Gleaken's application [Withdrawn]

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Gleaken's application [Withdrawn]

Post by Gleaken »

Morro morro!
I hope this day finds you well fellow Tibians!
My name is Gleaken and I hail from Albion, more specifically, what modern day adventurers have come to call England.
It is a beautiful land, ruled by our gracious Queen, and full of Princes’s, Princesses’s, Duke’s, Earl’s and all manner of nobles and commoners alike. Hot summer English day’s by the river have no equal, and I speak of this as an adventurer myself.
Born and raised in England, my blood is of distant lands, and whilst I’ve visited where my father hails from, it set in motion a yearning to see what else there was in the world (and no, before you think it, it was purely to visit and learn from distant countries :D)
My journey wasn’t always there at the forefront of my mind though, it’s been guided by unseen forces beyond my control. I aspired to be a pilot, but alas, I happen to be monochromatic colourblind, which means I only see in black and white (and for those wondering, in physic terms, black and white aren’t colours, they’re tones, they’re either the reflection or absorption of all colours).
So being denied eligibility from my passion of flying, I sought adventure from my other passion, nature! This led me to adventuring in the lands of Africa, where I worked and lived my life as a biologist, making friends and raising a variety of animals. (If you’d like to see photos or ask about my work, please feel free to message me, I’m more then happy to speak to fellow folk who share my passion for conservation). The following photo is of a leopard I raised from a cub, it is now living a happy life in the wild in the Namib Naukluft nature reserve :D.

You must be wondering by now, why is this guy playing Tibia?
Well this is where I’ll tell you, I played back in the “good times”, when bubble just reached 100, Mage’s used skull staff’s and blue robes and wolftooth chain necklaces were rumoured to have magical properties! I myself only got to level 35 and thought that was a high level, I remember hunting in Oasis Tomb for months with monk summons to save up for Crown armour :D (I spell armour the English way, the Americans got lazy and dropped the U, so that’s why I spell it like that, the proper way). Then real life got in the way, as it inevitably does, but something about Tibia always stayed with me. I stopped playing for years, mainly because where I lived didn’t have electric, never mind internet and I was having the best adventure I could ever imagine, saving animals (two of the three cheetah I raised, rehabilitated and released, they lick the sweat from me for the salt content!).

Alas, our futures are never set in stone, and neither are they fixed, I returned to the UK to visit my family, whom at this point my only contact was letters. (I still send letters, they’re a really personal way to keep in touch and I don’t have the book of face or any form of social media to keep in touch otherwise)
Whilst in the UK at the beginning of 2020, it happened, that thing we all know about struck us, and the rest they say is history. I caught the vile illness and still suffer from it to this day, for over a year now, I have been pretty much housebound, doctors come to my house weekly to take blood samples, fatigue is a new lesson I’ve learnt, albeit against my will and frustratingly.
It was in this turbulent time I started playing Tibia again, and what a life saver it was! What started out as a distraction for me turned into a real passion for the game I once loved, I was reignited with adventure! And whilst I can’t adventure for the mean time and am recovering, my adventure comes in the form of Tibia.
I have met a lot of people in Tibia, some started out good that turned out to be bad, and I lament from their fall into darkness, but others I have met have given me hope, people from all around the world are full of kindness and acceptance to people they have interactions with through the game we all play. One of your own helped me out and I’ll never forget it, I was around level 260 at the time, and being an MS I was finding it difficult to get through werelions, one day a saviour stepped forth in the form of Wifey, he asked if I needed help and cleared the path for my safety, these are the interactions I’ll never forget :D.
I suppose I haven’t talked about me as a player, I am a neutral guy, I make friends and can honestly say I’ve never pked anyone in my time on Antica, that’s not to say I’m a pushover, but I’ve never seen the point to PK anyone! I enjoy quests, and whilst I do like levelling, I think the whole spectre thing is kinda boring. I’d rather adventure into new lands and explore and kill a variety if creatures for fun. Sometimes I log in just to chat, but I’m always happy to help with quests at anytime.
Why Red Rose? I’m not sure, I think it’s because they are such a stability in Tibia, it’s something I can get behind, they serve as a lasting tradition from the old times and that’s something I look to proudly. What I know of Red Rose comes mainly through lore, but the characters I’ve met really sum up all the writing about the guild, kind, helpful, willing to assist, it really makes me appreciate the guild, and I’d hope to pass on these characteristics one day. Red Rose feels like the family I got and needed but never knew I needed them in the first place 😊. Below is a pic of me in my normal day to day job in the desert!

So there we are, there is a brief summary of who I am, what I do and how I came to play Tibia again, whether I get into the guild or not, if you have any questions on biology or conservation, please message me. I love nothing more then my work, and everyone who knows more about our beautiful natural world the better. Teaching others is a passion of mine, and understanding shared is understanding doubled
Yours sincerely

P.S I have some photos I wanted to add but unsure of how to do it! If you wish to see them, I can send them via discord
Natures Lord
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Re: Gleaken's application

Post by Natures Lord »

Hello Gleaken!

What a nice application, please reach me in game, Im normalt online from 20:00 CET


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Rye Ane
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Re: Gleaken's application

Post by Rye Ane »

Hello Gleaken!

Try and find me in game for a chat and I will do the same :)
Last edited by Rye Ane on Sun Jan 23, 2022 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gleaken's application

Post by Avora Skyfallen »

Hi Gleaken!

Wishing you good luck with your application!
Yours sincerely,

Marcus Skyfallen.

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Re: Gleaken's application

Post by Othelen »

Well met,
feel free to contact me in-game too :)

Best of luck with your application!
Best regards,
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Re: Gleaken's application

Post by Mihiron »

Good luck with your application.

Please msg me in game so we can chat a bit
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Re: Gleaken's application

Post by Cotelaria »

Greetings, Gleaken! First of all, thank you very much for you application, I wish you good luck on it and, if you find me online, don't hesitate on messaging me for some chat!

P.S.: You can post pictures using the command "Insert Image" with the link of the image (generally with the .png or .jpeg in the end) between the commands.

Kind regards,



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Re: Gleaken's application

Post by Rye Ane »

Lets try this one again!

Would like to cordially invite you to a crossfire at the Guildhall of the Red Rose.

Sunday the 20th February 20:00 CET.

10 Hours after SS

Please confirm your attendance with a reply via letter or a reply here

Please brings the items listed in the codex.

Rye Ane
-Hand of the Recruiter
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Ooh Steady
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Re: Gleaken's application

Post by Ooh Steady »

ooh exciting :) cant wait to meet you