[Character Sheet] Midnight Slayer

Character history and background.
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Midnight Slayer
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[Character Sheet] Midnight Slayer

Post by Midnight Slayer »


At day's end, his day begins.
The night's grim shadows blend,
As trees sway from wind.
Knelt down by a window’s trim,
He listens as he peaks in.


Guard: Who are thee to know of him?

Stranger: The dreamer?

Guard: Come again?

Stranger: The elf, with a sharp pen.

Guard: No! The one with eyes that brim
of another soul within.

Stranger: Tis but a myth, my friend.

Guard: A myth? What do you intend?

Stranger: That perhaps you've had
too many pints of gin.

Guard: Nonsense! Three of the king's men,
by reason, claim this elf - a demon,
a heathen, we must apprehend!

Stranger: Delusions based on a whim. Hmph!


Stranger: Very well then.

Guard: Here is what we know of him.

The guard places a parchment before the stranger.



Title / Name: Midnight Slayer
Origin Name: Unknown
Tibian Race: Night Elf
Tibian Age: Unknown. Young teen.
Lineage: Unknown.
Ancestry: Teshial (?)
Physique: Short, athletic.
Hair: Short, blonde.
Eyes: Dark shade of red in the day.
A bright flickering red at night.
Combat Style: Distance fighter. Holy spells.
Religion: Worshiper of Crunor. Follower of Banor.
Symbols: A necklace with a moon crescent.
Tattoos: A giant tree on his back with stars above.
Background: Suspected of evil possession.


Two souls...
In absence of light,
Intertwine as one,
In the dead of night.
An ancient,
Meditates to unite,
Their two souls,
In strength and might.
He speaks,
And offers insight,
From realms away,
In a dream's twilight.
Little elf...
Huddled down tight,
Heard the exchange,
Then vanished from sight.


The conversation in the tavern continues.

Stranger: Anyone seen with him?

Guard: A vampire, blonde hair,
in a white dress with pink trim.

The stranger laughs and signals the barkeep.

Stranger: No more for him.

Guard: I am no fool of the Inquisition!
I have witnessed evil at my own admission.
You dare make a mockery of my suspicion?!
Then I suspect you are acquainted with them!
Search him, before I throw him in prison!

The stranger stands swiftly and kicks the tavern bench forward.
A small dagger with elven insignia slips from the sleeve of his robe and into his hand.
His face cannot been seen; only green eyes staring from the shadow of his hood
at the now gathered group of guards.

The barkeep interferes.

Barkeep: The Green Dragon is neutral ground!
Settle yourselves! Weapons down!

The Stranger: I'll be on my way now, gentlemen.

The guards stand defensive as the hooded stranger walks backward slowly to the door before opening it.

The Stranger:
... and don't follow me.

As he steps outside he can feel a bitter chill in the wind on a cold night in Thais.
The stranger looks towards the Greenshore tree lines before mounting his horse and
heading in that direction. Once he enters the wooded area, he approaches a giant willow tree.
A voice from above speaks out.

Voice: "I heard what he said about me".

Above on a large branch sits the night elf with burning bright eyes hiding in the woods.

The stranger removes his hood.

Kelethin: You are quite fast on your feet, Midnight.
Here, I brought you some books.

The older elf places a backpack to the ground and pulls a letter from it.

Kelethin: Ah, and this!

Midnight: A letter? A letter from where?

Kelethin: Fibula.


Last edited by Midnight Slayer on Fri Jul 26, 2024 1:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Character Sheet] Midnight Slayer

Post by Theoden »

Really really great read, well done!
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Re: [Character Sheet] Midnight Slayer

Post by Equoez »

Great way to make the character sheet to appear more naturally! Loved how you introduced your character through action and dialogue as well.Thank you for sharing your creative work with us!
E. Zoldan
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Re: [Character Sheet] Midnight Slayer

Post by Mihiron »

You always successfully amazes me
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Midnight Slayer
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Re: [Character Sheet] Midnight Slayer

Post by Midnight Slayer »

Thank you Theoden, Valkera, and Mihi!

I may further the story more later.

Who knows? :)

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