Annie Belle's Application to the Red Rose Guild [Accepted]

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Melody Noir
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Annie Belle's Application to the Red Rose Guild [Accepted]

Post by Melody Noir »

Dear Red Rose Guild,

1. Character/Player Information

My name is Annie Belle. My main character was created in June 2005. I have many wonderful people with whom I associate in Tibia that have become real-life friends. In Antica, I had Arwin Winddancer-who has since passed. Also, friends are, Riivv, Stormcraft, Shu Lace, Amon Bear, and a few other kind friends. I don’t consider anyone a foe. I try and remain neutral and just play the game in a peaceful way.

The only guild Antican guild I’d been in was Warriors of Antica in mid-2017. It was just a few friends. However, many have grown and have their own families and work now. I don’t think the guild lasted a bit over 30 days - but it was nice to have one.

My playstyle is pretty relaxed now. I’ve matured and Tibia is a way to relax after a long’s day work. I don’t need my hand to be held. I don’t need other guildies to walk me through hunts. However, I do enjoy helping when asked. I hunt alone 99% of the time. I enjoy being online and making runes. This allows me to talk to friends and wind-down. I like to hunt things with which I’m comfortable, but am also willing to try new things.

I love to roleplay! Love it, love it! I’m wonderful at creating stories, visuals, things to bring joy to peoples minds and hearts. I think life is hard enough and we need to find peace and joy whenever we can.

My real life name is Desiree. I rescue animals, any animal at all. I’ve rescued horses, cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits, chickens.. even fish. Yes, fish. There is no life on this earth that I wouldn’t open my heart to helping. But don’t misunderstand, I am also a very strong woman. I just know that most times love overpowers hate.

Likes and dislikes are pretty easy: I love animals. I like a warm, but not hot day, I like riding on my horse and feeling as if the world is a million miles away. I like being awakened by the soft kisses of a puppy. I love kind words being shown to others. I like to make people happy. I like to find the good in things.

Dislikes: I dislike cruelty of any kind. Any time a person or animal is being hurt, I feel a small slice of that pain in me and I want to make it stop for them.

2. Why do you want to join Red Rose

I heard about the Red Rose guild many many years ago from a dear friend that has since passed. She told me that there was a guild on Antica that seemed like it would be my home. They shared the same values and I should look into them. I did, but I was such a low-level that I felt it would be silly to ask to be in the guild; what could I contribute?

Anyhow, she’s since passed and I thought of her words the others day. So, I looked at the guild and thought, “Mary was right. It’s just like me.”

How am I special… hmm… I think everyone is special in their own way, but I will say that my good characteristics are fairness, loyalty, honor, respect and I am a very hard worker. I always try and weigh things when I help people; see it from their side. I also understand that what someone shows me, may not be who they really are… a person can seem mean, angry and hostile - when what they’re really feeling is fear from a loved one’s cancer diagnosis. I understand everyone has good days and bad days.. and I have wonderful insight into people. I can usually tell a truly good person from one that only wants to give a good impression.

3. Roleplaying Story

The day didn’t feel the same. There was something in the air, some type of newness I’d never felt before. I decided to take a long walk and explore new places, just see where the day would take me.

I’d heard of the fiery mountains in Ankrahmun, but I never dared to go before. This day would be the day that I would find out if the rumors were true.

I walked cautiously along the hot desert, awaiting any attack which may come. My eyes constantly looking, my heart pounding, I was aware of all that surrounded me.
I continued this walk and it seemed as though there was a stillness... things were calm. It was almost peaceful.

I continued West until I found a mountainside. I decided to walk along the edges North, just to see the area and look for any entrances.

On my way back down and into the city, I saw it! I saw IT! I was frozen… my eyes glued to the amazingly large green beast and the small human who dared to go against it!

Flames spewed from its mouth.. the human seemed almost unmoved. She danced around with such finesse! A spear… swoooosh! And she’d move… another spear…. swooosh! It seemed like forever that she battled this great beast.. but she never, ever, wavered. Swooosh! Swoooooosh! I watched in awe and knew that one day I too will be battling these fiery beasts! I had too! it was now in me to go against their might!

I watched her every move, calculated her next turn… and then, as if the world started again, the creature crashed to the sand… defeated. As if nothing had happened, she turned and walked back into the cave.

I took a deep breath and exhaled it hard. THIS is what I am here for… the rumors are true! I shall become a Dragonslayer!

4. A Personal Touch

I am a very kind person and work hard. I love roleplay and everything about a gorgeous world created in the mind.

I’m very intuitive and that comes in handy in Tibia.

I don’t need a guild that’s always active - I know we all lead lives of work, families, and responsibilities.

I’m willing to serve in almost any capacity - just ask!
Last edited by Melody Noir on Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:49 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Warm regards,
Melody Noir
Magistra Noviciorum
Available in-game or Discord


I'm unstoppable, Not because I'm better than most,
But because I had to learn how to climb out of hell,
as a child, all alone, and with nothing to my name.

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Re: Annie Belle's Application to the Red Rose Guild

Post by Smashing Pumpkin »

Application noted, feel free to contact me ingame anytime for a chat :)

Smashing Pumpkin
Natures Lord
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Re: Annie Belle's Application to the Red Rose Guild

Post by Natures Lord »

Be Greeted,
Thanks for the talk today and for your application.

The application should be adressed to the whole Guild as we are a democracy, in some topics atleast :)

Hope to talk to you soon again.

Best Regards
Natures Lord

My thoughts move.. my arrow fly.. one and the same..
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Melody Noir
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Re: Annie Belle's Application to the Red Rose Guild

Post by Melody Noir »

Thank you, Smashing Pumpkin. I've added you to my VIP and will message you when I see you online.
Warm regards,
Melody Noir
Magistra Noviciorum
Available in-game or Discord


I'm unstoppable, Not because I'm better than most,
But because I had to learn how to climb out of hell,
as a child, all alone, and with nothing to my name.

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Re: Annie Belle's Application to the Red Rose Guild

Post by Miujau »

Annie the dragonslayer!

Best of luck be with you.
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Melody Noir
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Re: Annie Belle's Application to the Red Rose Guild

Post by Melody Noir »

Thank you Natures Lord! I've placed the members on my VIP. The pleasure was mine :)

And thank you as well, Miujau! It was a real adventure :)
Warm regards,
Melody Noir
Magistra Noviciorum
Available in-game or Discord


I'm unstoppable, Not because I'm better than most,
But because I had to learn how to climb out of hell,
as a child, all alone, and with nothing to my name.

-v-v- Warrior -^-^-^

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Avenlia Silvershade
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Re: Annie Belle's Application to the Red Rose Guild

Post by Avenlia Silvershade »


I liked your story, too bad it wasn't longer!

Good luck with your application :)

Best regards,
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    Avora Skyfallen
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    Re: Annie Belle's Application to the Red Rose Guild

    Post by Avora Skyfallen »

    Hello Annie,

    thank you for your application.
    Feel free to find me in-game for a chat.
    Yours sincerely,

    Marcus Skyfallen.

    Astra King
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    Re: Annie Belle's Application to the Red Rose Guild

    Post by Astra King »

    Hello Annie
    How are you?
    Feel free to contact me in-game
    See you
    Astra King, the Rainbringer

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    Core Wetterwachs
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    Re: Annie Belle's Application to the Red Rose Guild

    Post by Core Wetterwachs »

    Hello Annie, I would like to hear more about you.
    Feel free to chat again. =]
