pumpkin
Hello Gris Lenji,

Nice application. Feel free to contact me ingame at any time.

Re: Gris Lenji application

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:38 pm
by Lady Silverheart
Hello Gris Lenji ~smiles~

Feel welcome to chat when you catch me ingame, I am looking forward to hear from you :)

Lady Silverheart

Re: Gris Lenji application

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:06 am
by Gris Lenji
Thanks a lot to you all for your words, I'll try to catch as many as possible this week.

Sincerely yours.

Re: Gris Lenji application [Denied]

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:25 am
by Sir Mats
Denied due to inactivity.
