My Joinning Application [Accepted]

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My Joinning Application [Accepted]

Post by Doram »

Greetings to all Members of the Red Rose.

My name is Christian Herrera, best known as Doram in the Tibian Lands.

I Play since 2002, so I think that i have little experience about this game, and the most important i got many friends that i kept like a treasure.Im a peacefully Player that Enjoy to play tibia because of all the friends i got... For me Tibia is not only get stronger and stronger.. I like the Old Rpg Style.. Like the partys, Events, all that things, that makes Tibia so Special for me.

I can offer my friendship to all the members, can offer my spear if you want a nice hunt, can offer my patience to any trouble, can offer my life to keep you safe.
I love your guild because I think that we Share our beliefs. Because this guild is old and respected and you guys keep the rpg style That I love soo much.
Its one of the few guilds, where the friendship its over all.. And im sure that I can help you with it soo much.

I know that you wont listen my skills, but i will put in here...

Doram's Skills

90 Loyal to friends
99 peacefully
1 Player killer (Only with thoose persons who enjoys Disturbing)
95 Helping persons who need something
100 Friendly
100 Taking care of my friends
85 Knowleadge
90 Making good momments
and many more

So I think im a strong man <Smiles>

A few rl friends i have... If you have some questions you can feel free to ask them .. I know they will answer it :)

:arrow: Mago Payo, Defates Tapa, Withestar, Saint gumy, Socom, Dracconice, Lupus Dragon, Diewe, Lord rikou, Lord azapas.

Im a Nice tibian Player... I wont bring any trouble to the guild.. I will work hard for you .. You have my spirit guys.. so let it work !
Even if Im not choosen to be Part of your ranks I wont give up...
I will try it again. I dont loose my hope to be a Rose ;) .

I got my secret/Hidden rank anyway :D, so i will take care of you Roses! :)

I have spoken to few members already... but if im stranger for you.. Feel free to msg me in game.. And we Will have a nice Conversation. -I promise-

I will put to you an History that I made.. from my first tibian book ..
Hope you like it... :)

Once upon time.. in a place that is called Nordesa, there was a tremendous dragon war, they were fighting for an amber crystal, Princes Zoe, she was a victim of her own mother queen Catrina. Nordesa was a beautiful village that was in the middle of the forest, in that forest was another village that was called Garmiiflavia, from that place was a mage that was in love with Zoe, and Zoe was in love with him also, Catrina never agree of that relationship because she designed Prince Armeton to stay with her daughter, Zoe didnt obey her mother and she decided to ran away with Mage Zipriano, there was a huge love between them. Far away from the forest there were amazons that no one could go thru because there were a lot of dragons of ice and fire, those dragons were lost in the amazons, there were two different kinds of dragons, ice and fire, they wanted to go from the place were they belong to (two different places) and the only way to return, it was by throwing the amber crystal in a {holy pound} that was in the top of a mountain.
The amber crystal was the heart of Mage Zipriano so he used to live in a cave because he was always hiding of the dragons they wanted his heart to return were they belong to, --(but.. ¿why his heart?,The answer is … His heart was enchanted with an evil spell of a witch from Garmiiflavia, because that Witch falled in love with Mage Zipriano since they were just kids, but Mage Zipriano only had eyes for Zoe.)-- if an ice dragon was the one that throw the crystal, all of the ice dragons were goanna return to there place of origin or vice versa , so that’s the reason why there was always fire against ice dragons.
Mage Zipriano every 4th day of the month was a requirement for him to go to Nordesa and put 4 drops of his blood in a flower of a holy plant that was located in Nordesa’s castle, if he fail to do that, he was goanna die. So one day, it was October 4th and he was with Zoe in the cave, he explained to her the reason why he needed to go to Nordesa’s Castle or else he was goanna die and Zoe told him, ill go with you, I know the way my mother is, please let me go with you, so when Zoe and Zipriano were entering to Nordes’a someone went to tell Queen Catrina and she order to kill the Mage, so all the hunters of Nordesa start attacking Mage Zipriano they killed him in front of the eyes of princes Zoe as they attacked him from the first drop of blood he left over, all the dragons went to Nordesa quickly to find the mage’s heart, that was the only way that dragons could identify that this guy was in Nordesa. It was a fact that every 4th of every month all the people of the town were out of there houses looking at the spectacular blue and red dragons and they didnt knew the reason why every 4th the dragons were in the town?.. it was a mystery , and the reason was because in that day the mage had to go and put the blood in the flower, so, this day they killed him, all the dragons went and this is how the war of dragons started, they were fighting for the amber crystal in the middle of the war Nordesa was destroyed, all the people die there were only 25 survivors all of them die including the Queen the Princes the Prince and the mage, one of the most powerful dragons was the one of ice and he took Mages Zipriano’s Heart and he was the one that took advantage of his powerful speed, this creature took the crystal to the place it supposed to, so he threw the crystal in the holy pound and with that the dragons of ice kind took the Victory in the war, they returned to the place were they belong to, What happened with the amber crystal? Something grew from the pound before the dragon’s war. It was a unicorn with a baby, it took the baby to a place were he was goanna be safe…
Hi, my name is Doram am 19 years old my mom was a wolf, she took care of me since I was a baby she was the one who called me Doram, ¿why?, -I really don’t know- they hunt her wen I was 10 years old, this was one of the sad fait that I had to pass by, I’m from Ab’dendriel, Antica, I wish I could know who is my real family, that is one of my missions in Antica I hope one day discover my real origin.

It's an honour for me today, to make this application to try to join into your ranks, I will do my best to get it.. but if not.. Like I said, I wont give up my friends. I Hope you know that now you have a new friend in this lands.

I want to thank you all, for the time that takes this Application..
See you soon.

Last edited by Doram on Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Say hello to my Little Friend.
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Sir Balder
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Re: My Joinning Application

Post by Sir Balder »

Greetings, Doram,

Thanks for your application., It has been noticed, and so has the heart behind the words.

Stay patient, please, and we will get in touch.

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Re: My Joinning Application

Post by Kajala »

Greetings, Doram!
Thank you for this application. Be sure we will consider your wish to be one of the Red Rose carefully. :)
As Sir Balder said, we will contact you soon - stay patient! :)
Of course feel free to contact also other members. I know you already talked to several, including me.

Be safe,
The longest journey starts with a single step.
Arn Loewenherz
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Re: My Joinning Application

Post by Arn Loewenherz »

Dear RR,
Doram lied in this application. He wrote:
Doram wrote:
Doram's Skills

95 Helping persons who need something
That is a lie. His skill in "Helping" is 100!!!

With Regards, Arn
We dream of carving our dragon...