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Application for Rye Ane [Accepted]

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 1:55 am
by Rye Ane
1. Character/Player Information
My character is a 253 EK, my character was created in 2005 but I started playing some years before that. At this moment I don't have a lot of friends that still play, they either have moved to different worlds or retired from playing. A member of your guild Cinny is my wife in game and she and have I remained close for close to 20 years I would guess. Some former guilds that I was in was most recently the Nine Inch Runes and before that I think the previous guild I was in was Shadar Logoth. The biggest reason I decided to leave Nine Inch Runes had nothing to do with the people that were in that guild other than the fact that they just weren't as active in game anymore. If I am looking to be playing this game more often having people to talk to while your online makes all the difference in the world. My playstyle was very minimal up until very recently but I am excited to be back in the game. I have never let my prem run out even though I was never active over past couple years, I just wasn't ready to let go of playing a game that I had been playing for a very long time.

My real name is Ryan, I live about an hour north of Seattle, Washington in the United States. I work essentially as an electrician on airplanes at Boeing. My biggest hobby is Golf. I am an avid golfer and hopefully someday I will be transferred to Scotland and I can play some of the oldest courses in the world. I also am a big football fan (american football ) and my team is the Seattle Seahawks.

2. Why do you want to join Red Rose?

I have actually wanted to join the Red Rose for quite some time, its one of the oldest guilds in the game and I think that there is a wealth of knowledge that comes from experience. In all the years that I have played and not played, Red Rose has stood the test of time and that speaks volumes. I want to join a guild that will be around for the long haul and one that has and always will be respected. When it comes to what I essentially bring to the table, I think that I can bring some jokes and wit to the guild chat and forums and for those older members who played years and years ago, someone to reminisce with.

3. Role Playing Story (added)

Today was the big day. The day that I had been waiting for.
What made today so special you ask? Today I was going to become a Knight.

My name was Anejkervo but most people can't pronounce it, so people just call me Ane. I was abandoned at a very young age and was found by a baker named Boba Pumperpenny. He was a portly man in his 60's but he sure did know how to bake some bread. In the years that he raised me, I began to understand the subtle art and exact science that is baking bread. I was going to be the best baker in the world.
Just under a year ago the new King of Mandalore, decried that whoever could make the best sandwich for him would be granted a single wish that was within his power. Most people I would imagine would want money or land, but not me. I wanted to be Knighted.
As soon as I heard about the sandwich competition I knew what type of sandwich I would be doing, the Reuben. I knew that if my sandwich was going to win I didn't just need the best bread, I needed the best ingredients. As early as I could I sent off orders to the different kingdoms that produced the best ingredients for my sandwich. I was fortunate enough to get Thousand Island dressing from Endor, corned beef from Kashyyyk, and the greatest sauerkraut in the world from Mon Calamari. Of course what brings it all together to make the best sandwich in the world, Rye bread. I packed all my ingredients into my bag and headed for the castle.
After all the security measures and a couple weird looks from people I finally got my audience with the King. "What type of sandwich will you be making me today?" asked the King, I smiled and replied "The best sandwich you will ever have, the Reuben". Was not the reaction that I was hoping for. "Ha! Another one? Good lord you people keep trying to make this sandwich and every time the bread is so unbelievably dry!" I tried not to be offended by this, knowing it was not his fault that he had suffered through others failed attempts at this sandwich. I chose my words carefully and said "This will be not only the best Reuben you have ever had, this will be the best sandwich you have ever had." The King simply stared at me for a moment, smiled and said "I do admire the confidence but you must understand me being hesitant to believe. If this is indeed the best sandwich I will honor my word and gift one wish that is within my power, what would your wish be?" I was never more certain of an answer in my entire life. "I want to become a Knight."
The King seemed perplexed by this. "Of all the things that I could possibly give you? You ask something as small as this? Why?" It is not always the easiest thing to divulge why you feel the way that you do, but I gave it my best shot. "It may be small to you, but to me it is everything that I want and need." The King smiled and simply said "No more explanation needed, prepare my sandwich"
I started construction the sandwich for the King. Two pieces of my Rye bread, sauerkraut from Mon Calamari, thousand island dressing from Endor, and corned beef from Kashyyyk. I cut the sandwich in half because as is custom I would need to take the first bite before the King to make sure that it was not poisoned. It was the best sandwich I had ever tasted in my entire life.
After learning as much as I could from Boba I began to test theories that would slightly improve his already stellar recipes. I found an ingredient that gives the Rye bread more flavor and keeps it from drying out as quickly. What ingredient you ask? Maybe someday I will share that.
The King took his first bite. He paused. Then took another. He looked up at me and laughed. "What did you put in here?! This is unlike any reuben I have ever had in my entire life!"
I knew I had done it. "It is a secret ingredient that I add to the Rye bread that prevents it from drying. Took me years to perfect it." The King was not happy that I was withholding my ingredient. "Tell me this secret ingredient!" I simply shook my head. "Why will you not share this secret ingredient with me? I am your King.", the King asked. I knew the answer to the question before he had even asked it, "I am of low birth, low stature and do not have much to offer at this time. The one thing that I do have in my possession is the secret ingredient that makes the best sandwich in the world. I ask that you, my King, do not take that which I hold most dear away from me." The King stood up and approached me.
"I respect your pride and I will grant you what you wish. Kneel." I got down on one knee. "Not only will I grant you knighthood, I also decree you Lord of Rye bread. Everyone will know that you make the best Rye in the world." the King spoke. I rose a Knight.

Ane, Lord of Rye

4. A Personal Touch

I have been playing this game off and on for a very long time. The game has changed a bunch since the last time that I played so be warned that if I am accepted I will be asking about 100 questions about what to do next etc. All in all I am a very easy going guy, not a troublemaker at all. I love very dry humor and really in your face vulgar humor. I am a huge Star Wars fan and love sharing Star Wars memes.

Thanks for your time,
(Rye Ane)

Re: Application for Rye Ane

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:19 am
by Cotelaria
Greetings, Ryan Ane! First of all: thank you for applying to the Red Rose. Second, I'm sorry for your collar bone, but I'm glad that you dealt with the situation. Please, send me a message whenever you send me ingame so we can have a chat. :)

Good luck in your application!

Re: Application for Rye Ane

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:20 am
by Melody Noir
Oh yay! Another American! Ryan, please add me to your VIP and if you see me online, message me for a chat.


Re: Application for Rye Ane

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:10 am
by Chikilina
Hello Ryan!

I remember you. Please contact me in-game so we can have a chat. Good luck!

Kind regards,

Re: Application for Rye Ane

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:50 pm
by Avora Skyfallen
Greetings Ryan,

I wish you the best of luck with your application.

Please make sure to contact as many roses as possible (not just the ones who respond to this thread).

Should you mange to find me around, I'm always up for a chat.

Re: Application for Rye Ane

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:07 pm
by Mihiron
Greetings Ryan.

I wish good luck on your application, feel free to catch me up on game for a chat.

Re: Application for Rye Ane

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:24 pm
by Natures Lord
Thanks for your application!

Lets get in touch in game :)


Re: Application for Rye Ane

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 12:56 am
by Skyzo
Thank you for your application.

Good luck,

Re: Application for Rye Ane

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:17 pm
by Rye Ane
Thanks for the replies folks! As most of you know, I am already pm'ing you all like crazy! Hope to talk to more of you in game soon

Re: Application for Rye Ane

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:35 am
by Ryzn Warrior
Hello Ryan,
If you see me on line feel free to message me, Looking forward to it