Rye Ane

Character history and background.
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Rye Ane
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Rye Ane

Post by Rye Ane »

Name: Rye
Family Name: Ane
Hometown: Carlin
Current Residence: Svargrond
Occupation: Part time jester
Faith: Follower of Banor

Day started like any other day, I woke up. Today felt different somehow and I could not quite figure out why. Did I oversleep? I sat up from my cot and checked outside. No, I didn't oversleep. The sun was just cresting over the mountains in the distance as I wrapped myself in my blanket and walked outside into the cold. I love this place.

My name was Rye Ane and I lived lived in the settlement of Hrodmir, in the city of Svargrond. Along with a lot of others I moved to Svargrond from the city of Carlin. I had heard rumors of the money that could be made fishing in the waters surrounding the Ice Islands. Although fishing was where the money was at, I had sights set on something bigger. I was going to take the barbarian test and join the guild of Knights.

I always knew that I had what it took to become a Knight, I just never had the funding. Growing up we did not have a lot of money so we had to make ends meet however we could. Little did I know that all those times fishing with my father would present me the skills I would need to achieve my goal of becoming a Knight.

When I first moved out here I did not know that many people but I did meet a nice man name Corey Wetters on the boat that brought me to Svargrond. He had been to Svargrond numerous times and was able to show me around at all the things that were happening and changing in this world.

I was on my way to my boat when I came across Corey sitting outside the local tavern eating his breakfast. "Good morning Corey, I trust you are well?" I said. " Mornin, Rye. Not good for me right now, had to come here for breakfast because all the fish that I purchased yesterday were stolen from my house while I was away." he replied. As crime rate in Svargrond was quite high this was not exactly surprising news. It was surprising that Corey was the target of this crime as he was well respected by just about everyone from what I had seen. Only time that I had seen him angry was when the local serving girl from the tavern was being harassed by a group of barbarian bullies, and he intervened and quite quickly neutralized all three of the men. I guessed that Corey had a background of being a soldier or something similar. Even still, it was quite impressive. "That is very sad Corey, I am on my way out to try and catch some Northern Pike's, would you care to join?" I asked. "I would but I do not have a fishing pole at this time, sadly. Thanks for your offer." Corey answered. I smiled, "well you're in luck as I have a spare pole at home. I will grab it for you. Meet me at the docks in twenty minutes." He stood up, shook my hand and agreed.

When I arrived at the docks with the tackle box and two fishing poles, not surprisingly Corey was already waiting for me. It was surprising however, to see that he was not alone. There were 3 men circling Corey next to the docks, each with weapons drawn. One of the men looked back and saw me and yelled "Go home, this does not concern you!". From watching Corey fight I gathered that he could defeat these three men but he just needed a distraction, and that is something that I have always excelled at. I yelled to the men, "Hey, are you guys pirates? I know a lot of good pirate jokes". The three men just stood for a second before one replied, "No, we are not pirates. Now leave. This is the last warning." I had no intention of leaving my friend to these men so I kept it going, "Would you like to hear a funny pirate joke anyways?" I asked. "No we do not want to hear a stupid joke involving pirates!" one of the men said. The one who I guessed was the leader of the three replied, "You know what, before I kill this man I would like to hear a joke". So the two of the men sat down on crates while one still had his sword pressed against Corey's throat. As I was not expecting to have to tell a joke, I had to think of my favorite joke involving pirates. It had to be good enough to distract the one with the sword just long enough so that Corey could get free. I thought to myself for only a few seconds and my favorite one came to mind. "How do you save a drowning pirate?" I asked. They looked at each other for a second and shrugged their shoulders and did not know the answer. The leader of the three replied, "How?", I smiled and replied, "C.P. ARRRRR." At first nobody laughed, nobody even smiled. The three men just looked at each other for a second before the the leader finally starting laughing hysterically. Immediately after the other two men started laughing also and the one with the sword to Corey's throat pulled away just enough for Corey to turn the tables on him. Corey ducked down and drove his elbow into straight into the mans stomach knocking the wind out of him. Corey picked up the mans sword and approached the other two men. The two men charged Corey and before I knew it, the men had fallen and Corey stood alone. It all happened so quickly that I could not even see what had happened. Corey approached me and said "Thank you Rye, your distraction was exactly what I needed to defeat those men." I was still in shock about what I had just seen and asked, "Who were those men? And how do you know how to fight like that?". Corey sat down on one of the crates and answered, "I am a Knight, Rye. It is my duty to uphold the law and protect those who can not protect themselves. Who those men are, I do not know. I guess that they were paid to find me. During my time I have made some enemies by doing what is right. Some people do not like the guild of Knights, or what we stand for." I was in shock, how could I not have known that Corey was a Knight? He did not look like a Knight at all, or what I envisioned a Knight would look like. Corey looked at me and said "Rye, you saved my life. Ask of me what you will, and be it within my powers I will grant it." The feeling I had this morning came back. Today is different. I approached Corey and said "I have always wanted to be a Knight, I would like you to be my mentor and teacher. Show me the ways of being a Knight." Corey stood up and outstretched his hand for me to shake and once I grabbed hold of it he said "I had hoped you would ask that, I gladly accept. Oh and please just call me Core."
Last edited by Rye Ane on Thu May 28, 2020 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Leader of the Red Rose

"There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. He seeks only to obliterate them."
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Rye Ane
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Re: Rye Ane

Post by Rye Ane »

<reserved for continuation>
Leader of the Red Rose

"There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. He seeks only to obliterate them."
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Rye Ane
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Re: Rye Ane

Post by Rye Ane »

<reserved for conclusion>
Leader of the Red Rose

"There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. He seeks only to obliterate them."
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Core Wetterwachs
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Re: Rye Ane

Post by Core Wetterwachs »

Well done. ;)

Looking forward to reading part II and part III.

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