CODEX of the Red Rose

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Sir Balder
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CODEX of the Red Rose

Post by Sir Balder »

The updated version of the Red Rose Codex (August 2024):

Red Rose Codex

The Red Rose Codex is a collection of guidelines presented by its early Leadership. It serves as foundation of the Family's standards and values.
  • 1. The Red Rose and its purpose
    • 1.1. We are a lawful Tibian guild.
    • 1.2. The island of Fibula is our home, and where our guildhall is located.
    • 1.3. Purpose
      • 1.3.1. Our purpose is to protect our own, and to spread and strengthen the good alignment in the name of Banor.
      • 1.3.2. Dogs are the messengers of the gods, and we will do all in our power to protect them against all harm.
    • 1.4. Strategies and activities
      • 1.4.1. Leading by example; inspiring and encouraging good and friendly behaviour by always treating fellow Tibians with respect, humility and helpfulness.
      • 1.4.2. Aiding other Tibians in need of help.
      • 1.4.3. Hosting events, quests and guided tours.
      • 1.4.4. Organising formal and informal meetings for our members and friends.
      • 1.4.5. Building friendships between members.
      • 1.4.6. Building and strengthening bonds with friendly and allied guilds.
      • 1.4.7. Contact dog-killers and ask them to change their ways.
  • 2. Organization
    • 2.1. The Assembly is for all members and novicia to exchange thoughts and make decisions. This can be done both on the forums and in-game.
      • 2.1.1. All full members can vote. The novicia may participate in the discussion, but may only cast advisory votes that will not affect the outcome.
      • 2.1.2. The Assembly is able to vote when more than five full members are present.
      • 2.1.3. For a change of the CODEX to pass, it needs to pass with a 2/3rd majority. In other cases, a simple majority is enough, except for special cases.
      • 2.1.4. Decisions that can be done at the Assembly include, but are not limited to:
        • Inviting new applicants to the crossfire.
        • CODEX changes.
        • Declarations of war.
        • Accepting or denying applicants to the guild - The applicant will be accepted with at least 3/4 of the valid votes.
    • 2.2. The Senate is for all full members to exchange thoughts and make decisions. These meetings can be both in-game and on the forums.
      • 2.2.1. All active full members may cast a vote.
      • 2.2.2. The Senate is able to vote when five or more full members are present.
      • 2.2.3. Decisions that can be done by The Senate include, but are not limited to:
        • Promotion as well as the exclusion of a Novicia.
        • Exclusion of a member.
    • 2.3. The Council is composed of Leaders to exchange thoughts and make decisions. These meetings can be both in-game and in the forums.
      • 2.3.1. The Leaders may vote, Praetors and Propraetors may participate in the discussion but may only cast advisory votes that will not affect the outcome.
      • 2.3.2. The council is able to vote when more than three members are present.
      • 2.3.3. Decisions that can be done by the Council include but are not limited to:
        • Promotion of members.
        • The dealing of alliances and treaties.
        • Other subjects that aren’t The Senate’s duty.
      • 2.3.4. All Leaders support each other in their duties. Any of the Leaders can act as the official guild leader for the Tibian guild system.
      • 2.3.5. In case of Council's partial absence or possible inactivity, present Leaders can make and carry out decisions necessary for the guild's healthy functioning and growth, until other members of the Council return to their posts.
    • 2.4. About votes
      • 2.4.1. The votes computed are rounded down;
      • 2.4.2. If a votation has a majority of blank votes, this votation won’t be considered valid and the votation shall be postponed until a decision by the appropriate majority is made;
      • 2.4.3. For matters not presented on this CODEX, the council has the power to decide what kind of majority a votation should have.
    • 2.5. Red Book
      • 2.5.1. The Red Book is where all PvP actions concerning guild members are noted, along with explanations.
      • 2.5.2. The Leaders are in charge of responding to entries in the Red Book and keeping it up to date.
      • 2.5.3. It’s the members’ (including novicia) duty to report in the Red Book all of the PvP situations which happen to them.
    • 2.6. Disputes on how to interpret the Red Rose Codex is settled by the Council.
  • 3. Members
    • 3.1. Ranks
      • 3.1.1. Members on a trial basis:
        • Novicia
          • Novicia are members on a trial basis.
          • After joining they will pick or be assigned a mentor to help them assimilate to guild life.
          • Rights
            • They have the right to use the Guildhall and other houses owned by the Red Rose.
            • They are allowed to participate in the Assembly discussions.
          • Duties
            • The guild demands that Novica represent the good and lead by example.
            • Novicia have to leave the guildhall in a clean and proper state.
            • Novicia are expected to follow the instructions of their Magister Noviciorum and their mentor, as long as they don’t contradict common sense and the goals of the guild.
            • They are expected to participate in the guild meetings.
            • They are expected to complete the Novicia tasks and their Individual Novicia Tasks.
            • To be promoted a Novicia is expected to participate in Guild activities like Meetings, Events, and do the Novicia Tasks.
            • The Novicia must let the Council know if he/she is in other guilds.
      • 3.1.2. Full Members:
        • Inceptors
          • Inceptors are Tibians who have passed their time as Novicia and have been voted by a 2/3 majority of the Senate to become an Inceptor. They are now perceived as Full Members, and they can vote in the Senate.
          • Rights
            • Inceptors have a seat and a vote at the Senate.
            • Access to Full Members Boards.
            • Protection of the Guild. (see: Protection of the guild)
            • Inceptors have the right to use the guildhall and to store things there.
            • Access to the libraries in both the Guildhall and Clanhall.
            • Inceptors may serve as Mentors (see 3.9; Mentorship) for up to two Novicia at the same time.
          • Duties
            • The Guild demands that Full Members represent the good and lead by example.
            • The Guild demands that Full Members come to the meetings regularly.
            • Full Members have to leave the guildhall in a clean and proper state.
        • Eques
          • Eques are Tibians who have done good things for the Guild over a period of time. Upon good activity and high devotion to the Red Rose, an Inceptor may be promoted to an Eques.
          • Rights
            • Eques have all of the rights of Inceptors.
            • Access to the Eques room in the Guildhall
            • Eques and above may be chosen to join the council.
          • Duties
            • Eques have all of the duties of Inceptors.
        • Aedilus
          • Aedilus are Tibians who have proved themselves as valuable members of the Red Rose; this is the highest rank granted to a fellow Member before they can become Praetores.
          • Rights
            • Aedilus have all of the rights of Eques.
          • Duties
            • Aedilus have all of the duties of Eques.
        • Praetores
          • Praetores are Eques or above that have been chosen to advance to this special rank. They are, according to their abilities, allowed to do diplomatic talks. Leaders are Praetores, only with special tasks. Together the Leaders form the Council, but other than that they share the rights and duties of the Praetores.
          • Rights
            • Praetores have all of the rights of Eques.
          • Duties
            • Praetores have all of the duties of Eques.
      • 3.1.3. Leaders:
        • Orator concilio / Speaker of the Council
          • Plans, convenes and leads meetings in the Red Rose. Responsible for moderating the forum and other administrative functions.
        • Inscribator / Recruiter
          • Processes applications and vouches, and first in line looking for new prospects.
        • Magister Noviciorum / Master of Novices
          • Is in charge of the Novicia and their Mentores.
        • Praeparator / Event organiser
          • The chief planner of big and small Red Rose events and is responsible for coordinating the guild’s efforts and resources to this end.
        • Legatus / Diplomat
          • The chief diplomat and is responsible for resolving issues with other guilds and guildless players, and to resolve issues between guild members. The Legatus also has the main responsibility for the guild’s finances.
        • Strategus / Warlord
          • Should war be declared, the Strategus’ responsibility is to plan and coordinate the guild’s war effort.
      • 3.1.4. Retired Members:
        • Propraetores
          • Propraetores are former Praetores who aren't active in guild-life. Propraetores can be reactivated or declare themselves active again at any time.
        • Rosa Absentia
          • Rosa Absentias are inactive Aedilus, Equites, and Inceptors. Rosa Absentia can be reactivated or declare themselves active at any time.
        • Novicium Absentium
          • Novicium Absentiums are temporary inactive trial members. Novicium Absentiums can be reactivated or declare themselves active at any time.
          • A Novicium may only hold the rank of Novicium Absentium for maximum total of six months throughout their Noviciumship. A Novicium may under extraordinary circumstances be exempted from this rule by the Magister Noviciorum.
    • 3.2. Titles
      • 3.2.1. Hands of the Leaders
        • A Leader can appoint one, and only one hand to assist in the respective area of leadership.
        • The Hand will be given a title (e.g Hand of Magister, Hand of Praeparator, Hand of Inscribator).
        • The Hand can act in the Leader’s place during the absence of a Leader.
        • A Hand can not appoint his own Hand.
        • The Leader shall not "use" the hand excessively, as it’s still the Leader’s duty to perform his/her role, not the hand’s.
        • The Hand is meant to be a supportive role. It also shall be used as a form to teach members the ways to leadership.
        • Only Eques or above can be chosen as Hand.
      • 3.2.2. Rose Titles
        • Rose Titles, tiers and conditions are found in the Hall of Titles in the Guildhall of the Red Rose and Red Rose's forum.
        • All Roses, i.e. leaders, full members, Novicia and inactive members, may hold Rose Titles.
        • Auxiliarius and Novellus Rosae may not hold Rose Titles.
        • Rose Titles are unique. No title can be held by more than one Rose, and no Rose may hold more than one Rose Title.
        • Claiming a Rose Title
          • A Rose may claim a Rose Title by petitioning the Assembly.
          • The conditions must be met before a Rose Title can be claimed.
          • Screenshots or logs must be presented as proof that the conditions are met.
          • If conditions are met, the Assembly decides by a vote if the claim is legitimate.
          • Should two or more Roses claim the same title before the same Assembly the Magister Noviciorum will call for a contest between the contenders. The contest shall be related to the contested title.
        • Bestowing a Rose Title
          • A Rose may petition the Assembly to bestow a Rose Title upon another Rose who is not actively claiming a Rose Title, with the same conditions as outlined in
          • Should another Rose claim the same Rose Title that is being petitioned, the active claimant always win.
        • Rosa Absentia and Propraetors who have been inactive for more than 12 months may be requested to forfeit their titles should a new claimant arise.
    • 3.2.3. Multiple Titles
      • Roses that wish to display a Rose Title instead of another must write their Leader or Hand title in their character comments, Tibia forum signatures and Red Rose forum signatures, or vice versa.
    • 3.2.4. Legacy titles
      • Legacy titles have historic value to the guild and are held by old and respected Red Rose members.
        • Pater Rosae Rubrae
          • This title belongs to Silvarion in honour of his inspiring work as a Red Rose forefather and leader.
        • Senior Warlord
          • This title belongs to Beuwulf for his courage as the sword of Red Rose.
        • The Priest
          • This title belongs to Pepelu in recognition of the many marriages he blessed over the years.
        • Sleeper
          • This title belongs to Bulok... he's lazy. And snores ever so loudly.
        • Football Coach
          • This title belongs to Neppot, who led Red Rose to victory at the Tibia Ball League.
        • Creator of Fibula
          • This title belongs to Sir Lostboy (Lostboy), the creator of Tibia's most legendary island.
    • 3.2.5. Revoking titles
      • Revoking Rose Titles from full members is only possible by passing a vote in the Council.
      • Revoking a Rose Title from Novicia is possible by passing a vote in the Assembly or Senate.
        • The Magister Noviciorum may, in consultation with the mentor, or vice versa, revoke a Rose Title from a Novicium.
      • Legacy titles have historic value and are protected from being revoked.
  • 3.3. Inactivity
    • 3.3.1. Leaders
      • If a Praetor decides to retire he/she will be moved to the Propraetores rank.
      • A Propraetor can ask to be moved back to the Praetor rank whenever he/she feels like returning to activity.
    • 3.3.2. Full Members
      • If a member decides to retire or go inactive for an extended period of time he/she can be moved to the Rosa Absentia.
      • If a member does not log in for 3 months he/she will automatically be moved to Rosa Absentia.
    • 3.3.3. Novicium
      • If a Novicium needs to go inactive for an extended period of time they can request to be moved to Novicium Absentium rank. This request can be either accepted or denied by their mentor and the Magister Noviciorum.
      • A Novicium who is absent without a valid reason for a period longer than two months will be excluded from the guild.
      • A Novicium is also considered absent if Novicium tasks are systematically ignored, or activity in-game, guild chat and official guild channels (such as the forum) is very low. A Novicium will however be addressed, with a request for improvement, once by the Magister Noviciorum or their mentor before paragraph takes effect.
  • 3.4. Exclusion and Retirement
    • 3.4.1. If the guild notices that a member isn’t respecting the rules presented in this CODEX, an exclusion process may be opened in The Senate. For a member to be excluded, a simple majority is needed.
  • 3.5. Second Characters
    • 3.5.1. Secondary characters will be added as Auxiliarius.
    • 3.5.2. Rookgaard characters will be added as Novellus Rosae.
    • 3.5.3. Anyone may have up to 3 secondary characters and 1 rookgaard character.
    • 3.5.4. “Worker” characters, such as librarians, bartenders, etc. do not count as secondary characters. Therefore, these are not limited.
    • 3.5.5. If a full member or novicia leaves the guild for any reason, the secondary characters are removed from the guild.
  • 3.6. Protection of the guild
    • 3.6.1. If a member dies doing a guild activity the guild bank will pay for the blessings lost.
    • 3.6.2. If a member dies from another player the guild will pay for the blessings. In case the other player is a member of another guild the ambassador will contact the leadership of said guild and fix the issue.
  • 3.7. Conflicts and Actions
    • 3.7.1. A member should never start a fight or attack a player without a white or red skull.
      • A member shouldn’t attack skulled players who haven’t attacked the member.
      • Exception: Although it is allowed, it is not desirable, to attack a skulled player who is attacking a Red Rose member at the moment (or to avenge the death of the person if the killer hasn't lost their skull yet).
      • Use common sense. Remember that you represent a neutral guild,
      • and the goal is to keep other guildies safe and not create a larger problem. Do not message the person with threats.
    • 3.7.2. If in danger try to get somewhere safe, if it’s not possible ask for help and defend yourself so the member can get to safety.
    • 3.7.3. Members of the guild Rosebuds are secondary characters of the Red Rose and are therefore considered under the Protection of the guild.
      • If a member dies on a secondary character that doesn’t belong to either guild,
      • this member shouldn’t try to avenge it by going on a stronger Red Rose or Rosebud character.
      • Nor should they ask the guild’s help in revenge.
    • 3.7.4. We are a neutral guild, therefore, we don’t get ourselves involved in wars or conflicts of people outside of the Red Rose or the Rosebuds.
  • 3.8. Traded Characters
    • 3.8.1. A member may add a traded character as a secondary character after a 30 day period from the date the character was traded.
    • 3.8.2. New applicants have to wait at least 30 days from the date the character was traded before making an application.
  • 3.9. Mentorship
    • 3.9.1. Mentors are experienced full members whom have accepted to guide Novicium in their quest to achieve a full membership
    • 3.9.2. Duties
      • A mentor should be an active member of the Red Rose, and have time to devote towards their Novicium/s.
      • A mentor should have an extraordinary understanding of the Red Rose CODEX and the expectations of Novicums
      • A mentor should at all times be objective in their Novicium/s progress towards a full membership. This by taking in consideration; attitude, completion of tasks and activity in-game, guild chat and forum.
      • A mentor should report about their Novicium/s progress on a monthly basis. This report must be accessible by all full members.
      • If a mentor no longer can maintain activity in-game, or devote time towards their Novicium/s they must resign from the mentorship by contacting the Magister Noviciorum.
    • 3.9.3. Rights
      • A mentor may nominate their Novicium/s for full membership
      • A mentor may assign specific tasks towards their Novicium/s. The amount, intervals and content of these tasks must however be reasonable, or they may be nullified by the Magister Noviciorum.
    • 3.9.4. Dismissal
      • A mentor who continuously fails to comply in their duties may be dismissed from the role of mentorship by the Magister Noviciorum.
[*]4. Recruitment methods
  • 4.1. Vouch
    • 4.1.1. One of the Guild's Full members has a friend, relative, or acquaintance who he/she believes fits into our guild.
    • 4.1.2. The member will make a thread on our forum in order to announce the vouch of the given person.
    • 4.1.3. The thread declaring the vouch should include (but is not limited to) the following information;
      • The relation between the Red Rose member and the Tibian in question.
      • The motivation behind the vouch, both from the voucher's perspective as the Tibian in question. "Why would he/she make a good fit?"
      • Any known history of the person is shared (PVP history, guilds, possible enemies, public attitude (including at forums and other platforms)
    • 4.1.4. Once the vouch thread is created there is a 7 days period when every member may ask questions both to the member owning the vouch, and the player being vouched for. The Inscribator may prolong this period up to, but no longer than 14 days.
    • 4.1.5. After the research period, the Inscribator decides if the vouched player is invited to a Crossfire or not.
    • 4.1.6. A vouch that is declined for crossfire, or revoked by any party, will not be able to re-apply with any joining method for 180 days.
      • If the vouch meets severe opposition and is declined it's recommended that a member strongly consider whether or not to place another vouch for the same player in future.
    • 4.1.7. If accepted to the guild; the voucher may not be the mentor of the player they vouched for
  • 4.2. Application
    • 4.2.1. A Member has heard and knows about the Red Rose, and wants to join our Guild.
    • 4.2.2. Given that we are currently recruiting, they can make an application at our forum.
    • 4.2.3. The application is reviewed, and the applicant is encouraged to contact and get to know our Members in the meantime.
    • 4.2.4. Once an application is posted, the Inscribator must open a corresponding thread on our private forum boards where members may voice their opinions about the application and the applicant. The thread is open for 7 days. The Inscribator may prolong this period up to, but no longer than 21 days.
    • 4.2.5 After the research period, the Inscribator decides if the applicant is invited to a Crossfire or not.
  • 4.3. Crossfire
    • 4.3.1. A Tibian who has made it to the Crossfire will be invited to the Guildhall of the Red Rose at a given date and time.
    • 4.3.2. In the guildhall they will meet all the active members of the guild, who will all fire questions (hence the name Crossfire) at the applicant.
    • 4.3.3. The questions will involve both knowledge of our CODEX, Antica, and Tibia in general. But also personality traits, and maybe other things the members see fit.
    • 4.3.4. After the Crossfire has passed, the Assembly will vote. If 2/3 are pro invitation, the applicant may join the guild as a Novicium.
  • 4.4. Rejoining
    • 4.4.1. A former member that left on good terms wishes to rejoin the guild.
    • 4.4.2. The Assembly can decide to ignore the regular recruiting process depending on the specific situation.
    • 4.4.3. If 2/3 of the Assembly are pro invitation, the applicant may join the guild.
Last edited by Cotelaria on Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
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