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For all members level 80 or more.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:52 pm
by Sir nahuelinio
Greetings other time, Red Rose.
I am looking a team for do " In the Service of The Yalahar."
I think that is great idea do a roses and cookies. ( with other people)
We are " Gun's Cookie's And Roses " [Bad joke].

Well, in this moment i do a post in the forum. ... genumber=1

@Poseidon do~
Can you be the blocker, i will give some Stone skin amulet.

Well i think that is all.
Excusme for my english version.

Yours Sir nahuelinio.

Bueno, he pensado que sería buena idea hacer un equipo para la última misión de la quest, In the service of the yalahar. He hecho un post en, en el foro. Se ha apuntado bastante gente. Suena interesante, por toda la gente que se ha apuntado. Agradesco vuestro tiempo, perdonen por el inglés, sé que no es muy bueno.
Por cierto, la broma era un poco mala, pero bueno. :p Cuidaros, hasta la vista.

@ Poseidon do pegaseus
Podrias ser el bloquer, te daré un par Stone skin amulet.

Atentamente, Sir nahuelinio.

Re: For all members level 80 or more.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:00 am
by Sir Balder
Thanks for inviting us :) Do you want the interested to sign in your thread?


Re: For all members level 80 or more.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:42 am
by Sir nahuelinio
Sir Balder wrote:Thanks for inviting us :) Do you want the interested to sign in your thread?

Yes. Please.