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Cotelaria Boa Noite's Application [Accepted]

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 8:58 am
by Cotelaria
Greetings, Red Roses!
Cotelaria Boa noite was created -or better- was born in 22th December 2016. He was born in a small island called Dawnport. He grew listening about braves warriors who once walked through tibian lands, promoting peace and justice wherever they went. His parents, inhabitants of Dawnport, always told him stories until he sleeps; he was amazed of knowing the bravery of men and women who fought against the Orcs, or scared when listening about the battle between Minotaurs and Demons (or, for the old, Daemons) in Mintwallin.

He reached adulthood fast and decided to move out to the big city (or, like the tibians usually say, the mainland), preferring to go to the swampy Venore; not that he liked the swamp, actually he used to hate that moss green ambient and the bad smell that the city has, maybe because the harbour region, maybe because the swamp below the streets. However, he believed that there was a place with good people and good adventuries. Since when he was a kid he used to hear stories about Giant Spiders who inhabited the plains, about committees of braves knights who disappeared in the middle of the swamp, which made Cotelaria admired. He also heard about betting in dog racing and wanted to visit the industrial site (he likes new and modern thing) and, the most important of all, about having the chance to meet all the kind of people.

By influence of his parents' stories he became a great lover of stories and mysteries, getting excited of entering a library or finding some adventurer who decides to stop by the venorean depot for a few moment and is willing to spend some minutes talking.

For being new in Antica, he was never a member of any guild and, unfortunately, couldn't make some great friendships, just the sympathy of those he encountered in the depot or in some road. On the other hand, he doesn't have enemies too, because he was always polite and respectful in his sentences and actions.

It wouldn't be correct to say that Cotelaria is a historian, but he's always searching about what surrounds him, doing, when it's convenient, trips to other cities in order to know new cultures. He has been very interested lately about find a certain farmer who was an adventurer one day, but details about this just him, Cotelaria, can give.

One day Cotelaria heard about an ancient guild which used to promote wonderful events, help the less experienced tibians and more. So he started to search more about this guild and he found that the members of the guild were follower's of Banor and that they protect all the dogs of Tibia. He was amazed of such interesting people and tried to find ways to know if he could apply for this guild and, if so, how could him. And then the people said to him to contact the glorious members of the Red Rose.

The young druid Cotelaria is played by me, Victor Hugo, an 18 years old brazilian who is chemical engineering student. I'm a deep lover of music, just as Cotelaria loves the stories. I like to read a lot and I know the amazing world of Tibia since 2008, when I barely read in english and didn't know how complex and complete is the tibian history. I started to play in a world forgotten a long time called Saphira. I also played in Unitera, Dolera, Solera, Astera and, now, Antica. Is sad to say that I don't have good stories to tell about the beginning era, because I didn't understand how the game works and neither that there was other things to do instead of just hunt. :/

First, I've chosen Red Rose because of it's illustrious history and second because of my admiration for the guild (even being new in Antica I already know what the guild have done for Tibia and for the tibian). I also like to help new adventurers whenever is possible, guide them and instigate them, even go together, if I can. I'm very interested in the roleplaying too, especially about the conversations about mysteries, stories, myths and friendships that are made in the game and the mutual help between the players.

I also like to explore the tibian map and do the quests that appears during the exploration, but lately just the solitude has been with me, because my friends stop playing Tibia and left me with mysteries to solve. I find it quite rewarding to solve a puzzle by myself or with friends by my side.

I usually enter in Tibia at the weekends (for more than 3 hour) because of the classes, but I enter for an hour or more during the week too, being the letter my favorite tibian means of communication (I just love the tibian mail system).

I really hope that the reading has not been boring and, going further, that the words had pleased you.

I thank you immensely for the time spent reading these humble words of this young druid, it's an honour to have this chance. I'd also like to leave a quote from a book that you maybe know:
Be my shield, let me be your sword.

Victor Hugo/Cotelaria.

Re: Cotelaria Boa Noite's Application

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 10:08 am
by Natures Lord
Be Greeted young druid!

Thank you for your application, feel free to contact me as you wander the streets of Antica.

Best regards
Natures Lord

Re: Cotelaria Boa Noite's Application

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 1:11 pm
by Darien Dawnbringer
Greetings young one.
If you ever catch me, feel free to talk to me.

Re: Cotelaria Boa Noite's Application

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 1:27 pm
by Chikilina
Be greeted, Cotelaria

Contact me in-game.

Kind regards,

Re: Cotelaria Boa Noite's Application

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 5:10 pm
by Cotelaria
Hail everyone!
Thank you for the replies. I have to say that, during this week, I won't enter in the game so often because of my classes but, if you prefer to, I can send you letters during the week and we can speak with more patience in the weekend. What do you think about it?
Cotelaria Boa Noite

Re: Cotelaria Boa Noite's Application

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 5:57 pm
by Avora Skyfallen
Greetings Cotelaria,

I wish thee good luck with your application.

Feel free to seek me out for a conversation.