[Character Sheet] Equoez Zoldan

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[Character Sheet] Equoez Zoldan

Post by Equoez »

Name: Equoez Zoldan, (Nee: Eastmoon)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 44
Culture: Carlinian
Birth: At the rise of a full moon on a warm night in autumn.
Height: 1,88m
Personality: proud, honest, content

House Zoldan: Image

Motto: Remember the White Dragon.

Defining traits:
Weary war veteran
This character has suffered many defeats and enjoyed few laurel feasts.

Exile returnee
This character has spent a longer time abroad than home but is finally returned.

On a quest
This character believes that there is something special out there waiting to be found.

Appearance and character
Equoez is a tall, fair-haired woman wearing a worn leather vest beneath simple cloth garments. She is a capable archer but is far from fully learned and likely never will be given her late start in the vocation. A little more than a decade ago, she was broad-shouldered with a knight’s physique intended for melee combat wearing heavy armour, weapons and shields. At her current age however, Equoez would pass as hale and spry.

She exudes an honest look through an amiable smile that often extends to her brown eyes. She’s conscious of this fact and has deliberately used it to her advantage throughout life, both to tie herself with people of power and to form lasting friendships.

Despite originally being of Thaian nobility, Equoez speaks in the Carlinian vernacular, as most of her adolescence was spent there in the care of her aunt. She is the eldest child of Vuzufune; a Fibulan mercenary knight, who was her first introduction to the mercenary guild and their allies, one of which she eventually ended up joining herself as an adult.

Having fought in two major wars and suffered dozens of defeats, Equoez is weary of military conflicts and fundamentally opposed to any actions that do harm to people, their livelihood and homes. She spent nearly a year in captivity as a prisoner of war with meagre rations and major trauma. Her enemies never mistreated her, but the black cells of the Snake Tower was not built for comfort. When the war was over, it took her months to recover physically, but she was never quite the same mentally. The next time a cell looked to be the most likely outcome for her, rather than face it, she decided to disappear in exile and planned never to return.

Noteworthy records:
  • 24: Knighted at 24 years of age by Valonia, a distinguished knight in those days, and promoted by her Majesty the Queen Eloise of Carlin. Specializes in axe and shield.
  • 25: Joins the guild Followers of the White Dragon (FWD), an order of fanatics with a mission to hunt and execute murderers all over the world, particularly in Cormaya and Edron.
  • 26: Volunteers as a soldier when war break out between the Alliance; of which FWD is a member, and the Dark Side; a coalition of guilds protecting the sorcerers Magius and Knight Fang, who allegedly went rogue.
  • 26: Takes part in the battle of Ankrahmun desert, an Alliance victory.
  • 26: Wounded at the battle of Green Claw Swamp and taken captive following a decisive defeat for the Alliance.
  • 27: Ransomed when FWD sues for peace.
  • 29: Joins the guild Triath, a neutral guild composed of peaceful veterans from both the Alliance and Dark Side where she befriends former enemies.
  • 30: Sides with the Bey faction in the Dark Side civil war. Bey is initially successful but due to prolonged attrition, they are eventually defeated.
  • 31: Disappears in exile to escape captivity.
  • Unknown: Joins a mercenary company in exile, with whom she fights forces of the Twilight clan, a crazed orc Warchief and legions of demons. Because nobody can pronounce her name, her fellow companions come to call her by her rank Nashir; the company bookkeeper.
  • 41: The mercenary company disbands, and Equoez yearns for home. Having spent most of the coin on sentimental trinkets and baubles, she prepares for a long and difficult journey home.
  • 43: Arrives in Thais harbour.
  • 44: Applies to join the Red Rose of Fibula.
Last edited by Equoez on Fri Mar 08, 2024 9:03 pm, edited 8 times in total.
E. Zoldan
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Re: [Character Sheet] Nashir

Post by Rye Ane »

Fun read :)
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Re: [Character Sheet] Nashir

Post by Faeryndil Sironoth »

Well written, Nashir :)
I have very much enjoyed reading it.
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Re: [Character Sheet] Nashir

Post by Equoez »

Thank you! :)
E. Zoldan
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Re: [Character Sheet] Nashir

Post by Rouge the Rogue »

A war-weary veteran and former sellsword - Nashir must have many interesting tales to tell from her exploits on the battlefield.
Natures Lord
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Re: [Character Sheet] Nashir

Post by Natures Lord »

Thanks for sharing

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Re: [Character Sheet] Nashir

Post by Equoez »

Rouge the Rogue wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 1:56 pm A war-weary veteran and former sellsword - Nashir must have many interesting tales to tell from her exploits on the battlefield.
I'd really love to meet up sometime in a cozy tavern and share tales over a tankard of beer, friend!
E. Zoldan
Ex-Magistra Noviciorum
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