Manamm aplication [WITHDRAWN]

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Manamm aplication [WITHDRAWN]

Post by Manamm »

Hi! My name is Mateusz. Im 33 years old. Despite my age i love good RPG's. Because of it i decided to come back to my childhood game that we all love.
At the beginning of the year i created couple of characters on different worlds. But after creating Manamm i feel like Antica is my new 'home' away from home ( i use to play on nova years ago). My game style is the same as before, i allways liked to collect items. From flowers to pots etc. I was never an part of a big guild, i was good friend with 'Hussars of glory' I was allowed to hang around with them near theirs Gh in north port. Builidng training castles for them was realy fun! I can say i dont have any friends or foes on Antica lands. Beside Tibia i love motorcycle trips with my wife. I spend waaay to much time in my garage working out or fixing stuff thats already fixed :lol: . In terms of things i like and dislike.. thats a hard one.
I dont like greedy people and cucumber soup. If i could chose one dish i had to eat till my death.. ill say PIZZA
Honestly i dont know much. I know Red Rose is one of the oldest guilds in the game with strong RPG roots and famous tibiantic exposition.
I like you dont care about the level of my character. Its completely different approach than rest of the servers. It feels like yours guild could be an perfect fit for me. I allways said level dont make a good character. Sadly it seems like todays game is all about numbers. You are my last hope of feeling that special something tibia gave us years ago. If you give me chance i can prove im honest and helpful paladin that from time to time can build awansome parcel town near yours GH.
Once upon a time, in the magical land of Tibia, there lived a brave and noble royal paladin named Manamm. Manamm was not just an exceptional warrior; he had a unique passion that set him apart from his fellow knights. While his comrades focused on honing their combat skills, Manamm had an insatiable desire for collecting precious items from across the realm. What was precious to him not allways was precious for rest of common folks.

As Manamm ventured through treacherous dungeons and battled fearsome creatures, he would always keep an eye out for artifacts, trinkets, and ancient relics. His collection grew with each victorious battle, and soon his chambers were filled with a dazzling array of swords, shields, armors, and other valuable items.

But Manamms love for collecting went beyond mere possessions. He dreamt of creating something truly extraordinary—a place where fellow adventurers and citizens could gather, share stories, and revel in the wonders of his collection. Inspired by the parcel towns he had encountered during his travels, he set out to build his own. Hopefully on the grounds ruled by oldest guild in the kingdom! Red Rose!

Thank you for your time, i hope i bringed old good memories in front of your eyes. We all remember our parcel towns and we all miss them. I dont know is there anything more to say. At the end of the day its Yours decision. I hope you will give me chance to relive my childhood again :D

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Sante Owns
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Re: Manamm aplication

Post by Sante Owns »

Feel free to contact me in game
Sante Owns
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Re: Manamm aplication

Post by Natures Lord »

Hello manamm!

Lets talk ingame :)

My thoughts move.. my arrow fly.. one and the same..
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Varoos Moon
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Re: Manamm aplication

Post by Varoos Moon »

Hi Mateusz,

Pls find me ingame to chat a bit.
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Re: Manamm aplication

Post by Rye Ane »

Hello there and thanks for your interest in Red Rose.

Try and find me in game and I will do the same :)
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Re: Manamm aplication

Post by Equoez »

Hello! I look forward to meeting you in-game! :)
E. Zoldan
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Re: Manamm aplication

Post by Manamm »

Thank you for all the answers. Ill try to get in touch with all of you over the weekend. My next 2 days at work will be super bussy.
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Re: Manamm aplication

Post by Mihiron »

Greetings manamm, fee free to contact me in game for a chat, I know u already tried once but at the time your sent the message my internet kicked me 😭
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Re: Manamm aplication

Post by Lalizz »

Hello there!

I really enjoyed your story!
If you like to chat, feel free to contact me ingame =)

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Re: Manamm aplication

Post by Manamm »

Hello all Roses. I do apologise for disappearing without a trace. I had an rl life issue that had to be solved and because of it i did not had any time or will power to even log in for 10 minutes... Im slowly coming back to Tibia. If you want any details feel free to msg me in game. I just hope my window is still open. If not, Its been a great experience and thank you for opportunity. I wish you all all the best and loads and loads of health.
Kind regards.
Yours parcel engineer