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Storm Spiritz's Application [Denied]

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:34 pm
by Galimaquino
Greetings !
I'd like to join the guild, so here we go:

1) A little bit about me:
My name is Gabriel Aquino, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Brazil ... So I portuguese and english too. I work in an english school, its name is Wizard, I'm a salesman and I love it ! I also teach enlighs for kids . I live in a small city in Brazil, its name is Itaúna. It has lot of places to hangout . I play tibia since I was 14 years old ... I don't play several hours per day, but always that I can I'm online. Well, and the last thing but not so important is that I have a boyfriend, his name is Lucas and we love each other.

2}) My tibia's history:
As I said I play tibia for about 6 years. Who showed the game to me was my cousin, he went to my house in the carnival and there we began playing Tibia. In that time we were able to login the same character twice in the same account ! I was used to play tibia bout 6 hours per day ... I took about 1 month to reach level 18. I was always in that dwarfs' cave at the south of carlin. I died some times, i lost lot of itens. HAHAHA It was so fun and it's until today. I love tibia I enjoy the game and I hope to play it forever, maybe.

3) Why I'd like to join the Red Rose Guild:
Currently I don't play in Antica. But I always heard about this guild in other worlds. So I'll transfer my character to Antica and try to join it ...
Of course that there's more reasons to join the guild, so here we go: it has lot of history, it's one of the oldest guilds in tibia, you are like a family and I'd like to be part of this family too, I'm prepared to do anything to join to guild. I'm honest, I'm a responsible man ...

4) My character in tibia:
Well, my character's name is Storm Spiritz. I'm a very good knight. I'll be your wall, your tanker and your helper. I also have another character, its name is Bounty Hunter, a very good paladin for team hunt and quests.

What more could I say:
My facebook:
My e-mail:

As I said, I'm brazilian. So, sorry If I made any mistake of grammar or vocabulary in english.
I'll be very thanksfull If I join the guild ... I know that this may gonna take to much time ... But I'm pantient !

I still didn't transfer to Antica. So If possible we can talk to each other using facebook, teamspeak or I can create a new character in Antica just to check all details.
Thanks for this opportunity.

Re: Storm Spiritz's Application

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:28 pm
by Avora Skyfallen
Greetings Storm Spiritz,

thank you for applying to join the Red Rose!
I myself took the same approach of applying whilst my main character was on another server some years back.

Your application is fine, however you seem to have missed including a part of it, The Story.
3) Story
+ It can be a Role playing story, a more real-life story, even a poem.
+ This should be written by yourself.
I would like to ask you if you could add anything with regard to the quote above to your application.

Also, I suggest that you make a character on Antica and establish contact with some Roses.
This will help us to get to know you as a person before we make the decision as to what the next step on your application will be.

Re: Storm Spiritz's Application

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:01 pm
by Mardin
In time when you will add your Story, catch me in game for a little chat :)


Re: Storm Spiritz's Application

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:34 pm
by Galimaquino
Oh Gosh ! I rly forgot this step of "Story" ...

So, here we go:
I used to play in Aurea and I was level 12 on my character called "Grigan Aldean" ... I don't know what happened but he doesn't exist anymore and in that old times I was very noob ... It took me about 1 or 2 days to get one level ... HAHAHA I used to play listening to a music ... Well, I didn't know what my mother used to think about me when I was listening that very good music ... Well , I'll tell you the name of the music ...It's "I will survive" ... Apparently it's normal , but here in Brazil this is a ''gay music" HAAHA

All day long when I was at dwarfs cave, I used listening to this music ...This is funny for me, don't know if you will think the same ... Hope that you have understood .

Thats all ;) I'll create a new character on Antica .. So I can contact you.

Thanks again.

Re: Storm Spiritz's Application

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:37 pm
by Galimaquino
Galimaquino wrote:Greetings !
I'd like to join the guild, so here we go:

1) A little bit about me:
My name is Gabriel Aquino, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Brazil ... So I portuguese and english too. I work in an english school, its name is Wizard, I'm a salesman and I love it ! I also teach enlighs for kids . I live in a small city in Brazil, its name is Itaúna. It has lot of places to hangout . I play tibia since I was 14 years old ... I don't play several hours per day, but always that I can I'm online. Well, and the last thing but not so important is that I have a boyfriend, his name is Lucas and we love each other.

2}) My tibia's history:
As I said I play tibia for about 6 years. Who showed the game to me was my cousin, he went to my house in the carnival and there we began playing Tibia. In that time we were able to login the same character twice in the same account ! I was used to play tibia bout 6 hours per day ... I took about 1 month to reach level 18. I was always in that dwarfs' cave at the south of carlin. I died some times, i lost lot of itens. HAHAHA It was so fun and it's until today. I love tibia I enjoy the game and I hope to play it forever, maybe.

3) Why I'd like to join the Red Rose Guild:
Currently I don't play in Antica. But I always heard about this guild in other worlds. So I'll transfer my character to Antica and try to join it ...
Of course that there's more reasons to join the guild, so here we go: it has lot of history, it's one of the oldest guilds in tibia, you are like a family and I'd like to be part of this family too, I'm prepared to do anything to join to guild. I'm honest, I'm a responsible man ...

4) My character in tibia:
Well, my character's name is Storm Spiritz. I'm a very good knight. I'll be your wall, your tanker and your helper. I also have another character, its name is Bounty Hunter, a very good paladin for team hunt and quests.

5) Story:
I used to play in Aurea and I was level 12 on my character called "Grigan Aldean" ... I don't know what happened but he doesn't exist anymore and in that old times I was very noob ... It took me about 1 or 2 days to get one level ... HAHAHA I used to play listening to a music ... Well, I didn't know what my mother used to think about me when I was listening that very good music ... Well , I'll tell you the name of the music ...It's "I will survive" ... Apparently it's normal , but here in Brazil this is a ''gay music" HAAHA
All day long when I was at dwarfs cave, I used listening to this music ...This is funny for me, don't know if you will think the same ... Hope that you have understood .

What more could I say:
My facebook:
My e-mail:

As I said, I'm brazilian. So, sorry If I made any mistake of grammar or vocabulary in english.
I'll be very thanksfull If I join the guild ... I know that this may gonna take to much time ... But I'm pantient !

I still didn't transfer to Antica. So If possible we can talk to each other using facebook, teamspeak or I can create a new character in Antica just to check all details.
Thanks for this opportunity.

Re: Storm Spiritz's Application

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:29 am
by Chikilina
Greetings Storm Spiritz,

I'm sorry to inform you that your application has been denied. Please contact us for further information.

My kind regards,