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Application for Stiffy Twinkle [Denied]

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:32 am
by Stiffy Twinkle2
Hi guys !
Firstly big ups on what already been achieved, for keeping the whole thing going and for the road ahead !! Makes me even more proud to actually play Tibia !

What got me here is not only the urge to join the ranks but also my own history of days spent in Tibia.
Red rose history in noble and left a mark on the world - Antica as we know it now days. Golden age is over but I see the spirit never died :] GG!!
Noble is what I wanna fallow and I gotta feeling this is the right place to seek that.
I've been stuck on this game for many years and lately decided start playing on Antica. Made friends and some of them i still play with. Online a lot of time as sadly got a never ending problem with sleep... Like is rally out of order but i learn to live with it. So i be there at odd hours of a night or day.
A mix really.

A bit more about my Tibia experience is that i got scammed once really badly and nasty F over. Back in the day I used to play a pally on a server called Refugia if i recall correctly. I've met a guy from Turkey that seem friendly and we tag along for a while. I done recall what we done together to be exact but I know for sure that I used to buy royal/enchanted spears from him as he had a premmy account and i was still free account. My nick name at this point was Electronex. His Galix Bloodaxe as i recall. He seemed friendly and trustworthy. Don't remember who's idea it was that he will buy premmy account for me and him when he was about to run out and renew it. We agreed a sum of GP's will pay it off bit by bit. I give him some GP's and the next day I had premmy!! Was well happy !! Was well happy for 3 days !!! Then i got banned !!! So did he !!!
Contact got lost but I was relentless so i was checking if i got unbanned some how ?! Months later I saw his account unlocked !! Confronted him but as i got Intel from other friends, turns out he just didn't pay and the transaction bounce back!! Pocketed the money I give him and only payed for his account.
Sad really but being naive gets you screwed over, I got screwed big time :( But hey ! Didn't give up ! Started over ! After a break of curse ;]

Therefore i would like to join the army of red rose and fight against unlawful actions and represent the good name of Red Rose wherever I go !
My name is Oskar.
Been in a guild called Sami Swoi but sadly after remake they parted ways. That was a while ago.
Hobbies - Flowers and music

Why me ?

Not here to gain any thing. I wanna give. Time, experience, contribute with those who are committed to a good cause !

I feel would be a good match for the role ! Hit me up on Stiffy Twinkle !
Long live the King Tibianus !!

Re: Application for Stiffy Twinkle

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:39 pm
by Natures Lord
I miss the RPG story, if you have questions about what a RPG story is or how to write one, please read other applications thats been accepted or contact any rose for guidance.

Thanks for your application.

Best regards
Natures Lord

Re: Application for Stiffy Twinkle

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:09 am
by Ryzn Warrior
Hello Stiffy Twinkle,

You can message me anytime in game and we can chat

Ryzn Warrior

Re: Application for Stiffy Twinkle

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:06 pm
by Stiffy Twinkle2
Stiffy Twinkle looked at the glittering torch in his hands and felt the spark.
He had always loved urban Thais with its dry, decomposing Depot. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to venture far... Close by tavern was always a choice but not very adventures.

Beyond the walls, life is defined.

He think of dangers in this certain state of mind but he always leaves. Seeks new valuable finds and also his so beloved yet so pitiful pebbles... Among those, if the luck was on his side, would be real gems or crystals!

Been wondering the lands all by him self, like a nomad would. Staying low-key might save his life but there is not much joy in it.
Once up on a time he found himself digging into a gravel with his trusty shovel right next to a massive hill. Later that day he would found out it was famously called - Femor hills.

He heard rumors about this place but had no real knowledge about it, didn't really feel a urge to rush and explore it. Little that he known that was about to change rather quick...

Out of nowhere he hears a desperate, yet so fainted shout.


Think tiwice before you go in, he said to himself. You yourself my end up in danger if the challenge is to great for you, or worse... Might be a trap.
He was well aware why he came here that day and ventured so far as never before. Wasn't ready to back away now.

He answered the stranger call.

-Hey I'm here !! Whats wrong ?! Where are you !?

-I fell into a hole !! Can you help please !?

-Once I find a hole I'll be in touch!

He hasted up the hill and tumble across to a first set of stairs !
Once there, vicious goblins lurking around has his attention drown. All so inconspicuous...

-Where ?!

He shouted in quick succession as he was unfamiliar with the place.

-Down here !

A voice replied.
He quickly spotted a hole. Rush towards it. Swiftly drawn his rope from the bag and chug it down the hole.
A quick snap and someone started crawling out of it. Looked a bit rough but over all in good spirit.

-Thanks !! I was stuck in there for some time. Glad you showed up !

-Wasn't planing to but happy that I did.

-You not the only one that thinks that. How can I repay you ?

The man felt as he own something now to Stiffy Twinkle and tried to return the gesture.

-No need. That was fun. Shall we take care of these goblins and make our way out perhaps ?

-Sound like a plan !

And so they slaughter any goblins that would dare to attack them and make their way down the hill. Among few of these kills Stiffy Twinkle found a rather ordinary looking stones.
However they were perfectly shaped and balanced. Fit in the hand with a firm grip, had some weight to it, all nicely rounded with a little weight to it.
A work of art to his eyes.

The stranger noticed his all so given attention to these small rocks and said:
-You seem to find them intresting ?

-Rather cute i would say...

-You can make a pretty penny out of these.

Stiffy Twinkle was gobsmacked as he never thought they could be and effective weapon. You could kill a rat with it. If you try hard enough...

-People buy these ?

-Certain people do. They like to train with them. Do not ask me why they do that to them self's.
Is kinda their own thing.

-I guess if the demand is high enough you could make a decent trade out of it ?

-I certainly do ! You should definitely try for yourself !

As soon as these words been said Stiffy Twinkle already had a new set of course lined up for his days ahead in Tibia world. At least the next few
And so as they parted ways and said their farewells a new addition to his pebble world was added.
Very ordinary looking one yet so very important to few...

Re: Application for Stiffy Twinkle

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 7:11 pm
by Darien Dawnbringer
Hello Stiffy Twinkle.

I wish you good luck with your application.

If you ever see me online feel free to drop a hello.


Re: Application for Stiffy Twinkle

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:03 pm
by Natures Lord
Well done, feel free to contact me in game! :)


Re: Application for Stiffy Twinkle

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 12:17 am
by Chikilina
Hello there Stiffy Twinkle,

You can message me in-game for a chat.

Kind regards,

Re: Application for Stiffy Twinkle

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 2:31 am
by Stiffy Twinkle2
Thank you guys !
Looking forward to hear from you lot as well =]

Re: Application for Stiffy Twinkle

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:17 pm
by Mihiron
Thank you for your application.

Fell free to catch me in game for a chat.

Re: Application for Stiffy Twinkle

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:12 pm
by Avora Skyfallen
Greetings Stiffy Twinkle,

good luck with your application.

Feel free to find me in-game for a chat.