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Application for Currupted [Withdrawn]

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 10:36 pm
by Currupt
1. Character/Player Information
Hello and Hail Banor! My name is Currupted, I have been in the world of tibia since Feb 28 2013. I have no foes, my friends are Chikilina, Cotelaria, Mihiron, Ajax Thunderblade, Ruby Stone and a few others that are retired now, sadly. I've never been in any previous guild in Antica. My play style is like a glass cannon, I can destroy but I need a blocker! I don't get scared or freeze up in bad situation, instead I find the best and quickest way possible to get out of trouble. I enjoy hunting, doing quest and talking to friends when I can catch them online. My name is Timmy, I am 29 years old and I enjoy sports, basketball being my favorite, playing video games, spending time with my 3 children, and chatting with friends from time to time. I like meeting new people and making friendships that last for years, my dislikes are rude people and people that start trouble. I worked in the coal mines for a long time and I am currently enjoying my time at home with my family and friends on tibia!

2. Why do you want to join Red Rose
I have always admired the Red Rose and how they carry themselves, I would like to find a home full of friends, brothers and sisters that I can share my time with. I want to be a part of something amazing and it would be such a thrill to join the greatest guild on the greatest server to learn from the greats and explore the game with friends that find the game to be as passionate as I do, I want to line myself with some of the most respected and well know people so that I can see how they have shaped themselves into what they are today and can help me become the best me that I can be. What makes me special is my determination and discipline upon myself to achieve whatever I want out of life with no for an answer. It would be a great honor to join the like of the Red Rose!

3. Roleplaying Story
I could always remember as a child my master always telling me stories of a panther seen only at midnight, i always thought he was just making up stories. One cold night as his essence was soon to be no more, he called me into his chambers, simply to ask one last favor, to search for the panther that he never found! I traveled on a journey far to find an elusive panther, some say it’s just an illusion, a myth if you’d call it, others say it must be real! I thought to myself... this has to be my destiny. I walked through the desert sands of Ankrahmun, onward towards the harsh Darashia to get here to finally find this long lost jungle, the only humans nearby where a couple of hunters, looking for elephants and deer to call their trophies, as I approach them to ask about my fabled feline, they quickly attack me! I fought back to the best of my skills and managed to defeat them!

I traveled onward north until I heard a hiss, suddenly a three headed monster appeared, I felt as if I was paralyzed, I treated my wounds and hurried to cast some of my sudden death runes to slay this beast! My fingertips felt a surge of power and destruction as I came to grasp what I had defeated! I continued my journey west, suddenly I found the tracks of the panther I have so longed for, my journey continued to no luck. I checked my maps to see the other locations this rare creature has been seen by other explores who never could tame the wild beast. I find myself traveling south, passing up the two hunters that previously attacked me, I come across a very big plant with a pink color to it, as I look down to see my boots had been worn completely out, I catch a glimpse of large claw marks on the plant, I knew I was finally close to this “fictional” beast! I have made it to a large log across the water that seems to be used as a bridge from the local lizard tribe of this jungle. I turn East and suddenly I hear a loud “purrrr” followed by a “grooooooarrrrr”, have I finally found the panther my master told me so many stories of?! I could hear the feline and I could smell the blood from others that never made it back to tell their tales, I couldn’t see it though, suddenly something attacks me from the rear! I try to fight something that I couldn’t see but could only hear, I remembered learning a spell that sends the flames from hell to my location, all around myself! I scramble through my old spell book in search of the words to cast! Finally, I find a torn page with words almost forgotten in the past, never did I think I would use such a spell.

I scream aloud EXEVO GRAN MAS FLAM! Suddenly flames appear around me, the heat is insane and I burnt most of the jungle around me, lying beneath a scorched tree I seen a beautiful dark purple beast! Severely injured, from this horrifying yet elegant creature I search my backpack for a Music Box that a hermit near Carlin gave and told me “ this may be useful on your journey.” I wind up the box and a beautiful melody plays as the panther approaches me purring and rubbing its head upon my leg and letting me pet it! Finally, my journey comes to an end! A new friendship is my reward and a companion to aid me through my many battles onward! For this is the story of my panther, my baby as some would call it!

4. A Personal Touch
I know I could prevail in this guild and prove myself, I am hoping that the guild gives me a chance to show my loyalty and honesty! I know I would make a respected member and I would do everything in myself to listen to those before me and climb up the ranks, I would give inspiration to the next generation of tibia players and other members of the guild to achieve their goals and not to take no for an answer no matter what is it!I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read this and looking upon my application! Hail Red Rose, looking to hear back from you!

Re: Application for Currupted

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:38 am
by Skyzo
Good luck, Currupted.

Re: Application for Currupted

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:03 am
by Currupt
Thank you Skyzo!

Re: Application for Currupted

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:17 am
by Avora Skyfallen
Greetings Currupted,

I wish you good luck with your application.

Please find me ( and as many Roses as you can ) in-game for a chat.

Re: Application for Currupted

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:21 pm
by Mihiron
Thank you for you application Currupted!

Feel free to ask me about any doubt.

I wish you good luck on your application.

Re: Application for Currupted

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:06 pm
by Chikilina
Hello Currupted,

Nice application. I wish you good luck!

Kind regards,

Re: Application for Currupted

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:16 pm
by Currupt
Thank you all very much for the replies, I am currently watching online for members that I can get to know better. I appreciate the feedback!

Re: Application for Currupted

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:08 pm
by Cotelaria
Good luck on your application, Currupted! :)

Re: Application for Currupted

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:46 am
by Currupt
Thanks Cotelaria, I appreciate it!

Re: Application for Currupted

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 7:02 pm
by Ryzn Warrior
Good luck on your application, if you see me in game feel free to message me