Sithunt Application [Closed]

If you would like to apply to Red Rose, here you will find all the information and guidance.
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Sithunt Application [Closed]

Post by Sithunt »

So, Hello everyone, my name is David, and im here to try to join this really experienced family in Tibia lands.
Truly, i havent been thinking about joining Red Rose, i was thinking i dont really have chance, anyway, one of the Red Rose members messaged me today randomly, and i have to say that, i am a bit surprised.
He is the first person i have met ingame, that got me a bit opened. I dont really talk with people ingame these times but... That kind of conversation, brought me here.
So i decided to write an apply and maybe ive got lucky.
Firstly, I am 25 years old, im kind of introvert person. That doesnt mean i dont like to talk with people, i like it, but
it has to be the right person :) Im from Poland, but living in Germany, ive got work there. I dont have friends ingame, in real life also..
If somebody is interested why i dont have a single friend, always u can catch me ingame and ask, i dont really want to speak about this in public
I am speaking polish, english, and a bit german ( still learning)
Ive got a girlfriend, we're living 5 years together, we are happy.Tried to teach her Tibia, but she's a newbie

My first character in Tibia was created by my friend. It was named Ziomek Paradise, i still remember , it was something like year 2003,
we were kids these times, so i couldnt do it alone.I didnt really achieve alot with this character, i hadnt PACC, it was too expensive for me as a child, so i could just explore facc lands,
and it was really hard. Still remember those crowds on Dwarfs in Kazo, loot stealing, lots of PK , 15 min before server save there was like a world war, I dont really remember what happend with this character, it was
propably rooked or something. Anyway, in 2007 ive created new character called Piwo Bartek (still have it), on Shivera, it was a knight, ive had friend from my backyard which i played with.
He had character called Monsu Dadun, still playing Tibia but on another server. That was the first time i really enjoyed role playing in this game, we were hunting together, doing quests,
hanging out in Tibia, staying for hours outside dp Carlin and making runes. That was also the first time i have got enough money for PACC, ingame of course, Scroll for 90 days costed 220k, from a Player

I achieved something like 80 lvl with this EK, and i quited Tibia. Everyone knows about times in client 7.6+, botters everywhere, i quited because of that.
I wasnt really happy when i was working hard to achieve something, and a guy with bot was gettin it in few days, and of course, all spawns taken
Now im playing with character called Sithunt, it was created few years ago, 2010 or sth. I have heard that Cipsoft finally got something for these botters, so i gave it a try, and i have to say it was worth it.
I was just in one Guild, few years ago called Mainline on Shivera, we had a great time. I still have contact with those members on facebook, we have been hunting and doin stuff together. We had guildhall in Edron.
I was really enjoying game with them. Anyway, all of them had real stuff to do, so guild is not active anymore.
Still got some screenshots with them Image
Why do i want to join Red Rose, first of all, i am impressed with the community here, people are taking it really serious.
Talking with people, enjoying time with each other, everyone seems kind and you can feel the respect everywhere.
Events, every year, like a real familly, grouping in one place, having fun.
But the main thing in joining this guild is to finally have real teammates, with which i can enjoy game for real.
I miss people which i can spend time ingame, doesnt matter what lvl. Even spending time with a newbie, helping him hunt, gives more fun, than hunting alone.
What i can offer to guild, maybe not history, you already have that, but i can try to make this Guild shine again in the future.
I think i am good person, always helpfull. Sometimes i make good jokes, or just i think that they re good :P I can help with hunts, quests, organizing events, making scheludes or just with normal conversation.
My life wasnt easy so i have a bit of experience in it, i know how to talk with people. If someone have a problem, not exactly ingame, you can always talk with me.
I have also alots of ideas, maybe sometime in the future we could use one for something, who knows

Short Story

It was rainy thursday in Svargrond, he got his equipment ready, went to shop to refill potions
-Its time to hunt! Said
He got on his nefarious Tiger Slug and entered a scary ship. There was a pirate called Captain Haba
-How are you Haba ?
-Ive had better times..
-Whats wrong?
-You dont know how it is, stayin here alone all the time, all my camrades left, just me...and this ship
-Ohh, i exactly know how you feel brother, but what can we do..
-Could u take me to Sea serpents spot?

-Sure, like allways.
-Thanks, Take Care !
After short conversation our hero started to clean the sea from the sinister beasts, hours after hours and then, when he was almost done, he stopped and started to think..
-Its so boring, every day, every night, just hunting, alone, maybe i should look for some teammates, would be easier, and more funny.
-This old Captain have no choice, he has to stay on the boat, but i dont have to..
He started to look for a friends. First our hero decided to visit Thais, biggest Tibia City
-Ohh, lots of people here, i will find someone for sure !
He started to shout in Thais DP
-Looking for teammates to hunt ! If you want to have fun, join me !
After a second some strangers started to group near our knight.
-Where are you goin to hunt?Whats the most kk exp/h u have got so far?Are u wasting or profiting?
Our knight was a bit confused
-yyy, i havent been hunting for a long time in team, i dont really know how it will go, but thats what is this world about! Having fun and exploring right?
-Journey, thats the most important part in live !

All the strangers started to look at him like on mentally ill person
-So you will just waste my time !
-Go away strange kina! I wont waste my potion for you
-I need money, not a freaking journey !
Sadly our hero was kicked off from Thais, he wasnt in mood to look for friends anymore.
He came back to Svargrond, sitted on the couch in his woody house. Fired a bonfire, and then someone whispered from outside

- Psss hey ! Would you like to join us? i have seen you in Thais, Journey things! You have right!
- Who are you? Said surprised knight
- We are Red Rose, Ancient Guild from Fibula Island,
- I have heard about you, thought you are retired.
- We are never retired ! We are just hiding in this strange world, power gaming, people not afraid to die, its not the world we have participated in.
- Do you want to join us? I heard what you said in Thais dp, about having fun etc, thats our goals !

- Could I?
- Sure, if you can help us protect dogs also
- Of course i can, i just need to get used to all these new things in this world
- So we do, everyone do! Theres allways new things in Tibia, but we can do it together, i will show you everything but now i dont have much time.
- Lets meet on the Crossfire, i will send you a letter where and when exactly, See you around !

- Thanks, Take care !
Finally Our hero found someone he can count on.
Someone can say its the end of the story,
but its just the begining of his big journey.
Journey with Red Rose Guild

First time i have been doing thing like that from a long time, i am not actually a good person to write anything.
Usually im workin with computers, anyway hope you will like it
I think thats all ive got right now to say, maybe if get each of you for a small talk, then you will know a bit more about me
I hope i didnt waste your time, so see you around !
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Ruby Stone
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Re: Sithunt Application

Post by Ruby Stone »

Application noticed. I'd like to have a chat with you, hope we can get in touch, as soon as possible.

PS. I enjoyed your story.
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Sithunt Application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Greetings Sithunt,

Thank you for your application.

Feel free to find me for a chat.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

Natures Lord
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Re: Sithunt Application

Post by Natures Lord »

Be Greeted fellow tibian!

Thank you for your application, it was Well written as i expected after our talk yesterday. We get back to you soon.

Best regards
Natures Lord

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Darien Dawnbringer
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Re: Sithunt Application

Post by Darien Dawnbringer »

Hello Sithunt, thank you for your application, Im hoping we can chat sometime soon.

Best of luck
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With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
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01:20 Cotelaria [214]: F*ck you, you f*cking f*ck.
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Smashing Pumpkin
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Re: Sithunt Application

Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

Applicaion noted, feel free to contact me ingame.

Smashing Pumpkin
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Avora Skyfallen
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Re: Sithunt Application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Dear Sithunt,

Your attendance is requested at our guildhall on Fibula, Sunday the 18th of November at 20:00 CET (10 hours after SS).

Prepare yourself for some questioning, bring the items stated in the codex.
Your future with the Red Rose will be decided.
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

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Re: Sithunt Application

Post by Sithunt »

So sadly i have to say that i am not anymore interested in joining Red Rose, i dont really belong here.
I have talked alot with some of you and i have to say, that all this stuff connected with Red Rose guild eats lots of time.
My boss wants me to be the boss in my real job, i wont have much time, i dont have it even now.

I am sorry that i could dissapoint some of you but my real life is more important than the game, i am still young and have whole life before me,
hope you will understand that.

I am glad that i could get to know many of you, you're really nice people.
I am glad that i could learn alot about your guild and history of it.
Of course i will be playing Tibia from time to time so if any of Red Roses needs my help, i am allways open for it.
I just want to say sorry and thank you together :)

Hope you will find alot of great people that will be worth joining this great guild
Natures Lord
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Re: Sithunt Application

Post by Natures Lord »

Greetings Sithunt, sorry you feel that way.

I would say you are in most ways wrong, Red Rose dosnt demand more time than most other Guilds.

But, as you Think as you do, you are probably wrong for us.

Best Regards
Natures Lord

My thoughts move.. my arrow fly.. one and the same..