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A Strange Day..

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:28 pm
by Skyzo
It was a warm spring afternoon, a young archer named Skyzo was doing what he liked to do in his leisure time.. go to Ab'Dendriel mountains in search of new sites filled with peace...
Like every day, after a long walk, he went to the depot to check his mail.
Among his letters was one that had not read, it came from Thais and said:

What's up?? How're you friend?
Several months ago have not seen you!!

I have received a new crop of wine from Venore,
maybe you can come to my bar and taste it ;)
I hope you get this letter..

Be Safe,

Seeing this generous invitation, Skyzo prepared his armor, placed the bag and left face Thais to see his old friend, Frodo.
At dusk, he finally reached Thais.. Suddenly heard a loud noise;
Skyzo could make out from afar a few stray robbing everyone who passed near of them....
Then he remembered a spell he had learned in a long time ago Edron
Skyzo [60]: Utana Vid
Thanks to this, hemanaged to reach his friend's tavern safely..

Frodo [x]: Skyzo! How're you?? Did you received my letter??
Skyzo [60]: Ashari friend!! For sure, I've read it at this morning!

(Hours later, after a long conversation someone knocks the door of the tavern..)
Stray I [x]: Aargh!! I'm thirsty!! Open this Fu***** Door!! :evil:
Stray II [x]: Come on friends!! Let's destroy this tavern!!
Other: Yeaaah!! Come on!! Come on!!

Frodo [x]: Oh No!! Skyzo follow me!! We must hide!!
Skyzo [60]: Good Idea!! They seems so dangerous :S

(From the top floor of the tavern, could be heard as the villains broke and looted the tavern, but suddenly, the room silenced..)

Frodo [x]: What's happening?
Skyzo [60]: I don't know mate,, Should we down and see??
Frodo [x]: Okay.. (whispered)

It was horrible!! all were dead, and someone had finished with them!
You could see in their torsos, axe wounds.. maybe a powerfull warrior did it.. (Frodo said).
Looking to the ground, Skyzo found a bloodstained note which said:

F*** Frodo!!
Your tavern every day is more dangerous!!
I've managed them, and I took 2 free beers to congratulate me ;)
I hope that you don't mind <g>

(The name was a little fuzzy and could not get to know who was) :P

Already after a few minutes when Frodo and Skyzo had calmed down a bit, Frodo said..
"We must forget what happened here"
Skyzo [60]: You're right mate.. I'll go to my guildhouse to sleep a bit, I'm really tired and a bit afraid :S
Frodo [x]: See you later, then!!
Skyzo [60]: Asha Thrazi Frodo..

Our young and frightened friend Skyzo, went alone to Fibula... He didn't know if he was dreaming, or he was a bit drunk... but he didn't mind, he was so afraid that ran so fast to Red Rose Guildhouse.

When he was in front of the Guild Hall, he though.. "I arrived home at last!"
He was opening the door when he suddenly sees a shadow in the shape of a woman..
Skyzo [60]: WTF?? A GHOST!! AAAARGH!!! Maybe my wine had some amphetamine?
I think that I'm getting crazy... :cry:

Mystic Woman: Don't worry Skyzo, You're not dreaming... I'm not a ghost... You know me so fine...
Skyzo [60]: Can you understand me?? Are you a real woman?? Who are you??!!
Mystic Woman: I can't say you who I'm, I'll give you a present,, tomorrow you will know who I am..
"But... but..."
skyzo whispered...

Those were his last words before she lost her sense ..
The next day, on waking, found on his backpack a beautiful Blue Rose...

He tried to remember but never knew who was this mysterious woman..

I hope you enjoy reading it,,

Re: RPG Task - A Strange Day..

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:27 pm
by Nirdor
Haha! Funny Story.

And the note "Nir". Hilarious Skyzo, I'm honoured :)

Thais Beer is the second best beer in the world of Tibia, just dwarves makes better ;)