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Boycott against botters

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:31 am
by Arn Loewenherz
Erana, one of the oldest players of Tibia, calls all tibian players who disagree with botting to:


This shall show CipSoft, that finally something has to be done against botters.

Here is the original thread: ... st24296685

The mentioned name Megaman is a GM that fights very hard against botting.

If you agree, don't login on the 1st of August! And spread this message to all people you know!

Sorry for "spamming" your forum,
Arn Loewenherz

Re: Boycott against botters

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:35 pm
by Arn Loewenherz
For everyone who thinks, that actions like this "boycott" are useless: they are not.

Alredy 1 day after the boycott was initiated and found a huge echo on several servers, CIP reacted and deleted all threads that called for this boycott.
So our most loved company IS reacting to community-movements.

If you have a sunny day on 1st August, go to a lake and do some swimming or something. Don't log in!

Kind regards,
Arn Loewenherz

Re: Boycott against botters

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:42 pm
by Nosyt Ekim
You wont see me online that day, sure thing.

Re: Boycott against botters

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:29 am
by Rob'Doomsday
I dont think anything can repair the damage done already. This may be a good measure to make cipsoft see that people cares about this matter though.

Re: Boycott against botters

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:03 pm
by Arn Loewenherz
Be greeted!

News about the BOYCOTT.

After ERANA called for this boycott, CipSoft deleted all her posts, took away her tutor-status, gave her a notation and told her, they would not "tolerate" such a call for boycott.
That's why preparations for this boycott failed now and we decided to NOT boycott the game on 1st of August, because we cannot do this effectively.

But on the other hand, those reactions by CipSoft show, that they at least seem to care.
And so we will not give up the fight for a stronger anti-botting-policy.

This is the plan:
We are looking for supporters on all servers. When we have found 1 person per server, who is capable to make a boycott thread with own words on his home server (which is not going to be "spamm" then), we will set a date and have all those supporters posting the CALL FOR 1 DAY BOYCOTT 2 days before the boycott shall happen.

This is our "basement": ... ost2496650

If you are willing to help somehow, please post there!

We have to make CipSoft understand, that we do not want to destroy their game. On the contrary: We are those longtime-customers, who made this game "big"; I play since 2001, Erana even longer - it was us people who made this game grow. We are not enemies of Tibia. We are it's friends!

Please help to spread this! I think, this boycott can really help, if we organize it well. And see this: It is one wasted preium day for us only. But a world without botters to win!

With kind regards,
Arn Loewenherz

Re: Boycott against botters

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:05 pm
by Rob'Doomsday
Well, of course Cipsoft won't tolerate any boycott, its more than reasonable... After all, its their game and we are not forced to play it!

Re: Boycott against botters

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:09 pm
by Nosyt Ekim
Cipsoft and Tibia needs us, not other way around. "The customer's king", Tibia cant exist without people playing it, my opinion.

@Arn; I can be the man on Eternia.