Application for King Arthur Paladin [Approved]

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King Arthur Paladin
Posts: 67
Joined: Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:52 pm

Application for King Arthur Paladin [Approved]

Post by King Arthur Paladin »

Hello Very good night to all of you ...

I believe that we are here to treat a lot more about people than about the characters and so I will start by talking about myself. My English is very poor and I apologize for any mistakes I may have made in this regard. Well, my name is Arthur and I'm a Portuguese who grew up in Brazil. There I built my whole life, went to university, became a businessman, got married, had two beautiful children (luckily they look like mom lol). However, on a very special day for my family, five thieves, with firearms, tried to steal and kidnap my wife and daughter. It was like a movie scene, but unfortunately it was real. I was on the phone with my wife and I heard everything without being able to do anything, it was really horrible; it happened just on the girl's birthday, can you imagine the trauma? Well, it was then that we decided to leave the things we built in Brazil and start a new life in Portugal.

Everything was as we had planned, until the world was affected by this virus and then the situation changed dramatically. The company we were going to open here didn't work anymore, the money we brought was short, I had to look for a new job and, at the age of 36, start my life over from scratch. My wife is my best friend. She helps and supports me in everything, she works as a baby caregiver and currently I work as a real estate consultant, but it is not easy because it is a job that you only earn if you are successful in selling, nothing matters your effort, but finally, little by little everything gets settled ...

Throughout my life I have always liked to help and be useful to people. I am that kind of person who takes off his shirt and gives it to his friend not to be cold, but don't step on me, if I need to I can also beat... Here in Portugal I had the opportunity to register for the Volunteer Fire Brigade. I did the initial training and tests and then I was accepted, therefore, with great pride, I can say that I am a Volunteer Firefighter, I do it out of love of life and love of people, most of the time, people I don't even know ... But no there is nothing more gratifying than receiving a real hug, from a person who does not know you but who, at that moment, loves you very much, because you saved herself or someone in your family. This is really amazing!!! So I work during the day as a real estate consultant and in shifts at the Fire Department.

Well, I think I talked a little bit about myself and we will have the opportunity to talk a little more and go into the subject.

Regarding Tibia and my character:

I played Tibia in 2004 and I have always been passionate about this game, I really love this game! However life and obligations made me stop. Since then I played many other MMORPGs (Black Desert Online and Albion Online were the ones that stuck me the most), but Tibia's adrenaline, that cold in the belly when you are about to die, I didn't find that in any other game. In conversation with a great friend who was currently playing Tibia, I decided to go back. I started playing with him in Serenebra but the lag of playing on a South American server made me give up. In the same account I have an EK in Solidera and I started playing alone on that server, however, there as in many other servers there is something new, the evolution of "power abuse" ... In my time (2004) there was power abuse that it was when someone stronger expelled you from a hunt, just for being stronger and you either left or you died. I already thought this was absurd, when I got to know the evolution of Power Abuse which are the "dominant" guilds, for you to enter certain hunts, you need to pay TC for a certain guild ... WFT ?! The game doesn't charge me anything to play, but players are entitled to charge to free access to certain locations ... Nonsense ?!

Antica has always been a consumer dream, all my friends have always commented on Antica and the differences that existed on this server as well as the oldest guild in the game and we always talked about the fact that it must be amazing to play there ... older server, I was always afraid of having much stronger people and consequently more power abuse. But I still decided to try it out and so I started playing in Antica. I am a player who likes to do quests and the stories of these quests, however, because I have already played a lot (in the past I was crazy about skills, I spent hours and hours in front of the PC training), currently I did not have so much patience to start over from zero absultute (the restart I had in real life is enough, isn't it ?! lol) So I bought my RP at the chars auction. I chose a character that had a low level (so I could write his story, my way) but high skills so that I didn't have to waste a lot of time training. It was then that I bought Daielith, old name of King Arthur Paladin.

I watch some channels on Youtube and in one of them I saw an interview from Cotelaria, I was amazed by the interview and it aroused my desire to be part of the Red Rose family. So I knew I had a first mission to fulfill: Talk to the Cotelaria and check if there was any possibility that I would be accepted. It was then that I talked to him, asked some questions about the server and the guild, I inquired about what I would need to do to try the ticket and here I am.

Will I fit into the guild?
I firmly believe so. I have a lot of willpower and I love to learn.

Will I be able to live alongside experienced players who test me continuously?
I'm certainly a good soldier. If you give me an order, I'll do it. Especially when I don't have a lot of knowledge on the subject and honestly, I have a lot to learn from you, today's Tibia is a new game and I really need someone to teach me, it would be really incredible to be able to play with you.

Would I like to be a Newbie for a long time (several months and sometimes even more than a year)?
If I said I would like it, I would be lying. I hope to be accepted, learn a lot from you, help in whatever is necessary, show my value and then be promoted. However, if this whole journey has to take a year or more, let's go !!!

I intend to join Red Rose for several reasons, but the strongest of them is because I see that you have the principles and qualities that I try to follow as a person and as a player. Honesty, cordiality, transparency and fairness are strong characteristics that I highly value.

An RPG story:


On one of his hunts, the mighty King Arthur Paladin heard that they had discovered a city in the far north. The name of this city is Yalahar.

He also knew that it was a city in which there was a lot of wealth and luxury, but there were many problems and mysteries to be solved there, it was then that he decided to know the city a little and understand if the inhabitants there needed help to solve these problems. …
King Arthur Paladin was told to look for a inhabitant named Palimuth, near the entrance, in the city center.
Palimuth confirmed that they had several problems in different neighborhoods in the city and that, unfortunately, their strength was limited and they needed the help of outsiders, but it was very difficult to find outsiders who volunteered to help. Palimuth was extremely happy when our hero volunteered to help him, however, as he did not yet know King Arthur, he made it clear that he would only send him on minor missions, as he would not put his city in the hands of a, until then, unknown.

As such, Palimuth reported that they had to shut down the sewage system in some parts of the city to prevent diseases that could be transmitted there. Some of the controllers were rusty and needed someone to loosen the controls and clean the garbage pipes and he would like King Arthur to do that job. Our hero more than quickly prepared his weapons and went towards the most critical points that Palimuth had informed. On the way, he had to kill some bugs and mice, this task was very easy. Soon King Arthur had eliminated the monsters and loosened the controls. Palimuth was so happy with the completion of the task that he asked for help on a much more important matter, he needed to have information about his seven guards who guarded the gates around the city, and only someone with great courage could pass the point. on point and get this information ... So King Arthur left on another journey, he had the information that the main road was safe and he should only leave it, in the last case, with that information, he had no problem getting report the seven guards and complete the mission. Rumors that there was a hero helping to solve the city's problems soon spread, and Palimuth's superiors now not only knew King Arthur Paladin's fame, but also wanted him to solve his own affairs, matters of the greatest relevance and priority. So they called him for a conversation:

- Hello King Arthur Paladin, my name is Azerus and I'm a Yalahari. With all the strangers coming and going here, it would be very tedious to explain everything over and over again. So, we wrote a manifesto ... Get a copy of the room behind me. We will talk about your future career in our ranks after reading it.

King Arthur Paladin was getting to know the city and its details, he knew that there were two peoples at war who were the Augur, the group to which Palimuth belonged and the Yalahari. He had the idea that the Yalahari were a more cruel people and that they were only interested in obtaining more power at any cost ...

The Yalahari asked King Arthur to go to the Alchemist Quarter to find the three contaminants in the Quarter and defeat them. He also asked the hero to bring the last research notes which is a document that contains the latest notes from the local scientists before the chaos spread through the neighborhood, and to deliver to him. As a thank you, he informed the guards that our hero is allowed to pass through the gates. Now it will no longer be necessary for Arthur to have to make big turns to get to specific neighborhoods in the city.

Believing that the Yalahari could be a dangerous person, King Arthur decided to talk to Palimuth before leaving on his mission and asked for advice. His friend Augur confirmed his impressions of Yalahari and asked him not to hand over the notes:
- That neighborhood was closed many years ago and it is very strange that he asked someone to go there now. Those notes can only have important information about the pest and how to control it. This information can be used to subdue the entire city through blackmail. Please King Arthur Paladin, I beg of you, my friend, burn the notes in an open oven and tell Yalahari that you have not found them.

On the way to complete his mission, King Arthur Paladin encountered Death blobs, mutated tigers, mutated humans, slimes and many bog raiders, it was not an easy task for our hero, in several situations he came close to death, but thanks to his shield and the amount of healing pots and mana pots he always carried with him, it was possible to face and kill all these creatures. Then he found the three responsible for the plague, killed each one, with his special blessed powers, and finally found the notes.

- And now? Burn and remain poor in search of new adventures and thus earn little money or give them to Yalahari and earn their trust, having the opportunity to gain even more fame and wealth? At the risk of disappointing my friend Palimuth and putting the entire city of Yalahar at risk? No way! There is no money in the world that buys my loyalty ... I will burn and say I didn't find it.

The Yalahari was disappointed and a little suspicious, but continued with its plan to send King Arthur Paladin to fulfill his missions, in search of power.
After that, Yalahari asked our hero to eliminate some henchmen from one of the underworld bosses to show that we are determined and powerful. The plan was to make this “big boss” surrender and start working for Yalahari. But instead, our hero went to the city market, bought an invisibility ring and went invisible at Mr West’s base, proved to him that he didn’t want to harm him and convinced him to work in partnership, all smoothly and pacify. Mission completed in the best possible way ... At least for King Arthur and Palimuth, Yalahari was not satisfied at all: (lol)

- So he's been very uncooperative for you? Well, you weren't the first one we sent and you won't be the last. However, if you can't even serve us as a bully, we may have to rethink whether you are the right person for us. It was a terrible job and we don't tolerate many of them.

With each mission that our hero completed, he became stronger, because he was always training his skills and increasing his level and in the same proportion as he got stronger, the Yalahari sent for more important missions. Now, Yalahari wanted King Arthur Paladin to go to the Arena and Zoo neighborhood and convince a powerful druid, who had the power to dominate animals, one to supply beasts for his army. Yes, he wanted the Druid to create some guards and beasts.
But as always, before going on a mission, our hero stops by his friend Palimuth's house and asks for some guidance. As usual, Palimuth was totally contrary to Yalahari's opinion:
- Warbeasts? That's true? People are already starving. How can we feed an army of hungry beasts? They will not only strengthen the Yalahari's power over citizens, but they also mean hunger and death for the poor. Instead of raising beasts of war, this druid should raise cattle to feed our people. Please, Arthur, again I beg you, convince him to do this!
It doesn't take much to know what our hero has decided, does it? He convinced the mighty druid to raise cattle to feed the people.
Despite being dissatisfied with each contrary result that King Arthur brought, Yalahari was never tired of asking for our hero's help and then asked for one more mission:
- The old cemetery in the city was abandoned decades ago, when the activity of several undead there became unbearable. The reason for its appearance has never been discovered or researched. However, those undead can be useful, at least some of them. Specific ghosts consist of a substance very similar to the energy source that powered some of our devices. Since we don't have most of the original fonts, a replacement can be useful. Take this ghost amulet and place it on the strange sculpture in the cemetery. Use it to attract ghosts and kill them. Then use the ghost residues on the spell to capture the essence. Once filled, ghosts will no longer be attracted. Then return the charm to me.

What will Palimuth say about that? On the way I was already anxious to know ...
- What a sick idea to use tortured souls to power some device! However, this spell can be useful to free these poor souls. Please capture the souls as you were instructed and bring the amulet to me. I will see to it that souls are released to go to the afterlife in peace.
And so, with full knowledge of what should be done, King Arthur Paladin faced the ghosts, once again used his blessed power and easily overcame his enemies. He handed the sphere with the souls to his friend Palimuth, who promised to send it to a priest capable of liberating and freeing them. He told Yalahari that the sphere had broken with the power of the trapped souls and continued his journey, for another mission, at the request of the Yalahari who furiously informed:
-Destroyed you say? This is impossible! Not sure if I can trust you in this matter? You can assume that you ran away in terror from the ghosts and left the charm there. You'll have to work twice as hard on your next missions to restore the confidence you've lost.

Recently our fishermen were attacked by a sea race called Quara, they live in the submerged neighborhood and are a significant threat to our people. I ask you to go in there and kill all your leaders.
That was our hero's task, but would he follow? Simply killing the leaders of a people without even knowing what had happened? What does Palimuth think about that? Palimuth said that the Quara are indeed very powerful but have never attacked anyone outside their territory. It would be better to find out why they are concerned than to kill their leaders.

So our hero prepared and went on another mission, his goal was to find someone who could explain why the Quaras have become such an aggressive people. Obviously he had to kill some along the way, fought hard battles until he managed to find a mermaid. The mermaid explained that the Quaras are like this because their territory is flooded with toxic stoma from the city, all it took was someone to stop the sewage and the Quaras would return to normal. King Arthur Paladin talked to his friend Palimuth who promised to use other drains for the sewage so that the Quaras would be at peace. Incredible as it may seem, Yalahari was not so frustrated with the result of this mission. Then he asked our hero for another favor:
- In the past, we had many magical factories that provided citizens with everything they needed. Now that most of these factories are closed, we are having trouble getting enough supplies. We need you to enter one of the least damaged factories. Go to the factory district and look for a standard crystal used for weapon production. Use it on the factory controller. This will ensure that the factory provides us with an adequate amount of weapons that we need a lot to recover and protect the most dangerous parts of the city.
It seemed like a simple mission, however, to conclude, our hero had to fight some golems and they are very powerful, especially in greater numbers, as was the case. But after a lot of battle, our hero managed to complete the mission. However, the mission that our hero was destined to do was slightly different from the one that Yalahari had requested. He learned that that factory had already been used for food production and that somewhere there was a crystal for the production of more food, so instead of using the crystal to produce weapons, he used the crystal for food production.

And right after that, after analyzing the very different opinions between Augur Palimuth and Azerus Yalahari, our hero decided to openly announce support for Palimuth and the Augur who were extremely happy and informed that he has an urgent mission for our hero:
- I can't tell you how we acquired this information, but we heard that a circle of Yalahari is planning some kind of ritual. They plan to create a portal for some powerful demons and release them in the city to dominate it once and for all. I doubt that these poor fools are able to control such entities. I can't understand how they came up with such a crazy idea, but they need to be stopped. The entrance to your inner sanctuary has been opened for you. Please hurry up and stop them before it's too late. Be prepared for an uphill battle! Better to gather some friends to help you.
This will probably be the most difficult mission of all and our hero will need to find very powerful friends to help him.

Will King Arthur Paladin manage to end the ritual in time?
You can help bring a happy ending to this story ... Our hero needs you!!!

I thank you for your attention and see you soon.

With my best regards,


I would like to end with a phrase from Mahatma Gandhi that I always carry with me, he says:
"Who does not live to serve, does not serve to live"
Last edited by King Arthur Paladin on Wed Oct 14, 2020 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Darien Dawnbringer
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Re: Application for King Arthur Paladin

Post by Darien Dawnbringer »

Greetings Arthur,

I wish you good luck with your application, if you see me online feel free to contact me.


Ps, maybe, put some RPG story ;)
"In fearful day, in raging night,
With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"

01:20 Cotelaria [214]: F*ck you, you f*cking f*ck.
King Arthur Paladin
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Re: Application for King Arthur Paladin

Post by King Arthur Paladin »

Hello dear Dar, how are you? I hope you are fine xD

Thank you for your message and I will definitely talk to you in the game as soon as we meet. I also appreciate your tip, all suggestions are very welcome, feel free to say what you think, I usually take everything as learning. Regarding RPG, I read an instruction that told to tell a story of RPG or life itself. As I did a little summary about my own life, I thought it was ok. But I can complement it with an RPG story if you find it necessary, no problem =)
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Ryzn Warrior
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Re: Application for King Arthur Paladin

Post by Ryzn Warrior »

Hello King Arthur Paladin,
Good luck, and feel free to message me if you see me in game. You may also message my Alt Ryzn Warrior ( usually on hi or mana sitting)
I am by myself, but never alone
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Melody Noir
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Re: Application for King Arthur Paladin

Post by Melody Noir »

What a story! I applaud you for never giving up. It's not easy.

Please message me in-game if you see me online.
Warm regards,
Melody Noir
Magistra Noviciorum
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I'm unstoppable, Not because I'm better than most,
But because I had to learn how to climb out of hell,
as a child, all alone, and with nothing to my name.

-v-v- Warrior -^-^-^

King Arthur Paladin
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Re: Application for King Arthur Paladin

Post by King Arthur Paladin »

Ryzn wrote: Wed Oct 14, 2020 7:30 pm Hello King Arthur Paladin,
Good luck, and feel free to message me if you see me in game. You may also message my Alt Ryzn Warrior ( usually on hi or mana sitting)
Hello Ryzen I hope you are well.
Thanks for your attention and I will definitely call you at the game to talk xD
King Arthur Paladin
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Re: Application for King Arthur Paladin

Post by King Arthur Paladin »

Ashyrstar wrote: Wed Oct 14, 2020 7:33 pm What a story! I applaud you for never giving up. It's not easy.

Please message me in-game if you see me online.
Hello Ashyrstar, how are you? Thank you very much for listening to my post and for the support you gave me. I apologize for such an extensive post.

I will definitely send you a message in the game to talk =))

Best regards
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Re: Application for King Arthur Paladin

Post by Mihiron »

Thank you for your application.

I’ve been offline thanks to an issue on computer but as soon as I fix it I would like to chat with you.

Kind regards,
King Arthur Paladin
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Re: Application for King Arthur Paladin

Post by King Arthur Paladin »

Mihiron wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 2:52 am Thank you for your application.

I’ve been offline thanks to an issue on computer but as soon as I fix it I would like to chat with you.

Kind regards,
Hello Mihiron, how are you brother?

First of all, I thank you for your attention.

I had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with some of you, and in the same way I will be delighted to meet and chat with you too.

I've already added you to my list and when I see you online, I'll call you to talk.

An excellent Sunday for you.

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Rye Ane
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Re: Application for King Arthur Paladin

Post by Rye Ane »

Hello there!

Not shockingly...I would like to speak with you in game as well :D. Try and catch me and I will do the same ^^
Leader of the Red Rose

"There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. He seeks only to obliterate them."