Nashir's application (Accepted)

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Nashir's application (Accepted)

Post by Equoez »

Nashir Eastmoon
Greetings people of the Red Rose! I’m Nashir, a poor paladin in tattered gear on a mission to start life anew in the ancient lands of Antica. I used to be known as Equoez before I retired, but I have returned under a new name. I first started to play in 2003 and retired around 2010, if I remember correctly. The character I play now is on a brand-new account created in October 2022.

Throughout the years that I’ve played Tibia, I have made so many friends that it would be exhausting to list them all here. Almost all of them are inactive now though, except for Lord Wolf, Vofibu (Vofibu’s Housemaid) and Alix. There are so many people that I miss… Making new friends is a huge reason as to why I’m attempting to join Red Rose.

I no longer have any foes, though I have been unjustly killed a few times since I came back, but I count two of those as random chance and one as a mistake, probably. The difference between our levels were so ridiculously vast that she killed me in one blow, a knight even! It made me chuckle. I hold no grudges against either of them however, as I prefer to live a peaceful life now.

I’ve been at war with Last Action Heroes as a member of Guardian Nomads, Dark Side as a member of Alliance and Sick and Twisted as a member of Bey, I believe… or was that also Alliance? Sorry, it’s been so long I can’t remember the details, but enough blood has been spilled, that's for sure.

If I encounter people while hunting, I make sure to greet them, share the place or let them have it, all to avoid trouble. Everyone has so far treated me fairly. Some – well okay, those who speak English – are even being downright pleasant to chat with!

I have killed a couple of wolves and hyenas, but has since stopped as they remind me too much of dogs… I love dogs.

Previous guilds
In chronological order from 2002 to 2010:

Soldiers of Justice; left because I couldn’t wrap my head around roleplaying at that time,
Guardian Nomads; left because my friend Sarra Zoldan convinced me to join FWD,
Followers of the White Dragon; left for greener pastures,
Valheru; left because I missed my friends and duties in FWD,
FWD again; left when we lost the war against the Dark Side and Vofibu negotiated peace terms,
Circle of Golgari; left to help my friend Mewero in what seemed a futile war as a last shout into the wind before I quit the game.

Right now I am hunting and exploring in places which I once loved. I’ve been to the Fibulan caves, Kazordoon mines, the crypts beneath Mount Sternum, the tombs of Ankrahmun and of course Mintwallin. My next journey will be to Draconia, a place I loved so much that I once considered it a sort of vacation spot; a place to relax more than accomplish a meaningful hunt. Much has changed over the years since I last played Tibia, some things for the worse, but mostly for the better, I think. It’s good to see Antica alive, even if it’s a quite lawless compared to before.

I’m leveling as fast as I can while still making money so that I can save up for a house again. I want to rekindle old friendships and make new ones, then try out hunting with them as a party. My goal isn't to become the strongest, just strong enough to defend myself against the festering lawlessness in Antica.

RPG Information
I’m not actively engaging in roleplaying while conversing with other people, but I absolutely do need a character backstory to be immersed in this game. What I do is using my past decisions in this game to form the character I play, which for example means that Nashir is a war veteran; because I have fought wars as a soldier of the Alliance, Nashir is past her prime; because I first played Tibia 20 years ago, and finally, Nashir's alignment is lawfully good; because I’ve followed a strict codex before, having been a Follower of the White Dragon.

As these memories are very important to me, I make them important for my character too. They are what defines her.

Why I wish to join Red Rose and why I believe I would fit in
While most of the current guilds in Antica are strange in comparison, you and a few others are familiar to me. Mercenarys, Black Dragons, TRP, Satori, Valheru are other worthy guilds, all of which I venerate too. It’s surprising to see so many still around, with their original guild halls even. I don’t know how you managed it, but I’m glad you did!

From when I first started to play, I made friends who ended up in different guilds over the years, and they drew me in different directions. 20 years ago, I met Vuzufune in the Fibulan dungeons which he patrolled that day, and we became good friends. He was my first friend from Fibula and brought me along to events that you organized. There I met people from Red Rose, the Mercenarys and the Followers of the White Dragon, the latter of which I eventually ended up joining.

Our guilds were allies once. We played football against each other, waged war on common foes and huddled together in PZ while our enemies taunted us. After that decisive war, we made peace and… FWD faded away. That’s all in the past now and perhaps this sounds strange, but I cherish those memories, even the bad ones. Having been a member of FWD, I feel a close connection to former friends and allies like Red Rose. I want familiar people to talk to, and a new ones to befriend.

I hardly bring you power though, nor any prestige, but you will gain a member who knows how deep your roots go and who can really appreciate the history of your guild. You were part of what happened between the Alliance and Dark Side. You have made history on Antica, and I feel that I have a connection to that history – a minor one, yes, but one all the same, and I very much wish to treasure that with you, if you would have me.

Finally, I thought you might find it interesting that Duxganx of the Mercenarys spoke well of you, suggesting I should try my luck with Red Rose. It gladdens me that Red Rose and Mercenarys are still on friendly terms after all these years.

A little about me
My name is Kenneth and I live in Sweden, and therefor English is not my first language, so pardon any oddities in my application. I work as a case officer in the public service sector and spend much of my workday talking to interesting people, documenting and making decisions. I love my job as most of what I do seem to be a positive thing in other people’s lives.

When I’m not working, I listen to audio books, write short stories or spend time with friends. I also spend a lot of time playing games such as Tibia, Crusader Kings, Stellaris, Rimworld and (formerly) WOW.

My character’s story

Part one
Tibianus’ Royal Castle, the Sunset homes, the Warrior’s Guildhall and the depot – all in view from the deck of Captain Bluebear’s ship. Nashir took all this in, recalling memories from the past and a very different life. She smiled and sighed contently, realizing that the gentle feeling of nostalgia brought goose bumps to her skin. It’s good to be back, she thought to herself as she stepped off the ship.

The journey back to Tibia had been long and hard, but to have finally arrived in Thais harbour, she felt at home immediately. Nashir had left Tibia about twelve years ago- Or fled more like, she corrected herself, -in what seemed like disgrace then. In hindsight, it was trivial and not important enough to dwell on.

Nashir had been lucky though, because if it hadn’t been for Captain Bluebear’s generosity, she probably wouldn’t have made it at all. After many attempts to persuade the surly Thaian captain, he had finally relented and accepted her offer to work the ship as partial payment for the journey. Except for a bow, quiver and two dozen arrows, Nashir was completely broke.

Walking along the streets of Thais, she couldn't help but stare at the strange looking people passing by. Their clothes were fascinating! The styles looked complicated with intricate patterns and rich colours, entirely different from the fashion she remembered from her youth. Some even wore flamboyant hats, masks and bore exotic looking weapons too. Dress to impress no doubt, she thought and chuckled to herself. She had been the same once. Now as then, outfits were an important status symbol for very powerful people. The tattered rags she’s wearing now was a clear indication of how far she had fallen though.

Standing at the crossroads, Nashir realized that the Thaian people spoke differently too, and she wasn’t sure what to make of it. Thais had always been a melting pot, yes, but this incomprehensible language that seemed to be without vowels was spoken by nearly all who passed her by. It quickly became apparent that making new friends would be much more difficult than she had initially thought. “I must give it a try nonetheless…”, she mumbled to herself. “What was it Bluebear said? Sia.. siem.. siem-something”.

“Equoez? Equoez! It’s really you!”

Startled and more than confused to be recognized by anyone, Nashir looked around, desperate to identify the man of which the familiar voice belonged to. Could it really be-, after all these- No, surely not!

"L-lord Wolf? Seriously?"
Too be continued!
Last edited by Othelen on Mon Feb 20, 2023 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Flagged as an accepted application
E. Zoldan
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Re: Nashir's application to the Red Rose

Post by Othelen »

Greetings Nashir,

Thank you for your interest in joining the Red Rose guild.
I have very much enjoyed reading your application, and I am much looking forward to read the following part(s) of your character's story too :)
Please, reach out to me in-game and we shall converse further.
Best regards,
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Re: Nashir's application to the Red Rose

Post by Natures Lord »


Thanks for your application, contact me ingame for a chat!

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Re: Nashir's application to the Red Rose

Post by Rye Ane »

Hello there!

Your previous name is one that I remember, potentially from the Alliance/Dark Side days. Will try and find you in game for a chat :)
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Re: Nashir's application to the Red Rose

Post by Equoez »

Thank you everyone, your comments are heartwarming. :) I look forward to chat with all of you, and will try and catch you in Tibia throughout the day.

E. Zoldan
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Re: Nashir's application to the Red Rose

Post by Rouge the Rogue »

Pleasure to meet you, Nashir.
I wish you best of luck with your application!
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Re: Nashir's application to the Red Rose

Post by Equoez »

Rouge the Rogue wrote: Tue Jan 17, 2023 3:50 pm Pleasure to meet you, Nashir.
I wish you best of luck with your application!
Thank you! :)
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Re: Nashir's application to the Red Rose

Post by Mihiron »

Thank you for your application Nashir's.

Feel free to message me in game.
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Maia Lunalight
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Re: Nashir's application to the Red Rose

Post by Maia Lunalight »

Hello Nashir, thanks for your application!

Feel free to contact me ingame! ^^
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Re: Nashir's application to the Red Rose

Post by Equoez »

Venora Lunalight wrote: Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:05 pm Hello Nashir, thanks for your application!

Feel free to contact me ingame! ^^
I will! :) I should mention that I am rarely online later than 23:00 CET.
E. Zoldan
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