Dillend application

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Dillend application

Post by dillend »

I started playing 20 years ago with my friends Jonnas and Sir Hachazos; we are friends in real life. Back then, we all lived in Ibiza. I had several characters, but the ones I remember most fondly are Dolvar and Kamicaze. I stopped playing because the Last Action Heroes war left me bankrupt, and I lost my equipment.

I’ve been playing with Dillend for a while; he’s my main character. I returned out of nostalgia. I have quite a bit of free time, and I am still driven by the idea of discovering new mysteries as I once did. I now focus on collecting books and rare items, helping new players so they don’t quit if they lose their equipment, and trying to keep the flame of Tibia alive.

2.Why Red Rose?
The RR have always been the good guys of Antica. The players I met from their guild were always friendly and helped me more than once. I didn't stop playing earlier thanks to them. I was always excited about being part of that and contributing to such an important guild in Tibia. (By the way, some of them even came to visit us in Ibiza back then.) I never seriously considered it; I only focused on collecting rares. Now more than ever, I want to be part of the RR and help restore the glory of the most important guild in Tibia. Being a member of the RR would fulfill my own personal achievement.

3.Roleplaying Story
Dillend had been born in the small town of Carlin, dreaming since childhood of traveling the world, uncovering its secrets, and becoming a renowned hero.

While reviewing the items he had been given on a recent mission (gear and low-value objects from fallen enemies), his attention was drawn to a small box. Inside, he found a strange pendant and a letter that read: "You must seek the Sorceress of the Tower of Fire in Thais."

With the mystery etched in his mind, Dillend decided to set out for Thais. He knew the journey would be long and filled with dangers...

Along the way, he faced numerous challenges. From goblin ambushes trying to strip him of his belongings to dwarf scams in the deepest taverns of Kazordoon: "If you pay me well, I'll take you to see a basilisk..." said the dwarf, laughing while barely holding onto his mug of beer. "I shouldn’t have trusted that drunk dwarf," Dillend cursed himself shortly after.

Upon arriving in Thais, Dillend sought out the Sorceress of the Tower of Fire. The tower loomed imposingly, surrounded by magical flames that seemed to burn without consuming anything. Inside, the Sorceress recited unintelligible words. She was a woman of indeterminate age, with eyes reflecting wisdom.

"Who are you, young adventurer?" asked the Sorceress.

Dillend, determined, showed her the pendant without saying a word.

"This artifact was created centuries ago by the ancient druids to contain the power of a demon that nearly destroyed Tibia. Where did you find it? Where is its previous bearer? Did they fail in their mission?"

The Sorceress told Dillend how the minotaurs had tried to destroy the world by summoning a great demon.

"It was a gigantic creature, with eyes burning like embers. The battle that followed was fierce; the demon unleashed its fury and hordes of minotaurs relentlessly harassed the cities. But brave warriors, aided by the wisest druids of Ab'Dendriel, managed to contain the demon by imprisoning it in this pendant. It is of utmost importance to take this pendant to the ancient ruins of Draconia and give it to Old DragonLord. He knows what to do with it; he has been waiting for it for hundreds of years. If you accept, I will grant you a unique item in the world."

Ancient artifacts, unique items, demons, missions… That was all an insatiable adventurer like Dillend needed to be captivated by the story. He could not refuse this opportunity; it was his moment.

Dillend set off for Draconia, a place shrouded in mystery and inhabited by dangerous creatures. He sailed through stormy seas and survived pirate attacks before arriving at Ab'Dendriel. There, he discovered the ancient ruins the Sorceress had mentioned. The terrain was littered with traps and guardian beasts. Nevertheless, Dillend pressed on, facing each challenge with the strength and cunning he had developed during his years of training.

At the end of the path lay OldDragonLord, asleep. He was a dragon of veteran appearance; his prime years were behind him, but he still exuded an air of vigor and strength.

"About time," said the dragon, irritated, while yawning. "I know what you’re thinking, and with minimal effort, I could crush you like a mere troll," he murmured as he closed his flame-wrapped claw.

Dillend did not hesitate to hand over the pendant, and OldDragonLord swallowed the amulet without delay before returning to sleep.

Dillend returned to Thais, where the Sorceress kept her promise and gifted him a key.

"It may seem insignificant after such hard work... but this key will open the door you need."

Dillend did not understand. He had not acted for the reward, but for his values, the honor of the adventure, and the mystery. But… a simple key? Was that it? He found himself with more questions than answers. Instead of feeling disheartened, this only fueled his spirit, filling him with questions every night and turning his bed into a wellspring of intrigue and renewed desire to continue his journey in search of answers.

4.A Personal Touch
I love fishing and devouring books
I enjoy meeting new people and helping in any way I can. If you need anything, I’m here to assist.
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Re: Hihoo

Post by Regin »

Thank you for your application Dillend. Please catch me online if you see me :D
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Re: Hihoo

Post by Rebrand »

Great read, hope to meet you in game :)
Youll most likely find me on Navi Blackheart
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Re: Hihoo

Post by Sir Balin »

Hello Dillend,

Nice to see you apllied. Good luck!
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Re: Hihoo

Post by Valkera »

Hey Dillend!

Please reach out to me and my fellow Roses for a nice little chat.
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Re: Hihoo

Post by Lord Kaelas »

Thanks for the nice read, great story!

Catch me online if you can, you can find me on Kaelas Blackheart.
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Re: Hihoo

Post by Natures Lord »

Hello Dillend!
Thanks for the talk yesterday, good luck with your application.

//Natures Lord

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Re: Dillend application

Post by Mihiron »

If you see me online please message me
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Re: Dillend application

Post by Theoden »

Great read Dillend, hope to see you in game soon!
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Re: Dillend application

Post by Core Wetterwachs »

Greetings, feel free to talk with any RR members.

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