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Ethrex's Application! [Denied]

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:19 pm
by Ethrex

Basic Informations:

-What's the name of your character?


-Where do you live?

Rl: In Sweden, in a town called Gothenburg.

Tibia: Wandering in the streets, sleeping here and there at the moment :(

-What vocation are you?

Elite Knight

-What level are you?

Level 72.

-Are you an active player or do you just play from time to time?

Im mostly active on weekends and some hours per day.

-How old are you and where do you live in real life? What's your real name?

Im 23 Years old, living in Sweden in a town called Gothenburg.

My real name is Amir.

-What were your previous guilds and why did you leave them?

With my main character "Dethrex" im currently a member of the guild "Soldiers of Justice".
Have not been in any other guild.

-Why do you want to join Red Rose?

I find Red Rose very friendly and a good guild for my taste :)

-Why do you think Red Rose is the right guild for you?

Im playing in a way to only spread kindness, help people, get friends.

-Maybe you can add some of your Friends, so we can have a talk to them to find out more about you.

I do not got many friends atm because im an old player and now im playing again after some/a year/s.


"I was born in a very small village called Rookguard, sadly i do not know who my parents are becuase they died protecting me and my brother
against an evil demon. I heard that as a story from the ones who raised me and took care of me, it was a monk in the Rookguard temple. When I turned 12 years old he started training me and gave me a bag with some apples, gave me a jacket and a club and sent me out in order to go and search for the demon that killed my parents also in a search for my brother, if that story is even true... I searched all of the Rookguard Isle, beginning in the sewers killing rats. I ended up killing a Minotaur after 5 years of searching, but still haven't found any traces of my parents' story, when i had searched the whole Rookguard i decided to talk to the Oracle who sent me into a whole new and bigger world where humans killed humans, demons were roaming the lands, darkness was everywhere... But i learned the "white knight way" in order to bring justice to the lands, fight the darkness and bring light back to these lands of doom. One day i was fighting an evil force of darkness and i got sent to another dimension of the world, for years i was stuck there....

Now, after years of studying the art of swinging my axe in a right way... I could be called a Knight and somehow came back to the right dimension with the help of some mighty good light-sided druids, i have the ability to spread light as i swing my axe for justice, cutting trough the darkness, crushing all the bad things in my way. My goal is not to search for that childhood story anymore or my brother that im sure i will find one day..., my goal is to unite all the humans, making everyone good and togheter we can stand against the Demons, forces of evil and bring light to destroy the darkness in this world.

For justice, friendship, loyality and all the good things in this world, I WILL STAND AND FIGHT!!!
Signed in blood

HAIL Red Rose!

(For any questions, feel free to contact me here or ingame:

(My english skills are not so good, so please don't judge from that) :)

Re: Ethrex's Application!

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 1:14 am
by Avora Skyfallen
Greetings Ethrex,

I wish you good luck with your application.

Do feel free to hit me up ingame for a conversation.

Re: Ethrex's Application!

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 5:48 am
by Chikilina
Hello Ethrex <smiles>

I'm glad that you encouraged yourself to apply so fast. I see a lot of enthusiasm in you. I wish you good luck!

Kind Regards,

Re: Ethrex's Application!

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 5:59 am
by Avenlia Silvershade
Hello Ethrex!

Nice meeting you earlier, and thanks for your application.

Good luck to you!

Best regards,

Re: Ethrex's Application!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:25 pm
by Zap Eldorath
Greetings Exthrex,

I recommend you speak to many members of the Red Rose members as possible, so we can get more acquainted with who you are. If you see us online, don't be afraid to message us.

Re: Ethrex's Application!

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:34 pm
by Gryphis
Greetings Little Warrior,

Welcome to the Red Rose forums.

I'll await a message from you.

Gryphis Whisperwind

Re: Ethrex's Application!

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:33 pm
by Ethrex
Thank you everyone, i've been messagin some people, like you sheepy but no answer back :( , you were hunting i guess so i didn't want to bother you or interupt your hunting :) . But i'll try to message Red Rose members while im online and you are :)

Thank you all for the answers :)

Re: Ethrex's Application!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:14 am
by Chikilina
Greetings Ethrex,

I'm sorry to inform you that your application has been denied.

Good luck!