Knock knock

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Darien Dawnbringer
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Knock knock

Post by Darien Dawnbringer »

A voice echoes on the inside of the guildhouse

-Mail is here! You have recieved a letter!

The post man, a young man with black short hair and a postman hat takes a letter from his bag and hands it to you. The letter seems to be written some years ago, the writing seems familiar to you as you read:
To the Red Rose Guild, Fibula Island, Thais.
-I hope you enjoy reading it, have a nice day.

You close the door as the postman goes on his way. The day is young, warm and sunny outside, the guildhouse smells of fresh baked bread, strong ale, wine, pine wood and roses. You take a seat near the window, as you open the letter your eyes flow through the words, a feeling of warmth comes over you as you hear his voice in your head...

It's me, I know you might not remember me entierly, it has been ages after all, but I do remember you.

I remember the day we met, the feeling of excitement, the overwhelming sensation of fiding a place to call home, the feeling of family, the strong love you gave me since the very first moment.

I remember the moments spent, every single one of them, from becoming one of you, to growing with the help of all my brothers and sisters, from being this hopeless soul in search of a place which I could call home, to sharing my heart, my hopes and my dreams with every one in the family.

It took time, of course, but in the end we grew together as one, but, as with every thing, all has to come to an end. My time had ran out, my life has taken so many turns, I was not in the place I was when we met, I had grown, I had changed, and so did you... now, I'm not saying it was a bad thing, but we did change and in the end, I had to take my own way...

And during this time, I have thought about many things, my life has changed so much again since I left, I had traveled, I saw many worlds, I delved into myself, but I always kept an eye on you, I always thought about what I left behind that day, about what I lost, about what lost me... and even if I decided to leave I would be lying if I say it was not one of the hardests choices I had to make in my life...

And I'm deeply sorry, for the pain I caused, for leaving as I did, for distancing myself... but, in the end, I had to do it; and in the same way, I have to do this now, and if you allow me, I'd be honored, to join you once more...

Once a rose, always a rose.

As you set the letter down, a knock is heard on the door....
"In fearful day, in raging night,
With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"

01:20 Cotelaria [214]: F*ck you, you f*cking f*ck.
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Re: Knock knock

Post by Cotelaria »

Finally, it was about time... tsc... tsc...

Driundar! It's great to see your name flashing on a notification again, my friend. You were deeply, specially personally, missed ingame, mate. It's great to see you back. <grins>
Kind regards,



Amazing art by Core Wetterwachs
Zap Eldorath
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Re: Knock knock

Post by Zap Eldorath »

Sticks his nose out of his cave.
"Smells like a side of freedom out here"
Kindest regards,


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Rye Ane
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Re: Knock knock

Post by Rye Ane »

Brings a smile to my face seeing your name again my friend.

You have been missed and definitely missed some things lol
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Re: Knock knock

Post by Natures Lord »

Oh nice to see you again Dodo

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Re: Knock knock

Post by Mihiron »

Miss you my great friend
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Re: Knock knock

Post by Chikilina »

I've missed you a lot my friend. I am really happy too see you back <3.
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Ooh Steady
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Re: Knock knock

Post by Ooh Steady »

<3 !
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