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Adventurer Ceori's application [Accepted]

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:09 pm
by Adventurer Ceori

Hello everyone, my name is Mathias Thomsen, i'm 19 years old and from the city Søborg in Denmark.
I've been working for half a year in a grocery store and
I'm starting on a course in Data and Communication on 12 - April - 2016

My Character
My character is Adventurer Ceori, and I'm a lvl 67 Knight.
I've been in no guilds on this character which is my main, but I was in Best Coast on my Druid
and I dont have any enemies since i dont enjoy pking :)

A bit about myself and my Tibian journy
All my life I've loved fantasy games, I started playing Tibia in 2003 - 2004 when my dad introduced me to Tibia,
barely able to speak English i started my adventure on Rookgard, i will never forget the days on rookgard when i had to buy torches and sell dead rats for a few pieces of gold <smiles>
By the time i had reached lvl 8 i decided i would try to go to main, i took all my gold and became a noble paladin! I chose venore as my city and in just a few minutes i was dead and all my money was gone, turns out the city i was on was Dolera ''Hardcore pvp'' After much bad experiance with hardcore pk me and my dad started to play on a new server called Astera, an optional pvp server, and ever since i started Tibia i've been playing off and on, sometimes i would play for a years, other times a few month, but i always came back <single tear of hapiness>
When i think back on my childhood, i mostly think of Tibia, that one time i made a resturant in Thais and a guy paid 400 gold for his meal, that one time i made it pass 2 high lvls with my lootbag ''That can get your heart beating!'' ofcourse there were also lesser fortunate moments
like that one time i lost my brand new dragon hammer in less than an hour ''Feel free to ask me about that, it's a great story'' and that one time a guy gave me a flask of slime and convinced me it was SUPER POTION <Facepalms> But they're all precious memories of mine <Smiles>
Many would probably look back and think ''That's so sad to have your most precious childhood memories in a video game'' but to be honest i'm proud of it, i love Tibia and if i could go back in time and tell myself somthing, it would be to play more Tibia''and a few other things...maybe i should had listened a bit more in school....A lot more <smiles a bit nervously>
I were never good at Tibia, years after i got introduced i were still throwing my lootbag from Elven bane to Ab'dendriel depot trying not to get spotted by players,
and in 2015 i had only reached lvl 58 ''Also a lot to do with Roleplay''
Well, that was a bit about my adventure in Tibia.

You might ask ''If you had so much fun on Astera, why did you choose world?'' well, let me tell you why.

Astera is the world i've always played on, i've made many friends, but Astera is mostly played on by people who cant speak English or doesn't wish to do so, i actually sometimes had the problem i could barely find anyone who could speak English <sad>
and it seems like only a small amount of the players that used to play are left,
most of the cities stand empty and almost all of my friends had completely stopped playing.. I really didn't want to switch server, but i thought if i had to switch i would have to choose the server that never would end up as Barren and sad like Astera did, so i choose Antica because of the massive amount of players and i hope that i never will have to change server again.

Why do i want to join the Red Rose?
I love the role playing aspect of Red Rose.
I've been on Antica for a some months now, and every Red Rose members i've met have all been some of the nicest people i've encounterd if not the nicest people i've met and i really wish to be a part of them and the events they create to put smiles on the face of Tibians all around Tibia :) in the name of Banor ofcourse!

Roleplay Story
My character is Adventurer Ceori an Adventurer from Liberty bay.
I was born in the city of Liberty bay
I was 12 years old, my dad was the owner a tavern on the wealthier side of Liberty bay where me and him lived.

Many adventurers from diffrent places in the world visited our Tavern, my dad told me they helped us get rid of the Wyrms on the mountains and in the deep undergrounds to the east of Liberty bay, i couldn't help but admire the adventures who came from lands far away to fight these evil beasts.

One day i decided to ask my dad ''Dad do you think i can become an adventurer?
My dad lookd at me with a worried look and said ''Wouldn't you much rather work at the tavern?''
''No, i want to be an adventurer'' i answerd, My dad looks at me at me with a concerned look.. ''Just like your dad...<sigh> let me teach you the ropes son!'' i lookd confused at him,
''What do you know about adventurer's dad?'' i said ''A whole lot my son'' he replied.

The next day my dad woke me early, ''take this my son, i'm waiting outside'' I was very confused and did not really understand what was going on, but suddenly a big spider aproached ''It was just a normal spiders, but they're quite big here''
''W-what do we do!?'' i said with a panicly voice ''look in the backpack!'' he said, i lookd on the ground and saw my dad had thrown a backpack, in the backpack i saw a small axe and a wooden shield, ''throw the shield to me son!'' i threw the shield to my dad just in time for him to equip it and block the spiders attack ''now take the axe son, and i want you to hit it as hard as you can'' i took the axe and did exactly like he said, i hit the spider like i've never hit a spider before, it took a couple of hits before it went down, ''good job, i'm very proud of you son, you're ready''
and from that day on he took me on these small adventures where he would learn me the ropes and the things i needed to know to become and adventure.

A few months later..
My dad woke me up early, ''I have to go now, but i will return''
Alright dad, i said, a bit tired, he kissed me on my head and left, when i woke up, i realised he hadn't returned and there were no sight of him either, at first i felt lonely and sad, i waited and waited, but he never came, luckily there were plenty of dried meat and with the skills he had taught me i could survive on my own.
Weeks and months went by, and the rations in the house were almost all eaten, so i decided to take it into my own hands and go look for him... and so my adventure began, I lookd far and wide but never found anything, as bad as it may seem i met
people from all over the world, made new friends and explored the world like never before, and i started to enjoy my journy.

Years later..
I'm 18 now and it writing this story from the my dad's tavern where everything started and i've become quite an adventurer <laughs a bit>

That was the story of my character... you might think ''That surely escalated quickly''
but i am an adventurer, i'm not a guy out for revenge or mighty hero ,or a guy obsessed on a mission, I'm Ceori the Adventurer and my adventurer will continue on ;)

I hope my application have waken your intrest and i hope to see you soon :)

Re: Adventurer Ceori's application

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:54 pm
by Smashing Pumpkin
Thank you for your application Ceori,
It's been noted.

Re: Adventurer Ceori's application

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:01 pm
by Induraine
Nice application, lad! I'm glad you finally made your mind and found the guts to try a move. But hey, there's nothing wrong with a small obscession <picks the teeth with his sword> I'll be back this weekend, hopefully i'll catch up with you.


Re: Adventurer Ceori's application

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:45 pm
by Adventurer Ceori
You're welcome anytime at my Tavern ;)

Re: Adventurer Ceori's application

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:05 am
by Ethrex
I vouch for this guy, Ceori is a nice fellow :)

Re: Adventurer Ceori's application

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 1:42 am
by Adventurer Ceori
Thanks! First drink will be on the house <cheers> :D

Re: Adventurer Ceori's application

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 4:23 am
by Avora Skyfallen
Greetings Ceori,

I am happy to finally see your application. Good luck!

Re: Adventurer Ceori's application

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 11:17 am
by Gryphis
Ashari, young adventurer

Your application has been noticed and read.


Re: Adventurer Ceori's application

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 9:12 pm
by Chikilina
Greetings Ceori,

I enjoyed your story. Good luck!

Re: Adventurer Ceori's application

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:44 pm
by Adventurer Ceori
Thanks for reading my application, i'm glad you enjoyed it :D