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Sheepyy's Application. [Accepted]

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 11:23 pm
by Zap Eldorath
Character information:
Hello, my name is Sheepyy, but most people call me Matt, as it's my real name. I'm 24, and I live in Vermont, which is a state in the United States. I am currently going to school for Computer Information Systems (It's a lot like computer science, except it's less math, and more hands-on programming.) I like to socialize, but most of the time, I spend hunting with my girlfriend, who also plays Tibia.

Creation date: Jul 10 2004, 15:00:20 CEST

Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us
When I first started playing Tibia, the thing that struck me the most was the mysteriousness of the game. It started with Rookgaard on Elysia. I became good friends with a man called Darth Saldria. This man and I shared the very same passion, unveiling secrets. He was a man, who held many secrets of Rookgaard, and I did share many of these secrets with him. However, unfortunately (or fortunately, however you see it), I will not disclose those secrets due to my loyalty to him. A long time went by, and it seemed we have gone separate paths. I went to the military, he went to college, we unfortunately lost contact, as he doesn't play anymore. Since that time, I've always been in awe about the history and beautiful nature of Tibia, a history which the Red Rose has left it's fruitful petals on. When I came to Antica, one of those reasons was to witness a Red Rose member. I have always been in admiration about the authenticity of the Red Rose. When I spoke to one of the Roses, I was captivated by how modest and wonderful they interacted. At that time, I decided two things.

1. I wanted to be part of this. If there was anyone who I'd wish to interact with, it would be the pleasant people I've spoken to in the Red Rose.
2. I finally found someone who I can relate to (except for my girlfriend of course, haha). I was always taught to surround myself with positive people.

So, here I am! On your forums, wishing you a pleasant day, and perhaps even some good conversation, even if you decide to reject me (Although being part of your family is definitely a plus). =)

This story is about a black rose,
Chosen from many,
But the thorns made it hard to hold,
The cold spirit, whenever you got near it,
Appeared dark,
but if you left your ear close to hear it,
You'd see it's a wolf with no bite, and no bark,
It would speak to you in a voice of an angel,
It would make promises and always remain faithful,
Cradle you in the arms of a save haven,
Lift you off your feet with the wings of a raven,
But whenever people saw you, all they saw was black,
The darkness inside of themselves, it's the light that they lack,
If they pulled the shades, to which they expose,
nothing but a beautiful fruitful red rose.

Anything else you want to say
Avora Skyfallen, and Spear bear, I have put you on my VIP list, AND NOW YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO GET OFF OF IT! >:D

Re: Sheepyy's Application.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:17 pm
by Avora Skyfallen
Hello there, Matt!

I'm very happy to see that you took the time and wrote your application!

I also heard that you contacted more Roses that evening aswell, well done!

We share the same view of Tibia, you and I...
I too admire the beauty of it, the absolute love for fantasising about unvailing the secrets and the extremely intriguing myths which surround all corners of the known land...

I wish you good luck with your application and hope to see you around!

Re: Sheepyy's Application.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:13 pm
by Spear Bear
Nicely written application Matt :)

PS. I better find myself on that VIP list years from now! / Spear bear

Re: Sheepyy's Application.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 1:32 pm
by Sir Mats
Greetings to thee, Sheepyy and Hello there Matt!

Nicely written application.
Please catch me online for a chat.


Re: Sheepyy's Application.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:29 pm
by Zap Eldorath
Hey guys,

Thanks alot for the wonderful feedback.
I've spoken to a lot of you guys/girls and any time you see me online, I'm usually hunting with my girlfriend. Sir Mats, I like your title name, as it closely resembles my real name. Because we all know Matts are masterrace, heh. I'll be sure to add you to my VIP list, as I've increasingly been adding Roses to it.

Kind regards,

Re: Sheepyy's Application.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:17 pm
by Lady Novella

After some chats and some ~tries~ of hunt, I think, that you should be invited to
A x-fire!
I like the deeply poem and your creative way, even its more a dark side - and I prefer
The bright, sunny one ^.^

Have a nice evening!

Re: Sheepyy's Application.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:44 am
by Zap Eldorath
Hey Lady Novella,

It's not meant to be dark =). It's to show that even in dark times, there are always beautiful bright and prevalent future awaiting us, but only if we choose to see it. Even when the result seemed grim Banor protected the city of Ankrahmun in an endless onslaught of an undead army, by fortifying their defenses, and ensuring their survival. Hope is a very powerful thing. But in-order for us to have hope, we must see light, not be overcome with darkness, blindness and despair.

Kind regards,

Re: Sheepyy's Application.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:50 am
by Sir Mats
Greets Sheepyy,

You're here by invited to the Red Rose guildhall at the 15th of March 20.00CET (10 hours from server save).
Be ready to face your crossfire.


Re: Sheepyy's Application.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:34 pm
by Zap Eldorath
I'll be there. =)