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The Fibulan Dragon [Join-in]

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 10:09 am
by Avenlia Silvershade
Hello! I thought it was time we started a join-in again!

Before we start, I just want to quickly give a reminder of what a join-in is. We collaborate on creating a story set in the Tibian world. You control your character, and the circumstance around your character. When you meet another character in the join-in, you can only control your actions, and you have to wait for the other player in an interaction to join-in on the story and fill in his/hers reaction and what happens next. You can start somewhere around where I begin the story, or somewhere entirely else. You can start earlier in time, and slowly move towards the common story, or start right there in the action. The options are many!

This is really fun, a great way to practice some low-key writing, and to develop your characters and their traits!

In this specific join-in I will be Avenlia, but I will also control Dooth the Dragon.

One last thing: please keep the thread free from chatting outside the story. If you have to write something that is not inside the story, do it like this:
One day I was walking towards Thais, and I saw a great magic force surrounding the depot!

OOC: I won't be able to post for a while, im going away and wont have access to a computer.
OOC means "Out of character".

I will begin in my next post!

Best regards,

Re: The Fibulan Dragon [Join-in]

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 10:12 am
by Avenlia Silvershade
The Fibulan Dragon

Avenlia sat on a bench not too far outside Fibula. It was an early spring morning, more beautiful than she could recall ever seeing. Albeit, that's what she thought nearly every beautiful spring morning. The flowers were blooming, the butterflies flying, and peculiar white dots blowing in the air from hopeful trees attempting to land their seed in a spot with good drainage and plenty of nutrients. She was at peace and she liked it. Several years had gone since she had ended her hunting crazes, and her bow was largely unused now, although she always carried it with her and at least made an attempt to practice daily. It didn't always succeed. A well-dressed gentleman passed her, one that she did not know, probably on his way to Thais returning from some errand. He touched the brim of his hat, and gave her a nod as he passed. She nodded back, feeling the feather on her hat tingling her neck. What a lovely morning!


Dooth was hungry. And sad. The mean man almost killed him! And he had taken his gold! Dooth had many gold. One gold, two gold, many gold! He had taken the food too. Now he had neither. Dooth squeezed himself through the thin passage in the cave. He had gained some weight the last years. Mommy brought the best food. Deer, bear, even one time a large peculiar creature with only one eye. It tasted like leather, but it was so much better than rotworm. ROTWORM! Dooth sobbed. He was so hungry! Dooth's mom hadn't returned after the last hunt, probably a long time ago. Dooth didn't know, time was a hard concept for a caveborn dragon. After a long and unpleasant trip through the caves, he arrived at a door. Man door. He drew his breath, ready to turn the door to char and dust with the burning hot flames from the bottom of his belly. Whiff! He coughed. Wof! A smoke dot drifted peacefully out of his nose. He nearly lied down right there and gave up. Everything was so hard. Why did the man take his gold? Why didn't mom return? A flash of anger gave him the second wind he needed, and he ran towards the door and crushed into it with the momentum of a furious fat dragon. The door, and the wall with it, gave away, and Dooth could see the sunlight appearing above him. Fueled by his hunger, he managed to climb up and out on the town square of Fibula. He squinted his eyes and he felt the first rays of sun to ever touch his green-grayish scales warm his body. Sun he thought, as the exhaustion overcame him. He fell flat to the cobblestone ground, and as the lizard he was, he fell asleep right there in the sunlight on the town square.


DRAGON! The shout came from Fibula, and was unmistakably a fearful shout. Avenlia stood up from her bench. A dragon? In Fibula? Her questions were many. She ran towards the city with all the haste she could muster. DRAGON! Another voice shouted again.

Re: The Fibulan Dragon [Join-in]

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 5:31 pm
by Core Wetterwachs
Core, one of the few immediate descendants of Banor. Not only succeeding the courage and justice from Banor, but also having a charming personality and a naturally born handsome face. He was also known as Prince Core from Royal Family, a lord protector of Nightmare Knights. While he barely awoke from the previous battle against the Invasion of Orc. He looked through the window, he couldn't believe what had actually happened in front of his eyes...
"GROOAAARRR"! "FCHHHHH"! A big fat but young dragon was shouting loudly on the surface of Fibula. Core thought it should be something wrong, something which made the dragon angry. Core was brave enough to get close to the dragon. By looking through its eyes, he could sense the sadness, emptiness and hunger from the dragon. Therefore Core tried to calm the dragon down by giving some pieces of salmon to it. Because Core believed once the tummy was filled, it would calm down.
And his estimation was correct, the dragon calmed a little bit, or at least from the view of Core, the dragon did calm down somehow.
"Why are you shouting on Fibula?" Core spoke with dragon-tongue.
However, after filling the tummy, the dragon was so tired and fainted, it was like an earthquake when the dragon fell down on the floor.

Re: The Fibulan Dragon [Join-in]

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 6:07 pm
by Cotelaria
Cotelaria opened his eyes, looked to right and saw the day through the window.

-What a lovely morning it seems! -He exclaimed.

Then he put on his robe and went downstairs to have breakfast at the table with his wife. His routine wasn't that exciting anymore, the mortal adventures were, now, only good stories to be told during conversations at meetings. Did he miss them? Of course he did, but now he had a bureaucrat role, helping on the administration of the Institute and, of course, cotributing to the guild he's member of. Anyhow, now his life is different, he must understand that this life is in the past and will remain there, so he pushed away these memories and concentrated on his breakfast.

As the morning was passing he noted that the old memories kept coming over and over, as if someone had nailed it on his brain with a hammer. On a regular walk on Thais the memories got more and more clear to him. The day he went to the dangerous Roshamuul on an almost suicidal mission; getting to know an entirely different culture in Krailos; fighting demons and terrible creatures whose spelling their names would put a regular person into deep fear.

-In Banor's name! Why is this part of my life annoying me so much?! Maybe having contact with some nature will put my mind in place. -He said as he walked towards the south-west exit of Thais. He nodded at Kulag and passed the bridge.

In the same moment as his boots touched the green grass and he felt the trees, his mind stood in complete silence. It was almost if all the previous discomfort never happened, Gosh, it is great to be among some green again. He took a deep breath and reduced his pace as he walked south. His hands were on the back of his head and his eyes, closed; he already knew the way to his destination, so there was no need to see it, only to enjoy the trip. Due to his closed eyes, he didn't see a gentleman passing next to him. His moment of relaxing was interrupted by a shout:


Re: The Fibulan Dragon [Join-in]

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 10:03 am
by Smashing Pumpkin
'A fierce and mighty dragon, roaming around ... <humms>'

The bard was humming away from it's tower in Fibula, trying to come up with a new song to woo all the women at Frodo's bar. Songs about dragons and the bard slaying them usually did well with the ladies. He scratched his hat and looked around for some more inspiration. 'Aha!' , the bard said out loud! As he walked over to his telescope. Maybe he could spot some dragons in the Darashian desert, dragons surely like desert heat don't they? Never had he actually seen a dragon, being to scared to even kill a rat, music was his forte. As he was fiddling around with the mechanisms to be able to spot the desert.


The bard jumped up, hitting his head on his telescope. 'By Banors filthy socks what in the name of was tha...' before he could finish his sentence he saw it. The well on the Fibulan square, broken. A green, fat, oddly silly looking lizard with wings was crawling out of it. The bard looked in amazement, dazzled of what he saw. It fit all the criteria of a dragon. But yet it looked so, silly? Oddly charming even. He looked at it struggle to get out of the well, grabbing his quill and a parchment, watching quietly. 'This is just what I needed for some inspiration' he whispered.

And then it started. The shouts of the villagers. 'DRAGON! DRAGON!' they screamed in agony. 'So it actually IS a dragon!' the bard thought. Excellent! Now he could describe it in it's truest fashion, this would surely make the ladies melt! He examined the dragon well and took it in, in it's fullest 'glory'. Maybe he could even see an adventurer slay it, so he would know how that is like as well! And Banor be praised! Some noble looking lad came on running towards the dragon. 'This is my chance!' he thought. But to his surprise... The noble started to 'hiss' strangely and offered the beast some fish. It was as if he offered the beast the fish to remain calm. Could this dragon be that powerful?! The bard his eyes widned as he let out... 'By Banors filthy underwear... This beast must be a DRAGON LORD!!!'

Re: The Fibulan Dragon [Join-in]

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 11:20 am
by Natures Lord
Natures Lord was as usal these days playing chess alone and debating poltics with himself.. the once proud man was now old, his memory fails him, and his bow is dusty..

He smell fish from the outside, he laughs to himself.. and speaks out loud and clear -haha My old dragon would hate to be offerd fish..

In the corner of the little hut there are loads of venison.. he remember it was today his old dragon friend would come to visit..

- ahhhh better dust of that old bow and sharpen the arrows, HERE I COME!

Re: The Fibulan Dragon [Join-in]

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 8:23 pm
by Avenlia Silvershade
Avenlia was greeted by an amusing sight. Behind all the usually closed window shutters in Fibula, was now a myriad of curious, but slightly scared faces, hoping to catch a glimpse of the action. A nobleman she recognized as Core, was attempting to feed fish to the Dragon. She didn't quite know what to think of the guy. He claimed he was a descendant of Banor, which she had a quite hard time believing. Surely Banor would have had descendants which looked a bit more... godly? A bright reflection at the edge of her vision made her raise a hand to block it. Somebody's watching.


His eyes was closed and his body was aching. Why was everything so hard? Then Dooth noticed the warming sun on his back. Ah. Maybe not so bad. He knew he had dozed off, but it was worth it. He was gonna find mommy, and also get something more to eat. He opened one eye. Everything was so bright! So many smells! And the breeze! And the.... . Somebody shouted at him again. It was the same voice as before. He adjusted his eyesight and saw the puny human in front of him. It was the man with the strange tasting food, he thought. Mommy had better food! The other man had stolen all his gold, he remembered. One gold, two gold, many gold! This human had to pay! He raised himself so he was standing on two undergrown claws. He opened his mouth to decimate the tiny human with the strange talk. Whiff. He coughed. Not again! Woof! A tiny wisp of smoke exited his left nostril, and some snot shot out the right one and hit the human right in the face. But no fire this time either. He lowered his head. NOTHING WORKS! he thought loudly.


Avenlia watched the absurd scene unfold in front of her. The dragon had attempted to fry Core, but instead he was rewarded with a bunch of dragon-snot in his face as thanks for the all the fish. Then something strange happened. It was like the dragon's voice entered her head, and she could feel his despair. NOTHING WORKS! The words echoed through her head. His tiredness and longing for his mommy overwhelmed her. She looked at the dragon, and then at the town-square. It was obvious that they had heard it too, as the mood has changed from blood-lust to people looking confused at each other, and slightly more compassionate at the dragon. Could it be? Was he telepathic? Then the dragon unfolded his wings, and flapped them like a crazy bat. His left claw hovered over the ground for a moment, but his wings were too frail and broken too give him enough thrust to take off. He fell back down with a thundering slam. This fellow wasn't going anywhere. Now what do we do?

Re: The Fibulan Dragon [Join-in]

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 5:18 pm
by Core Wetterwachs
When dragon sneezed a bunch of dragon-snot right in front of Core's face. He immediately read out a spell, "exito tera" to disintegrate those sticky snot from his face. Yet he managed to transfer and compressed all snot into a potion vial. As many people might not know, junk to dragon, treasure to human, it was indeed a big reward.
Dragon-snot was one of the main ingredients to refine Time-Travel Potion. Most dragons were healthy and strong, they hardly sneezed, even they sneezed, they hardly secreted snot. Let alone those enormous amount. Therefore, it was nearly impossible to collect snot from dragons. How lucky it was to Core! According to the market, 100ml of dragon snot could be sold for 10000 crystal coins. And since it was compressed, it became very hard to estimate the correct value already.
On the other hands, Core sensed the lust from dragon, "With the name of Banor, I command you to return to your dungeon." And he continued, "Or be my mount, no worry I will cure all your wounds."
Obviously the dragon refused to be the mount under the control of Core. However, Core already let it realize he was powerful enough to make many dragons fear. All immediate descendants of Banor were naturally born dragon trainers with their family inherited knowledge, Dragon-Tongue. It was making dragon have no choice left but to obey. At least, it seemingly dared not attack Core anymore.
Actually Core had already noticed a beautiful human lady a while ago, yet he didn't get close to her for avoiding the potential harm the dragon might cause.

Re: The Fibulan Dragon [Join-in]

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 5:18 pm
by Core Wetterwachs
"Greetings," Core bowed to the lady, "pleased to see you, my dear lady." Then he introduced himself to the lady, and also told the lady to stay away from the dragon. Since he knew dragon was a dangerous creature to normal human though it was a weak one. Core could eventually see the lady blush, "I hope you can stay safe, I bless you with the name of Banor." End up, Core finally knew the name of the lady, Avenlia. However, he also found Avenlia very familiar.

As it was mentioned earlier, the dragon scared Core so much. Nevertheless, Core generously cured all the wounds from dragon, but he also set-up some magical reins to not let dragon attack other innocent people. "One gold, two gold, many gold!" Core heard it once and once again from the mind of dragon. He then also realized the reason the dragon went crazy on the surface of Fibula. As a justice and Godlike man, Core decided to help the dragons to look for its mother and started the adventure!

It was still unknown how many challenges were there waiting for Core in the road ahead. But one thing never change, he was one of the truest Banor's followers no matter in what situation.

Re: The Fibulan Dragon [Join-in]

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:04 pm
by Natures Lord
The old man runs out of his house, with the bow in his hand, what he see infront of him is truely chocking, a man who claim to be a descendent of banor himself, ”he must be more confused than me” the old man mumbled.. and why does he treat that potion of dragon snot as gold?

Its clear that his old dragon friend is out of danger, but he seems hurt, the dragon, still young and only 100 years was soon to leave its nest but still seems to search for its mother.. what could have happend?

Some venison would probably make you feel better the old man taught, as he walked to the dragon, he slipped on some dragon snot. As the old man was on the ground.. looking up on the blue skye.. he thought.. is this what i become..