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Zonia's Application [Accepted]

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:56 pm
by Zonia
I ignored the pain from the thorns,
which were very sharp.
It's leaves are rough and pointy at the ends,
with many designs going every which way.
I looked at it one more time and I knew,
this was the best rose anyone could ever find.
And as strong as a piece of metal that will never break,
this red rose would last for a very long time.

You can call me a Red rose
And you can try to stain me black
You can call me an angel
But I'll never leave you

I'll be your guardian
And I'll be your friend
Never stop trusting me
'Cause I want to be with you

Death's got a hold on you
He's strong but I won't give
No satisfaction for him
'Cause my friend will see the light

Don't try and drag down
Don't stop believing yet

Nothing can get through it
Love, Hate, Fun
All pass it by

A red rose is a used person
It comes to you,
Then you throw it's heart away

A red red rose

Is it what you are?

Now I think you a beautiful fighter
Worthy of both love and dread
Your crimson petals blush even brighter
And I know why roses are red

Image I play Tibia since 2003 or 2004, i cant remember well.I have played in several servers, such as Xerena, nova, samera, trimera. However, my favorite and Only Server is Antica. What i used to do in others servers was chatting with different people in Game-chat, and I’ve met different kind of people , different kind of players, ancient ones or even new ones, evil players and kind players; and i Could name lots of antithesis.
I’ve also played other MMORPGS like “tales of pirates”, “gunz” or “Perfect World”, all of them, while i was semi-retired.There were short-time periods when i left tibia, always Wanting to quit, but I never Could, and now i dont want to. I know how to control myself.
Tibia is just a hobbie, an important one.It is also a subject-matter to talk with my RL friends (they all play)

Yesterday I ended up watching photos of RR (the old ones when Octavian, Pepelu, Halfhigh, Smoked, Lord Wolf), and i felt i had to talk with one member of this guild i’ve always known, and i sincerly think its the best one in hole Tibia.
Well, So i msged Chikilina:

“Chikilina [108]: You are not interested?
Zonia [74]: I am, actually its my main interest.
Chikilina [108]: That interests me <g>
Zonia [74]: And that makes my heart goes faster o.0
Zonia [74]: the aim of this few lines were to congratulate you and your guild for such a diplomatic, honorable and ancient you all are.
Chikilina [108]: That are nice words indeed :)

And here I am, making an outline for THE application. The most important one I’ve ever made.
Entering Red Rose,in my opinion, would be the greatest thing it could happen to Zonia, I’d prefer to be lvl 8 and RR, rather than being lvl 150 and being “guildless” or even being part of another guild.When Chikilina informed me the guild was recruiting I sudden started making this application with enthusiasm and impetuosity.

I’ll obey my superiors and i’ll always be there, like the
poem explains.I will eventually aport all the effort i can to the guild, I’d love to play Tibia just for my guild and I’d love to be a RR newbie...Im so nervous at the moment...

If my personal information is necessary, please ask for it.
Looking forward for an answer.
Kind Regards and Hail Red Rose :!:

, me.

Re: Zonia's Application

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:01 am
by Chikilina
Application noticed.
Thank you, try to contact other roses in-game.
Be safe,


Re: Zonia's Application

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:09 am
by Sir Balder
Nice application Zonia, good luck : )
