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The application of Regin Tishar [Accepted]

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:30 am
by Regin
The application of Regin Tishar

The sun is about to set and the wind blows in from the blue ocean. It’s a welcoming breeze, but it also brings with it the stench of the harbour. The smell of rotting fish, rats and other misfortunes. Perhaps the worst is the stench of the human corpses. All too often are the streets of Thais filled with the blood and guts of innocent, and not so innocent, men and women. l am glad I’m almost there. The Wayfarers’ Rest is a peaceful establishment in this otherwise so cruel and unforgiving city. The walls are humbly decorated, and the common room is sparsely populated. My nose thanks for me for the scent of incense that fills the tavern. It was today wasn’t it? I checked my notebook to make sure, and I asked the barkeeper to see today’s newspaper. Yes. It is today. I’ve been longing for this day for so long. It’s almost unreal.

I look around, but I can’t see him. I’m probably early. I decide to wait in the salon behind the common room. After all, this is my establishment. On my way there I tell the barkeeper to send him in to me when he arrives. How should I greet him? Should I stand up, or should I let him take a seat first? Is “Good evening sir…” too formal? No. I must stop this nonsense. I’ve talked to the man plenty of times before, why is this so different? I try to find a comfortable position in the chair. I should get some new ones from Venore soon. They are so much more comfortable than the ones made by the local craftsmen. I hear the door behind me open. I jump up in a split second and look slightly awkward standing there halfway standing up, halfway sitting down in the chair and with sweat suddenly appearing on my forehead.

“Good evening, Regin!” he said. “How nice to see you again!” I have enough trouble keeping the balance, and trying to reach over to shake his hand was certainly a mistake.

“H–Hi!” I whisper while going straight for the floor. What a prime specimen I am… I gently stand up again and brush my trousers.

“P–please. Take a seat.” I think I said it out aloud at least. He sat down, and I found my way to the chair opposite of his.

“Perhaps you’d like a glass of wine?” I ask. What happened to my resolute personality and quick wit?

“That’d be lovely” he replied.

I call on the barkeeper and a minute later we sit there with a glass of wine each in front of the fireplace. I should have started the conversation, but he spoke first. He always seemed to know how to handle whatever situation he was in with grace.

“I understand you’d like to join the Red Rose?”

I took a deep breath and did my best to gather myself.

“Yes. That is indeed true gracious Avora Skyfallen.” Damn… Way over the top Regin! I took a deep sip of my wine.

“I have long wished to join the ranks of the Red Rose, but until now I’ve been either unable or too humble to approach you.” I begin to find my cool again. After all, he’s not that scary…

“Tell me about yourself.” He said in a gentle tone. He had probably picked up on my nervousness and tried to soothe me. “I’m eager to learn to know you.”

Where should I begin?

“It’s been thirteen years since I first began my adventures in these lands. But it was not on this world, the oldest of them all.” I tried to think back to those early days so many years ago. There was but three worlds to explore back then. An old one, a new one, and one that was unreachable by the likes of me.

“My first adventures were on the world known as Nova, but alas it is no more.” Those innocent days of wonder and mystery. I’ll never forget.

“For two years I roamed those lands under various aliases till the rumours of a new world reached me.” I can still remember that day, the day I became Mezzy Nocturn. September 4th 2004.

“I decided to move to this world together with a contingent of friends. Galana was the name of the world, but also this world is no more.” I didn’t want to tell him about how fast this group disintegrated and fell apart. It was tough being left all alone on a new world.

“Later the same year I moved to the mountains of Kazordoon. I joined with the dwarves there for a while. It was a peaceful, but busy place. This is where I assumed the persona of Mezur Stonecutter, or Mezzy among friends. A humble dwarf minding his own business.” I paused and gathered my thoughts. The wine was a bit too spicy for my taste, but I took another deep sip before continuing.

“I was at the Jolly Axeman Tavern when I heard the distressing news. One of the Emperor’s servants had found letters in his private quarters outlining deep rooted corruption in our beloved Empire. And that wasn’t the worst. He was colluding with the elves. It was an instant uproar in the lower quarters. This had to end!” I took a deep breath. These memories brings back an anger I had long forgotten.

“We fought our way up to the noble quarters where we built barricades to withstand the Imperial Guard that was amassing nearby. For three days and two nights we held our ground, but not without casualties. As I saw my dead comrades around me I gathered the remaining dwarves. We understood how grave the situation was. We retreated under the cover of the night and headed south. We had sent word to King Tibianius about our situation the day before for help, and word was sent back that he couldn’t help us with arms and men, but should we need it he would grant us sanctuary in Greenshore.” I have to pause. It is a full moon that night. I can still remember my last sight of the Big Old One, only illuminated by the moonlight. I look over at Avora. I can see he is tired, albeit he does all he can to hide it. I should keep my story short. Talking him to sleep is perhaps not the best way to achieve my goals.

“On our way from Kazordoon to Greenshore a strong bond was established between those of us who survived. Together we formed the Dwarfhood, and I had the honour of being its first leader. At first we built ourselves a small clanhall before we later built a grand ship that we named the Tibianic. The plan was to one day set sail and settle a new home for ourselves, but Greenshore was too good to us. For many years I lead the Dwarfhood, and we flourished. For several years we hosted new events, games and parties every second week at the most. The most popular being the Galana Anniversary where we opened our ship to all the inhabitants of Galana with a new game to play in every room, and with a lavish feast at the bottom deck.” The memories are coming crushing down on me. I have to choose which to tell and not. I decide not to mention our graduation ceremonies, history lessons, training camps and what not. I pour the man another glass of wine. He hadn’t completely emptied it, but close enough.

“After a couple of years I decided to step down and retire, and let the new generation of dwarves lead the guild. These younglings who had only heard about the Great Rebellion from the older dwarves when they got drunk enough. For many years I stayed away from the adventures of these lands. But the Dwarfhood still stands, although they all moved to the world of Refugia five years ago and settled in the Dark Mansion. The younger generation wanted to be closer to the city.” The moon is visible through the window behind Avora now. What a wondrous thing. Floating in the skies with no worries. Is this the same moon that show me the way to Greenshore so many years ago?

“When I came back from my retirement earlier this year I was once again all alone on a new world. The world I once had known as Galana was gone, and a new one had taken its place.” Efidia… Even the name of this new world is horrendous.

“I decided to move away from this new and strange world. My first thought was to follow my fellow dwarves to Refugia, but none of my old comrades were still alive. I would be the only one left of the old generation. Thus I decided to move to this world, Antica. The oldest of them all. Once here I also took a new name and new persona. The dwarf named Mezur Stonecutter, or Mezzy Nocturne, is now at rest. Regin Tishar was the new me.” A thought struck me in an instant. Could the Red Rose accept one that changed his persona so easily? Have I now spoiled my own chances? The nerves that had bothered me earlier returned.

“Once here I decided to find a new group of friends, and together with a handful friendly men and women I founded Tar Valon.” No need to mention the randomness and arbitrary invitations that was so common the first days of this guild. Good call.

“And a long story short, we managed to buy the Warrior’s Guildhall in Thais where I could open the tavern we’re sitting in right now.” I smile, and wait for the man to respond. No one says a word. In a sudden I can see the a split second of panic in Avora’s eyes. He understood I was done.

“Yes. So. That was… interesting.” The gracious Avora is for a moment not so gracious anymore. It actually relieved me to see him squander.

“Now tell me. What do you know of the Red Rose, and why do you wish to become one of us?” The grace is back in an instant. His tone is serious and professional.

“Even though I haven’t been on this world for long, the stories and news would transgress to other worlds. Ever since my very first adventures on Nova I heard stories of this magnificent guild. Many a time I thought of how it would be to join the Red Rose. Be alas, the destiny weavers wanted it otherwise.” I stand up to fetch us another bottle of wine. And as I walk over to the cabinet I continued to talk.

“The history and reputation of the Red Rose is more than enough to humble most men, myself included. But since I first came to this realm I’ve met several of its members and have been positively surprised. Those I have met are all among the nicest and most helpful people I’ve encountered on all the worlds I’ve roamed. Their kind and gentle words has made me believe I would thrive amongst you. To be given the opportunity to join the ranks of these respectable men and women would be a great honour and an immense pleasure.” I shut still. Don’t overplay it now Regin. Be humble, but don’t over do it! The nerves are getting to me. And probably the wine too. I returned to the table with the new bottle and poured us yet another glad of wine. It’s time to wrap it up in an appropriate way now. What should I say? I look straight at the man across the table.

“Please invite me?” Damnit Regin!


OOC: Just to make it clear, I am applying as Regin Tishar. My alt, Regin Sedai, will continue as the leader of Tar Valon and to run the bar at the Warrior's Guildhall. I hope it is alright with the Red Rose that I continue with Tar Valon and the Wayfarers' Rest as my side-projects :)

The person behind Regin is a 25 year old student from Norway named Torbjørn. I'm currently finishing my bachelors in history, and I have a bachelors in political science from before. I'm currently the leader of Bergen ungdomslag Ervingen (Bergen Youth Association "Ervingen"), an organisation with 2-300 members and a multitude of activity groups ranging from folkdance (different groups for all ages) to theater and choire. We run two culture houses in the city centre of Bergen, and are also the owners of three hotels (among them the oldest hotel in Bergen). At the moment I'm applying for jobs as my university isn't starting up masters programmes in the spring for the first time in over a decade, making my next opportunity to start my masters the autumn of 2016.

Re: The application of Regin Tishar

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:49 am
by Avora Skyfallen
Be greeted Regin Tishar!

I am, amongst many others, very happy to see that you decided to apply here.
I like the application, you managed to cramp all the infos into a quite entertaining read.

I wish you good luck with your application, keep talking to Roses, aswell as new ones you have yet to get to know.

Re: The application of Regin Tishar

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:38 am
by Chikilina
Greetings Regin Tishar,

I'm very happy to see your application. It's very creative and describes your character in a very funny and different way.
Thank you very much! We will be contacting you regarding your application very soon.

Kind regards,

Re: The application of Regin Tishar

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:53 pm
by Gimli Wulfstan
Hail Regin!

Great application
Lets have a chat at your Bar !


Re: The application of Regin Tishar

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:51 pm
by Spear Bear
Greetings Regin!
I was utterly impressed by your story and I'm looking forward to seeing you ingame.

Re: The application of Regin Tishar

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:03 am
by Zap Eldorath
Ah ha! Greetings brother,

You bless us with your humbling perspective, and we thank you for your kind words however, we would not be the great guild we are without the blessing of our Lord Banor. May he see earnest in your proposal, for his will and judgement is the one I share and honor.

Kindest Regards,

Re: The application of Regin Tishar

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:18 am
by Avora Skyfallen
Hello Regin Tishar!

Could you please make your way to our guildhall in Fibula, Sunday 27th of December at 20.00 CET (10 hours after server save)?
Prepare yourself for some questioning, and your future with the Red Rose will be decided.

See you there.

Re: The application of Regin Tishar

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:03 pm
by Regin
Good Avora, and Red Roses.

I would if I could, but I will most likely still be at my grandmother's 95th birthday party at the time of my summoning. The week between Christmas Eve and New Years Eve is the time of the year I get to meet most, if not all, of my relatives (some each day) and I will most likely not be very active on Tibia during these days. I do not wish to be seen as arrogant, but if the Crossfire could be postponed till January I would be very grateful. I hope this request doesn't mean I've failed my application.

Re: The application of Regin Tishar

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:07 pm
by Miujau
What kind of monsters do you take us for? ^^

Happy holidays and greet oldie from us! <smiles>

Re: The application of Regin Tishar

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:28 am
by Avora Skyfallen
Regin Tishar,

your Crossfire is to be held on the 17'th of January at 20:00 CET ( 10 hours after server save ) in our Guildhall on Fibula.

Prepare yourself for some questioning, and your future with the Red Rose will be decided.

See you there.