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Grue Empress' App (Postponed)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:55 am
by Grue Empress
"I just want to find my place, the place I am truly meant to be..." She repeated these words to herself for the tenth time that day. Shivering, she peeked around the corner to see if any more trolls were out there. Seeing none, she dashed as quickly as her legs could muster... It wasn't quick enough. The Shadow Caves are an unforgiving place to new adventurers, especially paladins with as unsteady of an arm as Grue had. Try as she might, she simply could not hit the trolls. Fighting to escape she finally made it to the door. Slamming it behind her she leaned against it breathing heavily with her only movement a jump as she heard the trolls scratching, trying to break through.

"Never again... that place is terrible," she breathed to herself. "I'll never find a home there." Having left her parent's at an early age, life had not been easy on Grue. She had been forced to move from place to place with hopes of finding somewhere she could call home. It was then that it hit her. "I'll check guild listings!" she suddenly shouted bringing stares from those others occupying the depot. However, they quickly shrugged and went back to their tasks at hand.

Grue went south to an official looking building. Reading the sign as she went inside she noted that it was the "Embassy of Thais". She went to the counter to speak with a particularly dashing looking man named Olrik.

"Hello, I was wondering if there were any guilds you could recommend to me."

"Ah, why yes. As a matter of fact, if you can get into Red Rose you'll be great. However, they are selective on who they admit so good luck getting in. Just mail your application to them in Fibula and await a reply."

She thanked him and quickly went to work writing about herself and reasons for wanting to join the guild. After she finished she addressed the envelope and dropped it in the mailbox. All she could do now was wait. Wait and hope that she could finally find that place she belonged.


Hello, my name is Rhea and I am rather interested in joining this historical guild. I am 19 years old and currently enlisted in the USAF. As such, my tibia playing time can sometimes be a little erratic but I usually play fairly often. I am an old player having started when Trimera first popped into existence.

Lately, I have been playing Menera but after one night Rob Doomsday happened back into the world and sparked my interest with his talk about Antica (after I "helped" him get to Meluna as he said he was interested in seeing it. ;) ), a world which I had never played personally. As talk of things such as roleplaying tibia sparked my interest I decided I would give it a try. One of the things I remembered was him talking about Red Rose and how it is one of the last roleplaying guilds out there. As such I think it would definitely be a fun guild to be in. I admit, I have been less than kind in the past on PVP but from recent exposure I think that Menera's Non-pvp has rubbed off on me. As of late, I also have made a shift from being a player caring about leveling and being the best into a more community based player as well. As such, I would definitely be active within the guild.

Reading through the codex, I saw many interesting things such as the diplomatic methods with which Red Rose is run. Also, selective recruiting is a bonus. I'm sure all old players have had one of those experiences where a less than enjoyable player has been admitted into the guild and totally ruins the atmosphere that would be especially important in a roleplaying guild.

I hope that after your consideration I will be accepted for the next stages of application. Either way, happy hunting and good luck with all your future adventures.


Re: Grue Empress' App

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:10 am
by Rob'Doomsday
Application noticed Grue. It's a surprise and a pleasure that you decided to walk on this lands, good luck!


Re: Grue Empress' App

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:46 pm
by Sir Balder
Greetings Grue and thanks for a nice application.

Please contact members of our guild so that we may better get to know each other. I'm looking forward to speaking to you.

(Please note that your username has been changed to Grue Empress)
