Helena Mae's Application

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
Helena Mae
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Helena Mae's Application

Post by Helena Mae »

Hello Red Rose Council,

My name is Helena Mae and I am here to serve the red rose from now, until eternity. I have a very unique story of how I came to play tibia but before I get into that, I will give the information that is asked of me in this very extensive and thorough application process.

My account was Created:Aug 08 2005, 03:25:07 CEST. However it was not created by me. Now before you write me off as an account sharer please, listen to my story. I don't have any Foes, although I have been killed a few times since really getting into the game, but I don't take being PKed personal, I assume it was really fun for the PK so good for him ;).

I have one really good friend who helps me just about every time I am on at the same time as him with quests, and hunting etc. and his name is Mordokrowka. He is a Polish player who is studying to get his PHD which I think is a really great accomplishment to say the least.

I was in a guild for a very short period of time when I first started playing (I was around level 40-50) and it was disband for internal conflict between members, the guild name was Halucinati, a primarily Portuguese guild that was into team hunting and questing. I really enjoyed my time in the guild because everyone was very kind and helpful and we were always doing something together and that is the essence of tibia, togetherness!

My play style is straight to the point I either hunt, or quest whenever I am online, although if i had more friends I would absolutely enjoy just hanging out and putting together social events, etc. Its just hard to do so when all you have to talk to is your depot box and npcs.

I wont lie about anything, when it comes to role playing i'm very inexperienced. My character is named after me Helena Mae Rhinehart is my full name, I am a mother of 3 beautiful children ages 10,7, and 2. I am from California,USA. I enjoy the outdoors, going to my kids sporting events and spending quality time with my loving husband, who also played Tibia at one point.

Which brings me to my story of how I started playing Tibia and how I obtained this account without being the creator. So this account was created in 2005 I have been with my husband since March 21st 2004. He started playing this game in 1998 when a sorcerer by the name of Cipreii was the highest level in the game at level 31 at the time. He has had multiple characters the most well known was Hakkenden level 350 knight (deleted for botting) but cheaters deserve their punishment, and in Arieswars hay day, he had a level 31 paladin named Shandaq Ironheart. Other then that he hasn't had too many relevant characters. So this account was just a secondary account that he still had since 2005 that had some low level characters on it which i deleted when he gave it to me when I started playing last November, and created my own character. So although I have no history in tibia myself my family does and I actually know quite a bit about the game just by listening to my husband ramble on about things that go on in the game. For some reason i just now got into Tibia about 3-4 years after he got deleted.

So, what do I know about the Red Rose? I know its one of the oldest and longest standing guilds in the history of tibia's original server Antica. I know that Lightbringer was an original member of this guild, and for some reason my husband feared this Lightbringer fellow, idk why but he has told me stories of when he was a young boy and he would see Lightbringer on his screen and he would log off immediately. Apparently back then you could log off at a moments notice while in battle or not. I know he was perhaps the biggest trader in Tibia and that was a big deal back then. I believe he had the first pair of steel boots ever, and in his hay day at level 52 he was mighty. I also have recently met Ruby Stone which prompted me to apply, she is a very kind person who openly conversed with me when I randomly messaged her when i saw her in Svargrond depot.

I want to join Red Rose for the camaraderie, the history, the loyalty, and the nostalgia. I believe the Red Rose embodies the essence of the old days of tibia which my husband enjoyed very much in his youth, and is a big reason why I even know what this game is.

I think the Red Rose should choose me because my story is unique, which makes me unique, and different from most because of the way I have been around the game for years but have never played until recently and I have a true passion for the game that is growing on me, and my oldest child has started playing as well so it has turned into a family tradition. I am also a very loyal person as my track record with my husband proves. I have been with him since 2004 when we were both in high school and we have remained by each other side through thick and thin for the past 14 going on 15 years.

To close my application i want to thank Ruby Stone for guiding me here, and I also appreciate anyone of the Red Rose council who takes time to read this and consider me for recruitment.

Helena Mae
Last edited by Helena Mae on Sun Aug 05, 2018 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Helena Mae's Application

Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

Application noted, feel free to contact me ingame.

Smashing Pumpkin
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Re: Helena Mae's Application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Greetings Helena Mae,

your application has been noted.

I would suggest you having a look at the following topic on how to structure your application:

Feel free to find me for a chat.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

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Re: Helena Mae's Application

Post by Darien Dawnbringer »

Greeting Helena, your application has been noted. Feel free to catch me in-game for a chat
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Re: Helena Mae's Application

Post by Natures Lord »

Thanks for your application.

I would like to chat with you abit, feel free to Contact me in game.

Best regards
Natures Lord

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Re: Helena Mae's Application

Post by Skyzo »

Good luck, Helena.
Skyzo, the Banshee.
Proud member of the Red Rose.
Helena Mae
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Re: Helena Mae's Application

Post by Helena Mae »

Thank you to all who have read, and noted my application. It is an honor to even be considered for such a family as great as the Red Rose. I look forward to talking with you all in game, I have added everyone from this thread so I will message you in game as soon as we are online at the same time.

Helena Mae
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Re: Helena Mae's Application

Post by Asteiro »

Hello, feel free to contact me anytime in the game.
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Re: Helena Mae's Application

Post by Cotelaria »

Greetings, Helena! Thanks for applying for the Red Rose, I hope to talk to you ingame as soon as possible. :)
Kind regards,



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Re: Helena Mae's Application

Post by Fretyn »

Application noted, feel free to contact me ingame.

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