Bcczin Antica application to Red Rose Guild [Denied]

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Bcczin Antica application to Red Rose Guild [Denied]

Post by bcczin »

1. Character/player information

Hello dear friends, my character is called Bcczin Antica, a fearless magician, passionate about challenges, helping people who really need to be helped, always honoring the principles of an old player, this character I bought a short time ago, because my Main char that was from antica is currently on a Brazilian server, Bcczin Sacerdote, and I even think of returning it to Antica one day, as it has always been my favorite server. Here in Antica today I have only one friend, Dom Dan, who belonged to my Antica Guild. Enemies I have none. I belonged to the guild Arroz Com Feijão (Brazilian Guild), which I met here, and welcomed me at a time when I was starting on the server and I was very well received by the leaders and members. My style of play, I like to hunt solo, do bestiary, help with quests and accesses, I also like to try to unravel some mysteries the old fashioned way.

name: Carlos, I'm an Accountant, married, Brazilian, I work in the area since 2015, I'm 32 years old, I like honesty in people, I like to talk, make new friends.

2. Why do you want to join Red Rose?

My desire to be a Red Rose doesn't come from today, I've always admired the guild's history, I believe that I fit into that style of play, something more reserved and with a different objective from other players today.
As I said above, I like challenges, helping people as much as possible, I love mysteries, I believe that I will make new friends that I hope to take with me for a lifetime within the Red Rose guild. You must choose me because I bring something different, I need a vote of confidence to be able to demonstrate that I will be a great guild member.

3. Roleplaying Story

Well, I'll tell you a little about my trajectory within the game, I played in 2003 but I had few friends, where I lived was a small town so at the time there were few players, and I was one of them.
After a few back and forth games I stopped playing.
I returned to tibia in 2016 where I created my new account that I still have today.
In 2018 I created my character Main char: Bcczin Priest, here in antica even evolves to lvl 227 +/-. I made friends in the guild I mentioned above, Arroz com Feijão, great friends by the way, but everyone started to stop playing, or transferred to other worlds, and I was one of them, I moved to Inabra, in Inabra I played a few months, I made another transfer to Lutabra to play with a friend from my city, but after a few months of playing he stopped playing, which let me down again. So there I was alone again on the Tibian continent, I made new friends but nothing too serious.
Then I would go back to Antica again but I was afraid for being Brazilian in European lands. I transferred back to Inabra, as it is Open PVP, but without friends again, it ended up becoming a boring game. And today I enter just to do Boss in my main char.
And I came back to play in antica with a character called Bcczin On Antica, MS today lvl30, and then I decided to buy a new character, which I'm trying to get into the guild Red Rose
Bcczin Antica.
But my biggest dream is to return my main char here, because everything I have in it was conquered by me. If I'm accepted at Red Rose I'll definitely bring my main char here!
This was just a summary, there's more to come, but let's leave it to a personal conversation with the members of Red Rose.

Bcc's story

In the small town of Thais, a noble Mage named Bcc begins his journey, still a little confused, afraid and at the same time a feeling of curiosity and desire to explore this city.
Walking towards the north of Thais, he finds a small house, where he opens the door and finds a staircase. He then fearlessly goes down this ladder, where he follows the corridors, until he encounters some creatures, called Rotworm there, and then there he began his journey, with great caution, he goes cleaning the respawn, killing one by one, dropping some coins of gold and food, soon ahead he found some Orc's, and realized that the adventure was becoming a little more difficult, so he decided to go back to the city and talk to a gentleman called Muriel, who taught him some new skills, now that's it. a little stronger, he will return to his adventures, always looking for new places, new missions and who knows, one day he will become a renowned mage on the continent of Tibia...

4. A personal touch

Well I think I described practically everything above, here I would like to remind you that I am a very active player, I play every day, I hardly ever log in, I like to be in contact with the community, always reading the forums, and following game updates .
I promise to do my best to help the guild, in its development, in its growth, in keeping its name and honor. Always cherishing good manners.
Any questions I put myself at your disposal, always open to criticism and praise.
Thank you in advance for those who dedicated time and attention to this application. :mrgreen:
Last edited by bcczin on Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Rye Ane
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Re: Bcczin Antica application to Red Rose Guild

Post by Rye Ane »

Hello there Bccszin,

If you could edit your post and include a roleplay story to go along with your character, that would be good ^^.

Feel free to check out some other applications that say 'accepted' on them to have an idea of what we are looking for.

Try and find me in game and I will do the same

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Re: Bcczin Antica application to Red Rose Guild

Post by bcczin »

Hello Rye Ane, how are you? Ok I made a brief history of my character, I hope you like it!
And I'll look for you in the game so we can talk a little more. Thanks in advance for your help, a big hug from Bcc ;)
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Maia Lunalight
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Re: Bcczin Antica application to Red Rose Guild

Post by Maia Lunalight »

Hello Bcczin!

Thanks for your application, feel free to contact me ingame ^^
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Re: Bcczin Antica application to Red Rose Guild

Post by Mihiron »

Thank you for your application.

Feel free to contact me in game.
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Re: Bcczin Antica application to Red Rose Guild

Post by Mihiron »

Greetings Bcczin,

Unfortunately your application has been denied. You may speak with any council member if you would like details.

Kind regards,
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