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Midgardu application. [Accepted]

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 12:48 am
by Midgardu
1. Character/Player Information
My name is Konrad. I’m 23 years old, and i’m from Poland, exactly from Rzeszów. It’s one of quite big city in my country. I play tibia since 2005 and i was spent a lot of time in ots but few months ago i decided to come back to the real tibia serwer. Outside Tibia, I'm interested in martial arts and krav-maga. In 2017 i was vice champion of Europe in Ju-Jitsu in IKB federation so i probably know something about it, i hope…

In tibia my name is Midgardu, he was created in April 2003. I play as Elite Knight because i really like this class of character. I'm playing alone now, without any pressure on lvling or something. Tibia is my favourite game and i have a lot of fun doing quests. I spent many years on war ots and in many pvp guilds and I am currently looking for people who play more RPG style and have a quieter approach to the game. But if someone is in need first, I will give my Tibian life for him. I am from a generation of players who ask “where?” and not “how many?” of them there are.
2. Why do you want to join Red Rose
I know that Your guild is one of the oldest in Tibia and more than once I heard legends about the rules in your group. I did not know too much members of this guild, but all of whom I met were good players and good people, who were alien to deception and fraud. I would be honored to be able to join you.
3. Roleplaying Story
Let me tell you story about friendship between man and his husky, story about great sadness.

Everything started few years ago when i was hunting polar bears near Svargrond glacier.I was severely wounded by one of the beasts and I realized that my days are already numbered and I will die soon. I was not even able to return to my tent and then he appeared, a great and strong dog, a husky. I have never seen him before, apparently he followed me from the village.

He came over, grabbed my sleeve and dragged me into the tent. Then he slept all the time and warmed me until I got enough to make the fire. Since then we've always hunted together and we have a real friendship.

Until now.

A week ago, when I carried out reconnaissance in the vicinity of krim horn my husky will disappear. The only thing left after him is the big paw prints on the snow. I was looking for him all day and finally I remembered the old legend of Yeti.

At first I went to the barbarian elders but they did not give me faith and they banished me from the great hall. I decided to seek help from a local monk at thais. As soon as I arrived in this city of travelers, I understood that I would not know anything because Quentin had a lot of work. I spent some time on the maps and it turned out that Carlin is much closer to the ice islands and the locals must know something about the old legend of Yeti.

At first I went to the priest there, Tibra, she said that she knows this legend, but the captain of a small ship, who formerly transported people to the surrounding islands and apparently even saw a Yeti, will be more helpful. This captain is called Svenson. I went to him that day, I could not waste my time. He took me to Folda, an ice island where the captain once saw the Yeti, and apparently it is here that these mythical creatures reside. I moved slowly and cautiously agree with the legend of the Yeti are powerful and very dangerous creatures.

I got to the cave from which there was loud panting, as if the beast were sleeping. As soon as I entered, a huge roar rang out and I felt the earth tremble under my feet. I was not ready for this fight, I had to run to the ship but from the corner of my eye I saw a great white creature and I'm sure I felt the presence of my companion Husky. I could not fight him alone. I returned with the captain to the city and immediately went to Thais to find someone to help.

I searched all day for various taverns and other suspicious places, but unfortunately no one believed me in my story of Yeti. Resigned, I decided to leave the motel room and that's where I met Troubley, one of the members of red roses. At first, I was surprised by my outfit, because I was wearing polar clothing all the time. However, when I presented his story to him, he immediately declared his help and promised that he would introduce me to the remaining members of his guild and maybe even organize a great trip to the Yeti cave.

And here are the dignitaries and the guards of the red roses guild and I am asking you to hear my requests and help me recover my friend.

4. A Personal Touch
I spent really long years in wars and a mindless game, which was based only on the quick punching of lvl and killing each other. Now when I play so quietly on the real I noticed that tibia has a great universe and it is really worth it to be interested in and learn them instead of mindlessly doing quests to read spoilers on the internet. I am happy to join the group, which also draws attention to the stories contained in this game. I even thought about gathering a few tibia and RP fans with whom roles could be played for fun. I know perfectly well that your guild represents a high level and has its own traditions, which is why it is writing this application. I hope that it will be considered positively. But if you reject me, maybe someone wants to play a little and play the role of a great paladin or a mighty magician who meets an old friend in a tavern and tells him about his adventures.

Thank you to all who read my application and speak about it.

Re: Midgardu application.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 3:45 am
by Ruby Stone
Application noticed.

I'd like to have a chat with you. I will try to contact you as soon as possible.

PS. Well written.

Re: Midgardu application.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:22 am
by Avora Skyfallen
Greetings Midgardu,

I wish you good luck with your application.

Feel free to find me for a chat.

Re: Midgardu application.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:16 am
by Natures Lord
Be Greeted Midgardu!
A Well written application, hope to catch you in game soon.

Best regards
Natures Lord

Re: Midgardu application.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 3:07 pm
by Darien Dawnbringer
Greetings Midgardu

I am hoping to see you soon and have a chat with you.

Best of luck

Re: Midgardu application.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:39 am
by Smashing Pumpkin
Application noted, feel free to contact me ingame.

Re: Midgardu application.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:12 pm
by Skyzo

Your name rings me a bell... Good luck.

Re: Midgardu application.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 7:59 pm
by Asteiro
Application noted. Feel free to catch me ingame.

Re: Midgardu application.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 9:23 pm
by Avora Skyfallen
Dear Midgardu,

Your attendance is requested at our guildhall on Fibula, Sunday the 2'nd of December at 20:00 CET (10 hours after SS).

Prepare yourself for some questioning, bring the items stated in the codex.
Your future with the Red Rose will be decided.