Hello Roses

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Hello Roses

Post by Jahala »

Greetings old and new ones!
Its been a long time since I visited this forum, Im glad my login still was around so how have you all been? Im glad to see some old names within the ranks again. I am here to reply for the Red roses once again.

I havnt played this game in a very long time thinks its nearly been 5 years since I last had premmy but I´ve been visiting time to time. Accidently now I have lost my login to "Jahala" and he has also moved to Refugia where I last played with some rl friends of mine. So now that I am back im longing for Antica who has always been the server in my heart. So I decided to create a new char named "Kelissy" not related to "Kelisy" and so far I like this game alot, much easier of hunting and having fun etc.

Some of you know me and some dont so let me tell you a little bit about myself:
I am 34 years old and I live in Piteå a small town in the north of sweden with my wife and child. Many of my rl friends are not active anymore, but glad to say I still got two active rl friends who plays this game within the Red Rose : Miujau and Fretyn.

I been around this game since 2002 and I had my time of joy and sorrow, if you want me to add anything please just make a remark and I will

Yours truly,
- Jahala.
- Pupil of Rob'Doomsday.
- Bloodbrother to Exius and Dunja.
- Retired Ambassador of the Red Rose.
Natures Lord
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Re: Hello Roses

Post by Natures Lord »

Im very glad to see you return!

Thanks for your application.

Natures Lord

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Re: Hello Roses

Post by Fretyn »

Welcome back! : )

<reading application>
<scribble down some notes>

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Re: Hello Roses

Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

Welcome back. Feel free to contact me ingame for a chat :)

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Re: Hello Roses

Post by Skyzo »

Good luck.
Skyzo, the Banshee.
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Re: Hello Roses

Post by Darien Dawnbringer »

Welcome back. I wish you good luck with you application, feel free to contact me ingame
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Re: Hello Roses

Post by Jahala »


Thank you for your kind words, I will try reach you all ingame when I login. Im usually not online untill after 19,00 CEST.

- Jahala.
- Pupil of Rob'Doomsday.
- Bloodbrother to Exius and Dunja.
- Retired Ambassador of the Red Rose.
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Re: Hello Roses

Post by Miujau »

Welcome back

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