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Xandrja's Application [Accepted]

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:05 pm
by Xandrja
Xandria!.. ah no... Xhandria … no no no … I give you the name Xandrja! Oh well, in worst case Gods will force you to change the name again – said Chester Khas to his new recruit. In the time he didn't have a lot of information about beautiful druid who joined his agency but he was really in need. The times were difficult and the volounteers were less common then laughs after Bozo's jokes.
What he knew about her? Despite wonderful body, great smile and intelligent eyes Chester was sure that someone who visit general every now and then and bears the War Hero badge given by great Baxter himself is a good perspective to be a TBI agent.
After few weeks Chester Khas got enough proves that he took right decision. She managed to fullfil all typical greeny tasks and joined the fight against the Inqusition. Yes, Chester was proud of himself! He knew that when the King will call for heroes, she should be in the first raw standing with her shiny rod in the hand.
Poor Chester, if he only knew how much mistaken he was! Even tho she was smart and for sure had great public relation abilities she wasn't a fighter of first front line. It was much easier to find her with a glass in Frodos, Jolly Axeman or in far aways Ariellas beach bar taking sunbath then in the dungeons with the shield and rod. True, she knew how to heal, or to slap a drunk man who was staring at her in the bar but that was all.
She was in these lands since really long time, remembering glory times of Thais and the great times of Kazordoon and IRT. When Mercenarys were in charge of Fibula village, when Satori were defending the gates of Ab'Dendriel – she was already there. During this times she met many great warriors and many more lazy rune makers like she was. Yes, she remembered very well when blue runes where more precious than gold and diamonds. Even the best mathematicians who are set in Mintwallin prison cannot count how many of them she sold. In this way, she met Seiya do pegasus, Karl, wild and crazy Ikky the Phoenix and other great knights.
Not so long ago, she has the pleasure of met Rob'Doomsday a palladin full of life and dreams, holding a Red Rose on his shoulders, after that moment she knew that her faith was there.... belonging to the most beautiful Red Rose...
And now she is there, following her destiny.


PS : In the case of my personal information, i would like to leave it a side, but if you think is requested don't hesitate to ask for it.

Re: Xandrja's Application

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:37 am
by Chikilina
Application noticed, hope to meet you in game soon.
Thank you for your story,


Re: Xandrja's Application

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 3:41 pm
by Rob'Doomsday
Im glad to finally see your application Xandrja.
Best of luck :)


Re: Xandrja's Application

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:53 pm
by Xandrja
@ Chikilina : Looking forward to meet you :)

@ Rob : It took for me a bit long, but as i said to you i'll try to do my best.... Happy to see you again !



Re: Xandrja's Application

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:55 pm
by Seiya do pegasus
Finally you did your apply, good luck my old uh seller..


Re: Xandrja's Application

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:36 pm
by Sir Balder
Greetings Xandrja,

I'm happy to see you've decided to apply for Red Rose. Thank you for your nice story - I hope to speak some more to you one of these days.

@ Seiya: Aff, I also miss my old UH supplier...she used to write me notes such as "fresh hand made" and put them in the backpack :') Sadly she is sleeping hard nowadays.


Re: Xandrja's Application

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 11:47 pm
by Skyzo
Good Luck Xandrja =)
I love your story...

My best wishes ^^

Always Yours...

Re: Xandrja's Application

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:44 am
by Xandrja
Thanks to all for your support :)



@ Sir Balder : I'll look for you in game

Re: Xandrja's Application

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:41 am
by Sir Balder