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History of the Rose Shields

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:16 pm
by Rob'Doomsday
The history of the rose shields starts not long after Guido joined the CIPsoft team, the Gods decided to bless the oldest guilds of Tibia. Red Rose together with only other two guilds (the Mercenarys and a long vanished guild) were offered to design their own armor pieces. The Red Rose designed the Rose shield and the Rose armor, the Mercenarys and the other guild (the name of the guild, according to the Nightmare Knights history site was Kreal) designed shields.

The Roses Genesis SE (nowadays known as Tharanis) and our leader back then, Lightbringer, designed the two rose masterpieces. Especially in the shield, Genesis SE made the Rose for the inside of the shield, and Lightbringer created the background and border contour. The Gods then created these beautiful shields and armors for the Red Rose; Lightbringer had to ask the Gods each time, and a God would appear to him and create one shield or armor. The total number of shields created is a mistery, since the file keeping the shield/owner was lost long ago. It's known that at least shields for: Lightbringer, Genesis SE, Octavian, Firehawk, Beowulf, Virgel, Silvarion and Eickman; were created.

About one year later, the Gods thought that it was unfair to the rest of the inhabitants of Tibia to make such difference by giving this three guilds more than to the rest, and proceeded to destroy these magnificent pieces. Thats how the Rose shields lost it's original "RR" mark, the Rose armor became the actual Noble armor (a level 35 quest), and the shields for the Mercenarys and the other guild, were turned into the Griffin and Ancient shields respectively.

Most of the shields are and will always be inside the guild, even if two are confirmed to have been deleted (together with the account of the owners, due to prolonged inactivity), and at least one is lost around Antica. Still nowadays, the Rose shield is not lootable nor obtainable through any quest.

Images of the different looks of the Rose shield through the history:

ImageImageImage Showing original shield, the one after the Gods changes, and the actual one (changed in december 2008)

The original Rose armor: