First Name: Aerendyl
Family Name: Sil'salor
Alias: Othelen
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Place of Birth: Unknown
Faith: Banor
Motto: Justice, Truth and Right
Alignment: Lawful/Neutral Good
He woke up, sudden and with a gasp. A pitch black darkness surrounded him and a sultry, damp smell found it's way through his nostrills to his consciousness. He had no idea where he was and for how long he had been lying on the hard floor. Most of his memories seemed as distant as stars and no matter how much he focused he could not remember his own name.
He tried to sit up, but the ceiling was hanging too low and forced him back to a laying position. A gnawing feeling in the back of his head stubbornly began to pursade his mind to panic, but he managed to shake it off him and remain calm.
He closed his eyes.
His parents were of Thaian origin and had lived in the city since the days of it's foundation. They had and seen it expand and glory, but as time passed by they grew tired of the stressful life of the Tibian capital, so when the opportunity to move as settlers to Liberty Bay finally produced itself they did not think twice of it. His folks were human, but elven blood were runnings through his veins - yet they were the only family he ever had and thus the Thaian human traditions, language and culture were all he ever knew. It is to this day unknown how, and why, he ended up in a seldom seen family constellation like this one.
Just as elves in general he was quite tall and strong, and his figure slender and lissome. He had pale skin, long and dark hair (but beardless), and blue-grey eyes. Traditionally his clothing was switched between a common, but expensive, Liberty Bayan fashion and a less formal cloak-and-hood setup, that were more comparable to the typical clothes of a rogue.
Unlike his human family and friends his appearance and elven traits, such as hearing and sight, was never affected by aging and he would even as a quite old individual still look young and strong.
The calm and happy life that his parents had pictured in the new settlement did not turn out exactly as they had imagined. With the small savings they had, they bought a piece of land where they grew sugar cane and built a small destillery where they produced a locally famous and flavorful rum. Next to the desitllery there was a small, wooden hut (containing no more than one room) where the whole family lived.
The world wide success of their rum that they were hoping for never occured and the Venoran tradesmen were paying next to nothing for it, while distribution was expensive. That said, the old couple lived a rough life, but non the less, they never hesitated to invest in the future of their son, and when he was old enough he was sent back to Thais to receive training from a legendary paladin. Her name was Elane.
He opened his eyes again and shouted "UTEVO GRAN LUX" as high as his voice allowed. Instantly a bright, persevering light bursted out from his body and swallowed the darkness around him in his space. As his eyes adjusted he slowly managed to see the contours of a narrow tunnel that gradually seemed to be expanding (of what he estimated) 50 metres ahead of him. He felt a tremendous relief and had faith in that his whereabouts had a way out (besides he was breathing, so air must have access from somewhere). He started to crawl towards the expanded part of the tunnel and as he got closer he realized it was rather a cave and he was soon able to stand up. The spell that he had casted still produced a stable light around him and he saw how the dirt floor in front of him slowly was switched out into marble stone tiles as he continued walking.
Finally he arrived to a big a chamber and around the room he could see similar tunnels as the one he just came out of. Hundreds of them. There were torches hanging on the walls and as the magic light from his body slowly decreased in power he could see shadows dancing in the torch lights around the hall. There were statues beside each and every one of the entrances and on their foundation rocks he could read old texts engraved into the stones.
He turned around and looked at the huge statue of a cloaked archer just beside him and he read.
In the center of the huge hall there was a big, glowing rock that slowly faded in between different shades of blue. Water were constantly pouring over it and collected in a pool at the bottom, just like a fountain. It's gloom and his thirst drew him towards the fountain, just as moths are drawn to a light source in the darkness of the night. Beside the fountain there was a dusty block of stone with another engraved text. He removed the dust with the palm of his hand and read:
"The gate was sealed with our magic
And a fountain of holy water
A reminder of dark times so tragic
Saving us from our slaughter
If you are made from flesh and bone
Drink to cure your thirst
And leave this hall of the unknown
To again see the sun burst
Embrace justice, truth and right
To life you may now return
Always be a true defender of light
That shall be your only concern"
On a small silver table beside the block of stone he found a single wooden mug, which he immediately filled with the water from the fountain. He closed his eyes again and drank from the mug. Although the hall was warm, he could feel how cold and refreshing the water was, as it worked it's way through his throat.
He instantly felt how he regained strength and how his memories returned to his mind, like an overwhelming and quick tide. And suddenly he sensed a shy breeze and big rain drops falling on him from the sky. He took a deep breath and could feel the fragrance of a tropic summer rain. He opened his eyes, knowing that he was home.
He had been given life again.
[Character Sheet] Othelen
- Eques
- Posts: 450
- Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:30 pm
[Character Sheet] Othelen
Last edited by Faeryndil Sironoth on Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
Best regards,
If you tremble with indignation at every injustice... then you are a comrade of mine.
Justice, Truth and Right!
Rosa Absentia and retired Hand
Founding member of the Senja Fellowship Community (SFC)

If you tremble with indignation at every injustice... then you are a comrade of mine.
Justice, Truth and Right!
Rosa Absentia and retired Hand
Founding member of the Senja Fellowship Community (SFC)

- Melody Noir
- Posts: 689
- Joined: Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:55 pm
- Location: Earth
Re: [Character Sheet] Othelen
Warm regards,
Melody Noir
Magistra Noviciorum
Available in-game or Discord

I'm unstoppable, Not because I'm better than most,
But because I had to learn how to climb out of hell,
as a child, all alone, and with nothing to my name.
-v-v- Warrior -^-^-^

Melody Noir
Magistra Noviciorum
Available in-game or Discord

I'm unstoppable, Not because I'm better than most,
But because I had to learn how to climb out of hell,
as a child, all alone, and with nothing to my name.
-v-v- Warrior -^-^-^

- Ryzn Warrior
- Posts: 311
- Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:26 pm
Re: [Character Sheet] Othelen
Very very nice.
Leaves me wanting more. LOL
Leaves me wanting more. LOL
I am by myself, but never alone
- Eques
- Posts: 450
- Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:30 pm
Re: [Character Sheet] Othelen
Thank you! 

Best regards,
If you tremble with indignation at every injustice... then you are a comrade of mine.
Justice, Truth and Right!
Rosa Absentia and retired Hand
Founding member of the Senja Fellowship Community (SFC)

If you tremble with indignation at every injustice... then you are a comrade of mine.
Justice, Truth and Right!
Rosa Absentia and retired Hand
Founding member of the Senja Fellowship Community (SFC)