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Application By Osiris Negri [Denied]

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:28 pm
by Osiris Negri
:D again


Real Life:
I live in Santa Fe - Argentina
Mi real name is Juanjose
English - Spanish
Premmy Account:
I'm waiting for it
In tibia:
I live in Ab'dendriel
Last Guild:
Red Rose
Leave for become inactive
Osiris Negri
Level 67

I'm 22 years In real life, I play since late 2002.
I'll like to joing because it's and old school guild that comes from back in the day,
also beeing part of a great guild, something bigger and making a new family.

My friends:
Deathklaw: Real life friend.
Fox lightbringer: Best real life friend.
Osiris Heaton: Real life Friend.
Xarik: Real life friend.
Sir Valtrokas: Real life friend.
Lord Richi: Old friend since I started to play.
Simet : Friend from an ex-guild (red rose)
Chikilina : Old friend
Arzavell: My brother.
El Preso: My brother.
Fernando Massu: Real life friend.
Gorys: A good friend from the game, we have a lot of fun.
Isopita : Tibia girlfriend and Rl Too
Smithis: Real life friend.
Von Fankenstein: Real life friend.
Lady Belen : Sister
Miwa Alvedin : Mentor

I have No enemys.

I play around 8 hours in a day.

I can offer to the guild friendship, my help in whatever it needs, my support,
my loyalty and experience.
I think that Not talking to outsiders about the inside things of the guild, defend it
even with the fist if it's what it takes, beeing allways where I have to no matter
what and stay no matter what, Not leaving the guild if there are troubles no matter
with who, I think those are the things that show respect and honor to a guild.

I have a lot of sense of humor. Once I lived with a friend in darashia And I took all
the items from the house and let it, then told him that my account got Hacked, he
allways falled in that joke xD

I'm back after 2 year more excited than ever before about playing, I'm waiting my
premmy to get to a higher level faster, that's why a apply now so that you can have
i'm waiting for my premium account so i can level up faster, that's why i'm applying
here, so that you can keep an eye on me, this is a guild from the beggining that's
why i have decided to post in this moment.


I was born in a small island full of peace, after the war between the Minotaurs and The King
of Thais for doing the teleport system. In those lands where the hate wasn't for deads but
from betrays I fought against them, the minotaurs, orcs and other mounsters so I can go to the
big city..
When I got to the age of eight it was time for my big chance to main,but first I whould have
to make a big choice.. Knights, the ones that allways go to front in fights, Paladins, the
ones that attack from the distance, druids, the ones that heal people and sorcerers the mages
for perfection. It took me weeks to decide what I was going to become for the rest of my days,
but at the end I took choice and became a Knight.
In the main Island.. I arived in Carlin but I travelled to the town of Ab'dendriel, where I
found a lot of new people, where new objectives were coming up, the same objectives that some
of those new friends
*New Spells
*Get to Elite
*Do Missions
*Fight For Humans
*Have a house and a family
When I got to my 20 years I made the desert quest, three friends and I
(Xarik,Osiris Dark Magician And Jevuz), We throw our selves to the desert, where our price
was in platinium coins.
After long days of trainning I was ready to know what was the real life in main, when I turned
into 40 I had known all main, even the deepest places, I was getting in adventures without
reason and without fear of death. Then An Elite, With Spells, House, Family Days of trainning
missions done and some to do I decided to take a break and comeback after a little time.
After two years I'm back to get what I had left behind, family, friends and missions to do.
When I got to 60 years old, without wasting any time my friends and I went after the Queen Banshee,
banshees and warlocks were in the way, where only a few got trough alive. Stand at the final
room only some were left, I was among the fisrts on get to the battle, then the paladins and
mages. Giants Spiders, Dragon Lords Banshees Nothing stoped us, We got our rewards for
our long and hard battle and I move on.. hunting in dwarfs it's too little and orc fortress
itsn't a mistery.. I pretend to get higher, that's why I'm here...

I have a lot of sense of humor. Once I lived with a friend in darashia And I took all
the items from the house and let it, then told him that my account got Hacked, he
allways falled in that joke xD hahahahah

See ya :)

Re: Application By Osiris Negri

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:09 am
by Mild
Your name is not strange to me :P

Re: Application By Osiris Negri

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:14 am
by Skyzo
Good Apply Friend :P
I hope talk with you in tibia :D

Good Luck :!: :!:

Re: Application By Osiris Negri

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:24 am
by Chikilina
Hello Negri :)
It's nice to see you around again, try to contact us in-game

Be safe,

Re: Application By Osiris Negri

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:57 pm
by Sir Balder
Greetings Osiris Negri,

I am glad to see an ex Red Rose wanting to return, and I look forward to working on your request. It would be a nice gesture, though, to not be in another guild as you apply. I see that you are currently in Imperial Response Troop...


Re: Application By Osiris Negri

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:32 pm
by Soltaxxy
Good luck :)

Re: Application By Osiris Negri

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:11 pm
by Rob'Doomsday
I see you joined the IRT the same day you made this application. Can you explain this?

Re: Application By Osiris Negri

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 9:05 am
by Osiris Negri
they needed help, and that's what I did
My heart is in Red Rose 8-) , so leave irt

Re: Application By Osiris Negri

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:49 am
by Rob'Doomsday
Contact me in-game, Osiris.

Re: Application By Osiris Negri

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:48 pm
by Osiris Negri
I still waiting mates 8-)