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Patryk Szyszko Application [Denied]

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:24 pm
by Patryk Szyszko
Character information:
Hello, my name is Patryk Szyszko, but most people call me Ineq, and yes Patryk Szyszko is my real name. I'm 19, 20 in October and I live in UK - Bognor Regis it's on the south of England, I am currently attending College where I try to bring my grades up so i can go further to Uni. I play Tibia for quite a long time and my first server was Furora where I was in the supporting guild Vision Academy of the guild Vision. my first account in tibia was created in 2006~~

Created: Sep 10 2012, 15:40:12 CEST of the account Patryk Szyszko is on I have had many accounts and I gave away my Main Account not too long ago to a Streamer called BubbaGame however I started to want to play again and used one of my account that had some noob chars on it.

Why would you like to join the Red Rose / What do you know about us
When I first started playing Tibia I never cared about the levels I just wanted to enjoy the game and do quests with my RL's. I used to be active in depost a lot of people knew me and talked with me, it was fun. When I played Furora and the leading Guild was Vision me and my friends always had a chat with people from that guild and when we asked about what guilds do you respect the most and on what other tibia servers most people always mentioned Red Rose guild because of them being there nearly since the tibia was created. I want to play somewhat like in the old days, to do quests, chat with people and mostly just enjoy of whats left of this game, and Red Rose is that kind of guild that can help me enjoy the game more rather than make me hate it.

1. I wanted to be part of this. Because I would like to be with people that help each other and do not care about getting levels and cash by any means available "bots"
2. People form Red Rose are really helpful to the community and have more knowledge about the game and the ways to enjoy it more than any other guild that was created in the recent years.

So, here I am! On your forums, to perhaps join you guys or just enjoy the conversation with you, even if you decide to reject me.

I will tell you guys the story of the firs desert quest i ever made.
I've hit the level 20 and just found out that i can go and do the 10k quest, at that time 2006~ 10k was actually something big for a level 20 player, so I decided to look for people on Trade channel and do the quest together with them, after a while of writing in the trade channel I have found the companions to make this wonderful quest, we went through the maze and finally got to our destination there you put your items on the pedestals and go into the reward room, as soon as one of my companions was about to strike the leaver, my RL friend on Skype told me to log out as soon as we get teleported because they might kill me and I will drop my 10k, however he said it too late and all the rewards were already in my backpack and the mages I was with in the team already have thrown fire fields behind them and started to killing me and the other companion that was with us. unfortunately both of us have lost our green bags of goodies but we also have learned the lesson on not trusting guys with red skulls to go on a quest with.

If you would like to contact me in game to chat more that feel free to do so when I am online on Patryk Szyszko

Re: Patryk Szyszko Application

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:49 pm
by Gryphis
Greetings Patryk Szyszko,

Thanks for applying and welcome to the Forums.

I encourage you to catch as many Red Rose members for a chat and get yourself known to us.

Magister Noviciorum

Re: Patryk Szyszko Application

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:20 pm
by Zap Eldorath
Hey Patryk,

It was certainly a pleasure speaking to you. Sorry, I fell asleep during our conversation again. Feel free to add me to your VIP and we can talk again any time.

Kind regards,

Re: Patryk Szyszko Application

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:38 pm
by Patryk Szyszko
Had a pleasure to chat with some of the members already, if any of you guys still have not talked with me and wish to than msg me in game or you can try and give me some time that I could try and catch you in game for a little chat ;d

Re: Patryk Szyszko Application

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:34 pm
by Sherya
Hello Patryck,

Thanks for you application, I wish you good luck with it.

Have a nice day,

Re: Patryk Szyszko Application

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:36 pm
by Patryk Szyszko
Thanks ;]

Re: Patryk Szyszko Application

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:19 pm
by Gryphis

On behalf of the Red Rose guild I would like to invite you for a Crossfire on 5th July 2015 at 20:00CET (10 hours after server save).

Remember to be on time and come only well prepared.

Magister Noviciorum

Re: Patryk Szyszko Application [Denied]

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:17 am
by Gryphis
Unfortunately, after the further chats you had with the remaining members of Red Rose, the guild has decided to deny your application.

We thank you for applying and wish you all the best in your future Tibia adventures!

Kind Regards,
Magister Noviciorum