Don Griffo's Application [Accepted]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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Don Griffo
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Don Griffo's Application [Accepted]

Post by Don Griffo »

1. Character/Player Information

Hello. My name is Luis, i am 28 years old, i am from Madero, Tamaulipas, México. I work in a technological university. I am head of laboratory of practices of the department of industrial engineering, I support the students with their practices, so the sense of helping others is born in my essence. I am married to a beautiful woman and we have the happiness of being parents.

I created this account in the year 2003, in those days I worked in a cyber cafe. A friend told me about Tibia, at first I did not like it, but the more people started playing it I also wanted to be part of the game and I ended up playing like crazy.

My character is a humble Paladin, who likes to hunt big things, adrenaline is part of me. I have been retired a couple of times, in lapses of about 6 months. Many of my friends retired too, and I lost interest in the game. Since my code is based on friendship, on fellowship. Now I am playing with 3 friends of mine who make the game more enjoyable. That's why I'm more active.

2. Why do you want to join Red Rose

I look at the guild Red Rose because as I said I am an old player, who knows this guild, knows its history, its events, its achievements, its dedication to the game, and I would like to try to pass the filter so selective of those who manage to join a guild with such an impeccable trajectory.

My code is based on friendship, loyalty and helping those who need help, no matter who they are. And that's exactly what made me turn to see Red Rose. The pillars of the guild are loyalty and companionship, helping those who need it, becoming strong in their beliefs. That's why I feel identified, that is why I would like to be part of you.

3. Roleplaying Story

Tell the story of a magician, that one day in his enchanted forest he cried, because despite his magic he could not find love. The moon, his only friend gave him the strength to endure all the pain he felt because of his long loneliness. But one day on a sunny afternoon, the magician was walking through his enchanted forest, and he crossed his sight with the sweetest look he had ever known in his life. It was a beautiful Fairy, with bright wings and a blonde hair that was dancing and singing in that forest. The magician, amazed by her beauty, stood there watching for a few minutes before approaching and saying hello. The fairy was astounded by the handsome magician. From that moment, the fairy and the magician wanted to be alone in the forest, always loving each other. Everything was going great, it was love at first sight, they spent all day in that enchanted forest.. But something evil watched them in silence.. the evil that always existed, could not bear to see so much happiness and love between two people. And with his hatred the evil attacked until the fairy fell, in that fatal dream..The magician spent the nights in his castle looking for the power to fight against evil.. to give his fairy her sweet look as when he knew her.. And he did not stop since then, looking for a way to recover the woman who that day in the middle of the forest could finally love.

And today he knows what love is, and he will have the strength to endure that spell.
He knows that one day he will see his sweet fairy arrive, and forever with him, she will stay.

4. A Personal Touch

In my free time I like to fix things, I am an industrial engineer, I have the vocation to improve everything I can around me, my wife likes that very much, since she says that today there are few men dedicated to their homes and their family. So if something breaks down at home, I'm ready to find a solution.

On the other hand, I really like to fix my car, I love cars. Currently my car has good sound equipment, and from time to time I visit some exhibitions and contests that deal with that subject. My car and I have won second and third places. I really enjoy those moments.

To finish, I would like to thank each and every one of you, for taking the time to read my application, I know it is very short, but believe me that I did it with all my effort. I really appreciate the opportunity you give us to be part of your ranks.
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Don Griffo's Application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Greetings Don Griffo,

I wish you good luck with your application.

Feel free to contact me in-game.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

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Don Griffo
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Re: Don Griffo's Application

Post by Don Griffo »

Thanks, i'll try to contact you in game, as soon as possible.
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Natures Lord
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Re: Don Griffo's Application

Post by Natures Lord »

Thanks for your application.

Please contact me in-game.

Natures Lord

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Don Griffo
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Re: Don Griffo's Application

Post by Don Griffo »

Hello everyone. I have not been able to see either of you online. I would like to know what time I can find you.

Thank you in advance.
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Zap Eldorath
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Re: Don Griffo's Application

Post by Zap Eldorath »


I am EST, and I'm usually on during the day. Send me a message, please.
Kindest regards,


"Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable." - Coco Chanel

Natures Lord
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Re: Don Griffo's Application

Post by Natures Lord »

Don Griffo wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:56 am Hello everyone. I have not been able to see either of you online. I would like to know what time I can find you.

Thank you in advance.
This week is abit special for the Roses, most of us will be back next week.

Natures Lord

My thoughts move.. my arrow fly.. one and the same..
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Smashing Pumpkin
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Re: Don Griffo's Application

Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

Application noted, feel free to contact me ingame. You should be able to catch me in September.

Smashing Pumpkin
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Don Griffo
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Re: Don Griffo's Application

Post by Don Griffo »

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is well, I have not had the fortune to find any of you online, and reading that most are busy at this time, I think it is wiser to wait until September as mentioned by Smashing Pumpkin. Besides that, Saturday is my birthday and I will also be somewhat busy since Friday fixing everything for my celebration :D. And of course, everyone who likes to come with me is welcome.

See you soon!
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Don Griffo's Application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Don Griffo wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:00 am Hello everyone. I hope everyone is well, I have not had the fortune to find any of you online, and reading that most are busy at this time, I think it is wiser to wait until September as mentioned by Smashing Pumpkin. Besides that, Saturday is my birthday and I will also be somewhat busy since Friday fixing everything for my celebration :D. And of course, everyone who likes to come with me is welcome.

See you soon!
Happy birthday in advance!
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.
