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Milka Muuuu Aplication for the best guild in Tibia [Withdrawn]

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:59 pm
by Milka Chocolate
Hello m8!!
1. Character/Player Information

My character on Antica is 115 EK(Milka Muuuu) at this moment, created nearly 4 months ago at the beginning of corona lockdown in Europe. I wanted to hunt with other old players and also wanted to start making warzones on 2 different servers (EK was not the best choice...). Also, my account is 12 years old (created Jan 2008), but like many of us I was having few accounts before "finding a way". My journey starts on Isara (now Vunira-where I have my RP). But I found out playing as EK is way more satisfying, especially in TH. My EK on Antica does not have any problems with other players, the only problem I have is to find druid for TH. Personally, my name is Wojciech, I'm working as a CNC serviceman all around my country(Poland) that's why I mostly play on the weekends and yes You may see a lot of places in Your country, especially on the road but come on all workshops looks the same:) and if You work as a serviceman You will never have time to hunt.

2. Why do you want to join Red Rose?

Every old Tibia players heard about Red Rose. I want to be a small part of Your history, some freak who is available on Sunday evening to hunt some monsters or just chill on TS/Discord with others and talk. I hope the guild with this history is well organized, without any misunderstandings.

3. Roleplaying Story - sorry but this story will be how I came back to Tibia this time.
It all begins 1 month before all of Europe starts closing borders and locking down the businesses. We were already next to the seaside after exchanging bearings on some Haas in central Poland, it was cool night when I wake up with strong pain on my back/kidney. Few hours of a sleepless night I was taken to ER where they managed to make USG and RTG and tell me that I have problems with ... kidney stones just like my grandfather and father, it shouldn't be a big surprise... Fast decision and we are again on the road to home with painkillers (trust me they don't help, better is to take really burning shower and try to take a walk - maybe it will move forward). And that's the beginning of my next Tibia journey - Tibia hunt and on refil few mins on jumping rope or little faster walk. After I finally was able to go back to work - all the country was on the lockdown and so do I... and many of us;)

And if You managed to read all of this, make a good coffee or a tea and sit here with me cause I got some really old story, Years ago when I was taking my steps on Edron land I found out some guy, Jericho? Jaremo? Maybe Jerom. Anyway, he was walking somewhere around Edron surroundings - You may walk a few times next to him when You were rushing into Edron Old Fortress like many of others trying to catch more and more experience. He was not in the best mood cause some troll crushed into his house where he keeps all his treasures, he told me especially about one, a family necklace. For me? It's was trash nearly exploited to the end dragon necklace but my heart melted, a house in mountains? We all dream about it, let's make these mountains a little safer, who knows maybe you will spend Your last days next to Your house in Edron mountains? After a few minutes of preparing for travel - remember about Flying Boots and some Helmet that will allow You to take a breath underwater!! I was ready for the mission.
At first, I moved again to talk to Jaremo, just to be sure about how this ugly troll looks like. Then I moved into Edron mountains, at the beginning You may find few bats, who knows when they will mutate just like in Yalahar and Zao, it's better to kill them. Then I moved into wyvern cave, it was a mistake I felt drunk after the first step in that cave, but let's fight these monsters!! FOR ROSES!! - I screamed. A few seconds later after being poisoned, drunk and wasted after the not very long but intense battle I was able to take a step into hills again, north stairs down, go to the east nearby mountain and refreshing jump into the cold river, to the wire and You, re in the mountain lake, that was the easiest part. Now climbing, with all this armor, weapon, potions it was exhausting. Few stairs and we can see the sun again, beautiful view, but there is no time for that, we have to be fast, Some player in depot mention there can be invisible werecreatures, just like in Cormaya cave, badgers and foxes - but if You will be fast You may skip them, especially if You're knight just like me my friend. few steps and there is a canyon that you should jump over. But first let's change the boots into something better for jumping - this one with wings, not this expensive one but these cheaper boots of wings? of haste? something like that. Take a second to the last look behind and JUMP!
And here we are, I can see this troll now - really ugly creature, even uglier then trolls on Rookgard or Dawnport. ugh. With scream "REDSSSSS!!!"
I started attacking this creature but he wasn't aggressive, he wanted just to found love. Like all of us. So I told him about one troll look's like a lady that I know - MIHIRON. You wouldn't believe me, he gave me a Jeryho family necklace!! I run from him fast and down into mountain - it's always faster to go down :), Few bat's later - remembered mate to always kill them, they cannot mutate into stronger ones, I was next to Jerom giving him back his necklace, he gave me some strange kind of rope that smell like elves. I found out it's way lighter then normal rope, good to have if you have only one
squeezing gear.

4. A Personal Touch.
I'm a conflictless person, kind especially when I have the opportunity to share my knowledge with other players coming back to Tibia (but cmon .... There's huuuuge amount of things to explore after all these years). Besides that - hard-working, always funny with gallows humor. And

Re: Milka Muuuu Aplication for the best guild in Tibia

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:14 pm
by Mihiron
Greetings Milka!

Were you told, as a kid, you would piss on bed at night if you were to play with fire?

I wish you good luck on your application.

Always feel free to catch me up for a chat

Re: Milka Muuuu Aplication for the best guild in Tibia

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:17 pm
by Melody Noir
Hello Milka,

Please feel free to message me when you see me online.


Re: Milka Muuuu Aplication for the best guild in Tibia

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:57 pm
by Chikilina
Greetings Milka,

Feel free to message me in-game. Good luck with your application.

Kind regards,

Re: Milka Muuuu Aplication for the best guild in Tibia

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 12:16 am
by Cotelaria
Greetings, Milka.

Thank you for applying to the Red Rose. Contact me whenever you see me around ingame.

Good luck on your application! :)

Re: Milka Muuuu Aplication for the best guild in Tibia

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:55 am
by Varoos Moon
Hi Wojciech!

Feel free to conntact me in-game.
Watchout for Mihi's dog!

Re: Milka Muuuu Aplication for the best guild in Tibia

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:15 pm
by Avora Skyfallen
Greetings Milka,

I wish you good luck with your application.

Re: Milka Muuuu Aplication for the best guild in Tibia

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:19 pm
by Jonillovace
Hey milka, i wish you all the positiveness and luck with your application, I really hope everything goes out well!
And please, feel free to send me a msg whenever you want to chat with somebody, well.. see you in game! :]

Re: Milka Muuuu Aplication for the best guild in Tibia

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:32 pm
by Ryzn Warrior
Hello Milka
Good luck and feel free to message me anytime you see me in game

Re: Milka Muuuu Aplication for the best guild in Tibia

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:08 am
by Darien Dawnbringer
Hello Milka, I wish you the best luck with your application, feel free to talk to me in game whenever you see me