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Arlenne's Application [Denied]

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:45 pm
by Arlenne
A little about me and my tibian history:

Hi my name is Luis Fernando I’m from a little city in Mexico called Tampico I’m 26 years old, I have a little daughter called Ana Sofia, she’s about to turn 6 the next Sunday 28 :P
I’m currently studying industrial engineer, and I’m returning to play after a long break, I started to play tibia in 2002, Antica was my first world but I used to play a lot in “ cyber cafes “ here in my city and I got hacked ;/
So I make this account and start this character “ Arlenne “ because there was this girl that I liked in my high school hahaha, after finishing high school I stop playing and focusing on RL, a couple of years ago I came back to “ Aurera “ and make a paladin, but all of my friends retire so I was alone in that world, stop playing again, 2 months ago I went to my best friend house, and he was playing tibia, and told me to start again, he also give me my premium account as a gift of my birthday hehe, he told me about “ Osera “ a new world, you know, fresh start, and we start playing, but he also says: Dude, you need to create a character in Antica, I can help you there, and I was like: DUDE i always wanted to return to Antica, ( nostalgia ) and I already have a little druid
So here I am

Why do I want to join the red rose:
Because I love RPG, I always told my friends, that when I started play this game I spent all of my day training in the bug pen (with my first character, my knight) talking with my tibia friends, there was real connections back then, and I liked that a lot, I think the red rose fits for me in that way, because in other worlds the ppl just want to lvl up all day, doesn’t want to talk , make friends, do quests, well at least that’s my experience :/ I want a little piece of the old days, and I want to make part of the history of this world, and this game

Roleplaying Story
This can be either a roleplaying story about Tibia, a real life story or a poem
This needs to be written by yourself

this isnt a poem but its a letter, hope its ok hehe

If you are reading this I’m glad because its mean you have found all of my letters that I wrote to you in life, I just wanted to say that I’m very proud of what you become, I could never give you a traditional family, your mother left us when you were a little baby of 8 months , it was very hard for me to raise you alone, it was very sad when you were asking about your mother, it was heartbreaking to me, they were times that I wasn’t sure I could make it to the next day I spent full nights with you in my arms crying, but we made it Ana
You help me to become a better person, I don’t want you to cry for me, because I’m dead now, but I need you to promise me that you are going to be happy, you are young, but you are ready to fight this world, you are my daughter and I could not be more proud of you
I will always be watching you
With love

A Personal Touch

Im not a native english speaker, as you can see , but i tried my best, hope we can chat soon!

Re: Arlenne's Application

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 3:01 am
by Chikilina
Greetings Arlenne,

Application noticed.

Good luck!

Re: Arlenne's Application

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 3:10 am
by Avora Skyfallen
Greetings Arlenne,

I wish you good luck with your application. Feel free to contact me in-game.

Re: Arlenne's Application

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 5:18 am
by Darien Dawnbringer
Application Noted, if you see me in game feel free to talk.

Re: Arlenne's Application

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 10:45 pm
by Miujau
Greetings Arlenne, hopefully we will meet soon for a chat.

Re: Arlenne's Application

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 1:59 am
by Avora Skyfallen

your Crossfire is to be held on the 30'th of October at 20:30 CET ( 10 hours and 30 minutes after server save ) in our Guildhall on Fibula.

Prepare yourself for some questioning, and your future with the Red Rose will be decided.

See you there.

Re: Arlenne's Application

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:25 am
by Arlenne

im ready